Refute this, incels

Refute this, incels.
You project your hate of women because of how pathetic and lonely you are, yet you do nothing to fix it.

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I saw this on Reddit.

Just fuck a tinder slut lmao literally lost my virginity last night

That's pretty backwards. If I could have the first 2 I wouldn't need the third. Ah well, here's hoping we'll get sexbots in my lifetime.

That's what I tell robots to do but they think they're too good for a Tinder whore.

>she unironically uses the term incel
kekerooni at the dumb thot

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>everyone I don't like is a roastie
This is why you'll never change, user.

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>you should love me at my worst or you do not deserve my best
Ringing any bell there, roastie?

sure, sure, i'll just take your word for it, it's so convincing coming from someone who just screeches buzzwords, recycled platitudes, and baseless presumptions.

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I have had many girlfriends, have no issues with myself that i know of, and still see most women in a negative light. They have a strong tendency to be less intelligent, less funny, less unique and overall less interesting to be around than other men (with exceptions, obviously).

I tried tinder.

Never got lucky. They could pick up on my "Done nothing but eat and browse the internet for years" aura.

Tinder must be easy pickings in other countries.

I agree 100%. Have no idea how to fix it though

My Chad friend is HIV positive because of Tinder. also you never know if the girls on that site are cheating and the boyfriend could kill you.

This almost sounds laughable to normies but it is true. Girls love throwing their anatomy around even when they are occupied by someone.
It is very possible that she could be forced to reveal your home address and have you get vandalised, beaten, or killed if the guy is a psycho.
STDs are a real problem. Especially if you got OCD like me.

One hot ffuck with a girl, and after you jizz, all those feel good things fall off you and you are left with months of agonising if u have life long HIV. I say months because you need months to get good accuracy on the HIV test.

Tinder is actually a bad idea.

You need to find a girl out and about, naturally. Ask for her sexual background. If her family and character adds up then she is probably safe to have sex with. Better yet, have her get tested. if she loves you that much.
You can't really do any of this stuff with a quicker tinder fuck.

Be safe people.

4th frame:

Genetics. Saged.

>Refute this, incels.
Celibacy is a conscious decision and cannot be involuntary.

I'm working on myself. I recognize that my lack of a relationship is because I'm not mentally or emotionally ready for one, and I frankly don't think a relationship would be good for me or my partner at this point in my life.
I've hurt people I loved in the past and I'm deeply wounded myself. Moreover, I realistically would not be able to fit a girlfriend into my lifestyle or my schedule right now, and I think getting used to being solitary has afforded me some introspection. Beyond that, I really can't afford to be thinking about girls or investing attention or resources right now.
I'm past actively seeking out a relationship or sex. The best thing I can do is continue to work towards my own goals, and if something happens organically along the way, I'll eventually be open to it, but not now.

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>reveal your home address and have you get vandalised, beaten, or killed if the guy is a psycho.

yeah same Chad friend with HIV had some random guy show up to his house after fucking his mail order wife. he got luck and the husband was just a cuck. he would been killed if the husband was not a cuck and not okay with it.

I've known a lot more women that fit that image than men.

I hate women because of how they are as people they are just awful they always want to be special and literally only care about themselves they are completely incapable of loving a man whether Chad or not they can only truly love themselves and their offspring my hate for them has nothing to do with dating

I don't hate women, I just understand my failings and know that no amount of self improvement could ever get me any of the things that I want at this point in my life.
The closest I'll get to a loving, fulfilling relationship is paying hookers to pretend to be my girlfriend.

>loving relationship
impossible because i prefer being alone

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I don't hate women and I don't blame my problems on others. I'm doing everything I can to improve myself but my face is just plain ugly and I have autism. Those things are out of my control, so I have to compensate in any way I can and even then, there's no guarantee that anyone will like me.

this except i dont hate women can't blame them