come chat maybe...say hello
>do you have any friends irl or online?
I only have a couple online friends but I do not need IRL human contact
>do you get lonely?
I do not know what this feel is
>who do you dislike more, the incel or the tranny?
im torn on this I think trannies are worse
>why are we born just to die and be forgotten.
Free (you)'s
>do you have any friends irl or online?
no friends irl, only one semi friend only, my e-bf is slowly distancing himself from me and it fucking hurts.
>do you get lonely?
All the time after failing at social interaction like every day
>who do you dislike more, the incel or the tranny?
I dunno the definition of an incel, trans people are alright.
>do you have any friends irl or online?
I have a few friends online that I play vidya with daily, but none irl
>do you get lonely?
I'm constantly in a state of crippling loneliness and the only thing that alleviates it is vidya and booze
>who do you dislike more, the incel or the tranny?
the incel probably, I don't really dislike trannies, I just pity them and think that gender dysphoria is one hell of a disorder
i stopped writing my post half way through
you got it nearly the same as what I was gonna write
how do we differ user? I'm curious now.
probably differ on what vidya we play and what we drink and what kind of friends we have online
I go to work. I come home. Nobody likes me at work and I spend my time at home in complete solitude. Tried to make friends on r9k in one of those discord things a few times but they didnt like me either.
>do you have any friends irl or online?
Neither online not IRL
>do you get lonely?
Sometimes I feel lonely and want friend and some other times I feel like I really don't need friends
>who do you dislike more, the incel or the tranny?
I don't dislike them. I feel pity for them because trannies are mentally ill and incels probably too
single player: witcher series, metal gear series, dark souls, xenoblade, dwarf fortress as a few examples
multiplayer: rocket league, league of legends, overwatch, csgo, pubg on rare occasions.
cheap vodka
>kind of friends
I'm not super close to the people I play vidya with, but we've known eachother for about 7 months now and we all know eachothers full names, states we live in, things we do outside of vidya etc, conversation is usually really light but every once in a while when I get really drunk I say some regrettable shit that's a bit too real.
>my e-bf is slowly distancing himself from me and it fucking hurts.
tell me more? are you a faggot?
>trans people are alright.
that is where you are wrong nufig
>I have a few friends online that I play vidya with daily, but none irl
man ive only had online interaction for 6 years its ok man
>I'm constantly in a state of crippling loneliness
explain what this feels like?
I lack the ability to feel that emotion
>Tried to make friends on r9k in one of those discord things a few times but they didnt like me either.
hey you can try me im a nice guy
I also have a small select community of mature people who talk feels etc.
>we've known eachother for about 7 months now and we all know eachothers full names,
played with a guy for like 5 years nearly, never told him my name.
>then I doxx myself to everyone online lel
>every once in a while when I get really drunk I say some regrettable shit that's a bit too real.
like what
single player: dark souls series, SDVX / k-shoot, bunch of indies like binding of isaac, super meat boy, crypt of the necrodancer, ect...
multiplayer: I really dislike non progression games (everything you listed), I used to play league from 09-12 and quake arena for like 5 years 10 years ago. Now I play Warframe, Path of exile with the few discord friends. Not really MMO's but still a good "daily" reason to boot up those games for a bit. (and then some occasional co-op games)
cheap beer, or wiskey, or tea with painkillers
>kind of friends
i have 2 friends i've been playing warframe together with for 4 years and then one separate guy I started playing league 9 years ago and remained friends ever since, he knows i'm like this but he says he enjoys having intellectual discussions with me while playing vidya
yea I'm gay and I hate it. but girls are scary and rude anyways.
He just sent me a screenshot of him having fun with other people in a chat. He stopped making video calls with me, and even stopped saying good night to me...
basically just longing for social interaction irl when I know I'm too much of a socially inept fool to actually talk to people I don't know. It's hard to put into words.
>dox myself
I don't think sharing what states we live in to friends in private is exactly doxing.
>what regrettable shit
When I get really drunk, my filter just kinda comes off. I end up saying shit like I'm considering suicide and that nothing really makes me happy anymore. I end up doing damage control the day after and try to convince them that I just say dumb shit when I'm drunk, but I don't think they buy it.
i won't kiss you good night but I can vchat with u
i'm not gay but I don't like women either
I have Friends In Real Life and online.
I don't get lonely, I like being alone.
I dislike neither.
To experience life, for better or for worse.
>do you have any friend IRL or online
A few IRL although I don't hang out with them as much anymore, I've never had an online friend because I have zero conversational skills which is more important for an online friend than an IRL one, since talking is all that keeps IRL friendships going
>do you get lonely
yeah it didn't use to bother me but now I can't stand it, and I'm more alone now than I've ever been in my life
>who do you dislike more, the incel or the tranny?
I don't have a problem with trans people besides the Jow Forums discord spammers, I don't see any point in hating people who are crippled with such a bad mental disorder because I can relate to what it's like. I don't have a specific problem with incels either since I'm technically involuntarily celibate as well, but the redditors that whine about women all the time are kinda annoying
That would be nice but I'm hella shy. I wouldn't videochat with someone new. Or anyone at all.
>having intellectual discussions with me while playing vidya
most of the guys I play vidya with, we usually only really talk about vidya, but sometimes we watch dumb videos together. There was one guy we played with for a while, but he ended up leaving for what he said was going to be a month, but didn't end up back online for like 5 months. it turns out he was moving but didn't have a destination when he moved out, so he spent that time with a friend trying to find a new place. I really missed him during that time, but when he eventually came back, I only played one game of cs with him. during that game though we had a really sombre conversation that lasted for a good 2 hours, he revealed to me that he was really depressed and had attempted suicide in the past, which was really unexpected, but it was the best conversation I have had in years with anyone.
