ITT: Pos pictures that you find hilarious, without really knowing why

ITT: Pos pictures that you find hilarious, without really knowing why.
pic obviously related

Attached: rat.png (500x502, 114K)

I usually hate zoomer threads like these but you got a chuckle out of me, so have this.

Attached: ItsAdamAndEveNotAdamAndSTEVE.jpg (787x960, 120K)

What a terrible thread. I hate OP.

Fuck off, you cockroach.

Why the racism, dude?

fuck off you troglodyte

Attached: homer 1.jpg (861x633, 46K)

Oh shit I forgot about the watermark

I hate myself for contributing but here I am

Attached: tqi1x7alswc11.jpg (1080x1038, 104K)

garf garf garf zozzol

Attached: 50327248_2292947667652883_7252852165415272448_n.jpg (842x748, 134K)

shitty touhou videos with really low views are an untapped gold mine.

Attached: we must be vigilant.png (640x714, 620K)

This one kills me every time and is suitable for both normies and incels

Attached: 3989197B-8F22-46EF-BA09-60FF41DA37AE.jpg (640x640, 87K)

Spurdo always makes me laugh because of how dumb and absurd it is. My sense of humor really hasn't changed all that much since my teenage years.

Attached: 1524856745144.jpg (640x559, 78K)

I love these real life moments of vague existential horror.

Attached: 1531292804623.jpg (750x999, 120K)

I felt like my brain shut down while I read that

This one amuses me quite a bit 2bh

Attached: 1543828714327.jpg (1016x1024, 59K)

This one had me pissing myself at work

Attached: a5abdca.jpg (640x630, 34K)

I unironically hope you all die.

Itt we spot the normalniggas

Random photobomber

Attached: ensign.jpg (450x478, 89K)

Another for good measure

Attached: wtfdude.sized.jpg (640x425, 60K)


Mop man

Attached: CB29989E-7869-41C8-AE3C-D115CBED7F41.jpg (1242x1254, 320K)

Bretty fucking good tbqh desu senpai

Attached: 1546451797354.jpg (1024x1198, 180K)

this one is real nice

Attached: my child.jpg (600x400, 162K)

Underage: The thread. Fuck off and die


y helo there

Attached: HELO.jpg (251x235, 5K)

I really like this one. I dont know where it came from or where I found it, I just had it one day, but I think the poor quality of the models and the horrible pun is what does it for me.

Attached: 7247D606-57A2-44F4-A5C3-1E1DEBE3AB94.jpg (1690x1265, 499K)

leaning towards the one on the left desu

Attached: dog.png (480x268, 71K)

As I brit this has me howling lad

It's not racist if it's not human you reprobate.

this image makes me laugh but i also find it very cute

Attached: war is heck.jpg (1440x1366, 162K)

no you fuck off, you retard.

Attached: 3C7BA08D-39B0-4008-AF60-ED2C99F8774D-13473-00001599E62BAEC8.png (742x418, 28K)

I don't know why I find the idea of Ted Cruz summoning an army of skeletons so funny
but I do

Attached: 1541554899896.jpg (474x266, 32K)

>tfw no saddam bf

Attached: 1432582870435.jpg (640x709, 86K)

>delegate posting
I miss this

I really like the images with this cat and the weird chiuaua

Attached: 1443044122652.jpg (1024x1004, 211K)

I don't know why but I find this funny for no reason. Repressed trama?

Attached: cucked.jpg (625x856, 166K)

I feel like I should be sad, but all I can do is laugh

Attached: 1E09A876-82B9-472B-A1E9-FC289C7D9D7E.jpg (1000x1419, 855K)

this shit makes me fucking chortle til death

Attached: vluim76t88c21.png (1080x719, 993K)

Always a classic
Always a favorite

Attached: image.jpg (500x384, 39K)

Dumb humor thread? Don't mind if I do

Attached: mpqsrx2u1hc21.jpg (1365x1077, 109K)

I like the artist's attention to detail here

Attached: jqahqup2kb501.png (795x756, 488K)

Cursed images like this make me shit myself laughing.

