Do you consider Luke Skywalker handsome or unattractive? Settling a bet with a friend.
The poll:
Do you consider Luke Skywalker handsome or unattractive? Settling a bet with a friend.
The poll:
White = handsome
but compared to modern day Chad, Luke is out classed
Cleft chin
Strong jawline
Beautiful eyes
Full lips
Dorky haircut
Uneven face
Broken nose
I would probably lean toward a 5/10.
Luke ends up being a high status male by the end of the first film however.
He is busted by the beginning of the second film though.
He may look goofy from some angles but in some shots during the movie he looks really nice, they did a good job at making him look his best in some of the shots so I say he's handsome or at least has the ability to occasionally look good.
He's just slightly above average.
He's pretty handsome but not Chad levels or anything.
Id put him as slightly above average in looks but definitely not ugly.
He is eighties handsome if that makes any sens.
That look doesn't work nowaways.
Han Solo makes everyone look ugly.
Please take this bump my nigga
Depends on how he's portrayed, the live action actors are average looking but his cartoony portrayals are cute.
It's as others have said, not unattractive but not total chadster either. Just average, which is kind of what he's supposed to be isn't he? I'm not into SW.
>people are actually saying he's unattractive.
he could get any girl he wanted with these looks.
Cute in the first movie and ugly ever after. I do use his body though.
Yikes. But he got in an accident right?
>tfw voting opposite of what I believe to ruin the results
Everyone from that time period is unattractive and messy/dirty looking to me so :/
Literally a less attractive steve irwin
I'm a faggot, he's attractive. the car crash messed his face up a little, but not that significantly.
>tfw you literally cannot unsee
Agreed. Id motion for a remake with legit tech and effects but uh, too much "diversity" for my taste these days. Wed end up with trans luke black obi lesbian Leia etc
Can you explain this? I am not entirely sure I understand.
He looked a LOT better before the accident. Han was better after in V and VI
the first trilogy does not need a remake at all, what ilm did still looks excellent today and the practical 70/80s effects adds a bit of rustic and real quality to them. the last thing we need is a computer generated shitshow by disney that a remake would really be, regardless of whatever political problems might happen.
There are some things I would be okay with. Updating the terrible fight between Old Ben Kenobi and Darth Vader would be up there. But most of them would be getting rid of the stupid CGI edits and changes George added (that fucking muffled "no" when Vader picks up The Emperor to save Luke being the highest change needed).
Luke is a robot. He would have died a KHV if not for kissing his sister and hugging an Ewok.
Yeah. Thats why they had him get mauled in the face by the ice monster in the begining of Empire
>terrible fight between Old Ben Kenobi and Darth Vader
Why terrible? because old man Ben wasn't doing backflips with the force? Changing the OT is basically pic related
I'm not bothered by any changes as long as they release the theatrical editions alongside whatever cool shit they want to add in separately.