>2 friends, on in town and the other 3 hours away I visit sometimes
>I'm always pretty lonely
>I don't know life is awful
i didn't really mean we should start off with a video chat
obviously i'd like to try to get to know the person beforehand
give me any site/platform/whatever name so I can message you, would be cool
that's kind of me point
you can start off by talking about vidya but if you play for hours then the conversation can start drifting into other directions
it can also go in reverse when we talk for a while about something else and then when we finish that topic then we can always go back to talking about the game
why do you drink beer, its like liquid bread man.
>yea I'm gay and I hate it. but girls are scary and rude anyways.
you can ungay yourself if you try.
>He just sent me a screenshot of him having fun with other people in a chat. He stopped making video calls with me, and even stopped saying good night to me...
yeah fuck him man, hes a lil faggot, whats your discord that is not nice of him even if you guys are gay.
>I have Friends In Real Life and online.
>I don't get lonely, I like being alone.
well you have friends so you cant say that can you
I aint spoken socially to non mummy or social /health worker for 6+ years
>I've never had an online friend because I have zero conversational skills
yeah, if you are autist it is hard to kinda keep it going.
> I don't see any point in hating people who are crippled with such a bad mental disorder because I can relate to what it's like.
im deemed literally unable to work or study from mental health and I dislike those fags so much
try make more friends man, lonely sounds bad.
dont let life fuck you bro
u can add me on discord if you want
wanna add on discord and see if we have some games to talk about?
>let sad Simpsons edits
reported for being an underage normalfaggot
Hi man i'm the guy that has the qt redhead friend of yesterday post.
I have some IRL friends and some girls that send me nudes online..
I feel lonely sometimes but I've embraced the loneliness as a part of my life.. No suffering from that.
I dislike both... I'm kinda conservative... But I accept more the trannies than the incels
>I have some IRL friends and some girls that send me nudes online..
I get nudes but its like gross to me bro, only like my naime girls
>do you have any friends irl or online?
I have only one online friend who is a lesbian, she's really nice and chill
>do you get lonely?
Sometimes, I've been alone for so long I think brain has become acustomed to it
>who do you dislike more, the incel or the tranny?
trannies, almost all of them I've known are attention seeking narcisists.
You feel shit after you cum.. Because you feel pathetic...
>trannies, almost all of them I've known are attention seeking narcisists.
yeah they are all super mega roasties
girls can be chill to chta to man
>You feel shit after you cum.. Because you feel pathetic...
I dont feel anything when I cum man,
sexual ahedonia look it up.
>do you have any friends irl or online?
I have some irl but they moved away :( I have online friends too but i'm not as close to them
>do you get lonely?
sometimes, i'm never completely alone because i live with my family
i think i feel more tired of it than lonely
>who do you dislike more, the incel or the tranny?
trans people don't bother me unless they're really in-your-face.. same with incels.
if trannies and incels dont tell me I dont care but they cant help themselves man
I feel shit for askin nudes m8. Not for cummin..I feel shit because i look for them only when I need nudes...
dude just fap to anime girls.
I never fapped to pics girls have given me
I'm one of those weirdos that likes furry hentai.
>inb4 jay naylor is a good drawner
>I'm one of those weirdos that likes furry hentai.
repent you weird cunt
I feel shit also after fappin to those sick shit
>do you have any friends irl or online?
>do you get lonely?
a little but i've lived like this for years so i'm used to it
>who do you dislike more, the incel or the tranny?
don't really care
I think life is pointless and when my parents are gone I Will kill myself
Im not even sad all the time nor i have a reason to totally hate my life but i cant stand being a pointless useless piece of low chance to exist cosmic dust
>I feel shit also after fappin to those sick shit
do this but swiitch 3D for fur shit
>How do I stop fapping to 3D?
Let me break it down for you with this guide I made and it works as I have done it.
if you have tried and failed taht is ok because this trick will work!
>How to quit 3D
>right now you are conditioned to fapping to 3D
Not only are you used to fapping to 3D but also video so an important thing we need to do is shift you from watching video porn to still images, if you dont ween off video before going full 2D, you will find it much harder as you dont even know how to appreciate a still image let alone the art that is Ecchi and hentai.
>you are fapping to 3D video, fap instead to 3D images but you may need to do the following trick (important)
>start fap to normal stuff you view in this case 3D video
>half way through the fap session you switch to other material and aim to finish your fap session while looking at the target subject matter
so in this example you are fapping to a video of a 3D pig and then you switch to still images of 3D girls to fap to.
>so, fap to your 3D porn video and then switch to 3D still images on /s/
>do this until you are comfy to just fap to /s/ (still images)and then start doing the same thing but this time with hentai
so now you are used to fapping to still images, you repeat the process but with hentai and ecchi
>now you can fap to 2D fine,
you should ideally ONLY fap to 2D from this point forward and then you will notice the psychological changes and the
pure feeling you will have.
Will make you feel like a better person 100% guaranteed
a important point and rule of 2D pill is that you ideally want to be able to fap to clothed ecchi like pic related.
it is fine to fap to hentai but you want to possess the ability to fap to ecchi that is softcore if you want
sad you have no online friends man.
try discord.
black pilled as fuck but maybe try find as purpose?