Getting an Asian gf

How hard is it to get an Asian gf as a white man in America?

I work at a fast food restaurant near a college so I see many couples eat here.
The other day I saw a very fat white neckbeard with long hair come in with a cute 7/10 Asian girl. After they sat down he started rubbing her thighs and kissing her neck and she just giggled and kissed him back.

What do I have to do to be that guy?

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have you ever asked one out? have you ever talked to one? gonna need some info on you OP be detailed

as awkward as they are and as stupid as they are most asians have good hearts. however i will never sleep with a slant.

become a dungeon master and acquire a sweet basement apartment.

have you tried being White and BWC dangerous?

also im not op just to clarify

If you're thinking about it primarily in terms of race you're setting yourself up for failure. You're exactly like a pajeet or black who wants a white girl and 999/1000 never gets what they want because they're chasing a sexual fetish, not the girl herself.

somebody who finally gets it.

I haven't but many Asians in my area are very affluent so I feel they wouldn't go out with a part time fast food worker.

What's wrong with slants?

How do I go about doing this?

How do I do that?

But then how come this guy managed to get a qt Asian girl while being fat and greasy?

>How hard is it to get an Asian gf as a white man

Explain please. I really want a gf.

>fast food
you're fucked

Who the fuck has hair on his back? Laser that shit off!

find a relative with a basment preferably one with a disability that can be exploited, collect welfare sell prescript meds of disabled relative if possible or sell the xanax you get yourself prescribed for. next have over other greasy basment fiends, play DND. after all that a maiden from the far east should bestowed upon you.

bruh u work at fucking McDonalds you get no gf lol

High test masterrace reporting in.
I have an asian gf already so I no longer need to care about aesthetics.

It's still gross, laser it off bub.

Are you a woman?
If not, your opinion of how I look naked means so little that it would actually be gay as aids if I cared.

Forwarding the opinions of females, all my past gfs openly admitted they hated back hair, hell even my mother said it upon asking her opinion.

White dude here

I got an asian gf shit was cash. She dumped me eventually

I have a good job and workout though

>sexual fetish,
Define fetish for me and explain why it's any different than a women looking for tall guys.

yes, sorry but you have no chance there, mate.
Except if somehow you manage to get a naive, isolated fob girl with no friend who isn't fluent in english and who doesn't know that you work in fast food. You might keep her for a while.
she'll dump you as soon as she realised she can do better though.

best bet would be to go to school and find one there. Or find unattractive girls of any race