Vidya is the greatest human invention

vidya is the greatest human invention

prove me wrong

pro rip: you can't

there's literally no reason to get a gf or go out with friends anymore when you can immerse yourself in huge fictional worlds, there's nothing better than this

Attached: god-of-war-gt.jpg (854x600, 68K)

That's sad for you and completely untrue, even every developer will tell you this.

Maybe, maybe, you kinda can make this point when completely immersive VR is created.

and what do you enjoy? alcohol, sex? lmao

I agree with you but why the fuck would you use God of War as your example??

Games will never truly love you, accept you for who you are, support you in a time of need and be there for you.

Can you cuddle or kiss with a game? Travel, watch movies, laugh and hold hands. Human connection is important and no vr or game ever replaces that. But if this coping helps you, maybe you're not that miserable yet.

developers know fully well people like this exist, some of them are like that too.
I mean I like fighting games, feels good bodying someone online, as long you live a balanced life I decrete videogames are O K

cuz it's a good game unironically, you must be xbot or pcuck

also using god of soi as an illustrative purpose wasn't the best idea

You know that there are 1000's of great games you will never play, and that PC ports of console games are always superior to their console counterparts.

Attached: gta4.jpg (1864x3528, 1.74M)

fuck yes. one of the main reasons why i havent off'd myself yet

I wish I felt like this, sadly video games no longer give me much joy.

Going to Warhammer tournaments is great fun tho, but whenever I get home from one of them I just feel melancholic.

Attached: warhammer.jpg (900x663, 187K)

Jesus fuck look at Brucie's face in the middle image, reminds me of pic related.

Attached: untitled.png (307x357, 148K)

love is a meme pushed by jews, the novelty of having a partner wears off in a matter of weeks and months, then it becomes a chore and an unnecessary burden
>blah blah humans are social animals blah blah
only because you're being told so and everyone around you does it, being alone is way better because humans are cancer in this day and age

>there's literally no reason to get a gf
Shit, this was true before video games were invented. They only want you for your money, that's it.

>he owns a console
>means he doesn't own a PC
what a brainlet, I have a $2000 PC and i rarely use it for games cuz there's nothing to play, lmao

Yeah. Fuck the transistor. Who need them anyway?

>"there's nothing to play"
>what is Arma
>what are flight simulators
>what is modded GTA 4 (the only way to play the game)
>what is emulation
>what is SWAT 3
>what is SWAT 4
>what is classic Rainbow Six
2/10 bait, made me reply

neither will women
what's your point

Attached: 1543247491691.jpg (1350x1202, 123K)

>what is all that old shit everyone played decades ago
1/10 bait

>Human connection is important

Attached: wonder.png (496x666, 82K)

Now I am absolutely sure you are baiting. Try to be more subtle.

>he still has fun playing video games
savor it while it lasts

Attached: 0a2.jpg (1200x1200, 385K)

>want to play arma
>too autistic to even play with a group

>bothering with multiplayer
Found you problem. Multiplayer is entirely zoomers who run around like it's cowadoody, or guys who go as far as to refer to each other by rank and have a super uptight command structure. There is no sweet spot. Just download custom missions and campaigns, mess with the mission editor. I have nearly 1000 hours in Arma 3 and over 2000 in Arma 2, and I haven't played multiplayer even once.

Of course the console nigger is too low IQ to appreciate flight simulators. See all these dials and switches? Every one of them does something, and there is no tutorial to hold your hand. Fuck you.

Attached: fs9.png (1920x1080, 570K)

The gaming industry has been shit lately but I still think the future of gaming is bright., especially virtual reality will have a huge impact on humanity in the future.

Attached: 1508216434242.png (1174x768, 790K)

but user editing missions sucks because theres no surprise in it anymore. and everything is foreseeable. also most campaigns are meant to be played multiplayer :(

Mount and blade does. Ican have friends like Jarls or khans and date their daughters.

The power structure in Arma can be funny if you grief