Attached: 8362D6D8-E4DC-4102-9F46-641522F946CD.jpg (480x480, 23K)

le dank ebin maymay

Attached: 1542428891045.png (480x456, 407K)

Hate mongerer

I remember the first time I saw that one. My fucking sides went to orbit

Attached: 1548303375206.jpg (710x948, 133K)

I call, and the worms answer

Attached: 1548679229547.png (660x645, 1.06M)

I had just found out about the *slaps car* meme. This one had me spraying saliva all over my laptop screen

Attached: 1531792094125 (1).jpg (681x558, 42K)

this image kills me

Attached: 1543210102255.jpg (3024x4032, 1.33M)

Jesus this dog

Attached: 1548712833488.jpg (600x600, 194K)

ronaId mcdonald

Attached: 1547203401946.jpg (592x516, 146K)

l don't know

l just don't know

Attached: 1539401406292.jpg (640x635, 68K)

I ain't even mad, normalfags got mad meme game these days
Sometimes sharing the wealth really does work out

this would be 10x better if it said pharm on the glass

I'm a simple man I like simple bean memes

Attached: 1546406806719.jpg (1200x1699, 396K)

he's asking the reel questions

Attached: 1528133617365.jpg (480x480, 24K)

my brain is dead

Attached: 1548707188506.jpg (1024x736, 121K)

It makes no fucking sense

Attached: IMG_20190126_114319.jpg (920x692, 68K)

Fuck off threads like these are why normalfags are here

Just how l9ng until this thread gets posted on r3ddit/jewtube

Also fuck off and die in agonu normalfags papercut your urethra

The bear devours it

Attached: 1546288861233.jpg (1024x1024, 73K)

Why does this thread make the incels so mad

Here, now kill yourself.. desu

Attached: 277267267472iwi.jpg (1080x1038, 182K)

Would be better if the lady had only one leg

This one
Withe the golden spiral and everything it's perfect

Attached: 1539115315769.jpg (500x465, 38K)

This piece of shit I cant stop giggling at

Attached: eb3.jpg (480x362, 30K)

This made me break a smile

>$1.95 each for a cup

Fuck off.

Is no cup

Sequel to the matrix

Attached: 1548300835610.jpg (838x627, 87K)


deez nuts

Attached: atsisisti_Copy.png (1294x895, 1.36M)

Your loss, I'm great at going downs

Attached: 1508696496072.png (507x499, 419K)

This made me spill my beans

Attached: 1505512276810.jpg (668x1024, 132K)

>spill my beans
ahh, the good days of old rekt

Attached: SpilledTheBeans.gif (321x248, 2M)

The face and eyes of the spino make it classic.

Calder winner

Attached: 1E992AEC-7731-4D97-A685-86BB9290361F.jpg (640x736, 408K)

The little backwards sock on his foot makes me laugh

Attached: Dwcr5yqX0AE1jsc.jpg (714x960, 163K)

I really, really, really like this image.


Attached: 1409114198734.jpg (600x634, 51K)

Why'd you have to go and spill the beans like that?

Attached: 1510802917113 (1).jpg (1024x623, 126K)

This thread is slighty better than ylyl threads, but at the same time it's alot worse.

What do you guys think she was on? Crack?

le funny maymay

Attached: 1548832252772.jpg (960x960, 329K)

How has no one said that on this board before?

Attached: E4EBE810-D9E2-49D4-8841-D65CC49A3F7F.jpg (1200x1464, 286K)

i honestly have zero explanation for this or why it made me laugh. it just sits on my desktop to brighten my day

Attached: when-youre-eating-fistfuls-of-shredded-cheese-at-3-am-and-someone-turns-on-the-light-K2M8g.jpg (640x801, 36K)

everytime i read it out aloud, i sound like one of those hip skater kids from the 90s

Attached: DF603D73A9A44CF69A7FE563D3F39818.jpg (282x179, 9K)


Attached: 1156468679564745.png (609x869, 327K)

deviant art is probably the best ylyl content on earth

Attached: 1530685547271.png (500x665, 128K)

do you really have that many muslims there?

pretty much this shit right here

Attached: 41622021_1513356572098444_2712846642897223680_n.jpg (750x743, 79K)

I'm a total Punished Buster / Human Michael mix

I wonder why this exists

Attached: Nuggets.jpg (640x640, 98K)

it's the spiritual successor of Napoleon saving tots in his pocket

I can only hope that someday I'll be rich enough to afford servants that will say this to me.

Attached: 1533239999214 (1).jpg (446x559, 42K)

here is 1

Attached: zsDW0Tf.jpg (1200x801, 75K)

this is a real good thread

Attached: 1452309917440.png (360x181, 75K)

ya teets

Attached: 479933.png (1080x862, 949K)

this has gotta be the dumbest thing that consistently cracks me up

Attached: 1471846658038.jpg (250x323, 37K)

this 1 right here

Attached: gringa.jpg (717x717, 89K)

please do not meme in mexican I cannot partake