what do you think of people who say that college is a waste of time?
Is college worth it?
there are a lot of worthless majors so they aren't completely wrong
they the big dum dum
bummmm, nor orifinal lol
implying class gateways are a bad thing
difficult to relate to people of too different a class
There are bad and good colleges.
Its an experience worth makinv but you should not soley rely on the knowlege from there in your life.
Its a good way to get a benchmark in life on how to know when youve learned something the "right" way.
Basically everything i learned there was useless later in life but it helped me to understand on "how" to understand new stuff in life.
>blatantly admitting you arent a commie nigger retard
Oh the injustice :(
>Difficult to relate to people of too different a class
Implying classes are legitimate and should be maintained simply because people would be too uncomfortable with mixing classes.
Okay dum dum
I find most people who write off college are people who never went, and in most cases wouldn't be able to even if they wanted to, ie Jow Forums
The only other people who complain about it are people who didn't land a career after school, either because of not being proactive enough during enrollment or choosing a poor degree, especially if they went to a weaker school
College isn't the godsend the establishment purports it to be, nor is it the hellhole some would make you believe it is
They're right in most cases. If you just want to make money and you don't really care what you're doing, you'll make more in the long run by just starting work right away. That's 2 to 4 years salary, never underestimate how much that adds up to. In college and such, you're doing nothing but spending for those years, and even when you get out, there's no guarantee you'll be making good cash off the bat. A plumber will usually end up even better off than a doctor in a lot of cases.
realistically imo you should college if you want to do doctors stuff, the rest is diyable but gl getting an engineering jig with no diploma
how i would respond to that
As usual, the boring unfunny response that leaves you with no clear simple answer is the most accurate one. Well said, user
If you wish to study, work and research in fields involving science, technology, engineering or mathematics such as doctor, engineer. Let's be honest no one is going to hire a "self learned doctor" who have been reading about all the subjects in the library. Otherwise don't go to college. Other professions that requirer a degree form their perspective fields would be lawyers and psychologist.
The same thing I would say to the creator of this thread
I don't think it is, but college is absolutely treated as a means of gatekeeping to keep people out of certain kinds of fields and to maintain a class based hierarchy among workers. Making all college free would certainly have a huge impact on said class based system.
It's a necessary form of vetting imo. It's more of a retard filter than anything.
nigger some people just don't have what it takes to be a part of the upper crust
nigger I'm in college and I'll tell you don't go
lmao and these 'class gatekeepers' are all leftyshit professors, figure that one out
As a sociology graduate who finished with a 2.9 GPA I think free college or even subsidized college is a terrible thing. If you can't afford to go to college you don't really belong there.
>paying for uni
Americucks are cute
>and in most cases wouldn't be able to even if they wanted to, ie Jow Forums
Virtually anyone can go to college, especially people on Jow Forums who tend to be fairly intelligent. That said I mostly agree with your post. College is the easiest way to get a 9-5 job, it's just that its becoming extremely oversaturated. More and more people are attending college for diminishing returns; entry-level salaries aren't scaling proportionate to rising costs of living and real estate, and while a good career path can result in a dramatic rise in your income after a decade or so of experience, the majority of college students today are getting shitty meme degrees that will never allow for that sort of upwards mobility. For me, the thought of going to college to get an arts/humanities degree, and then working a job that will only pay enough to either rent a box apartment in the city, or get a long and expensive mortgage on an overpriced house is nightmarish. This is why a lot of millennials and zoomers will be poorer than their parents.
Not everyone can afford to go to college without putting themselves into debt, depends on your country.
>Virtually anyone can go to college
No, they can't.
Most people can't afford college, and don't have the apptitude to actually complete a degree that isn't a joke.
>people on Jow Forums who tend to be fairly intelligent
People are this website are actually pretty fucking stupid lmfao.
True, that's not much of an issue in Canada, but based on what I've read about the US it sounds like the majority of students accrue at least some debt, which just adds to the pile of problems I described. However there are always cheaper alternatives.
Usually hear this from successful self made business men. I think college is good if you're built to work for someone else. They give you deadlines, tell you tasks, set up acceptance criteria, etc. If you want to set your own path, and achieve success on your own terms, college won't teach you to do that, but it will teach you valuable skills, something these guys often overlook. I was never happy with the education system growing up, and college isn't really for me for that reason. I'm not stupid. I'm not low class. I'm not uneducated. I just don't thrive in that type of environment. I'm a round peg going through a square hole when it comes to school.
College kids might have their nose in the air and this and that, and good for them, they're just different. For the record, I have a 110 IQ, and the test was administered by a professional, not a online meme test. I have incredibly broad general knowledge, around genius level. Something that is learned, not something you're born with. Also, I was born to a family that pulls in 400k a year before taxes. So no, not lower class or dumb.
The average poster on here is definitely at least on par if not slightly smarter than your average arts/humanities major, however you mentioned aptitude and I think that's where the problem lies. Your average 4channer probably has more of a NEET personality which makes them less agreeable towards the college environment. There are a lot of STEM majors on here but for those anons who can't into math they probably don't see the point in committing all that time, effort and money towards getting a meme degree, whereas your typical young woman is likely to be much more agreeable towards that kind of life path. It's no surprise that the majority of college students are now women.
Somewhat this.
There are certain fields that I think should require that higher level of learn, but I'd say for 70% of people, university is a waste of resources.
In my opinion, there are two major things that are much more worth while. The first is to cultivate a multitude of skills and have some real world experience implementing them. The second is to always be speaking with people, since good networking is a hell of a lot more valuable than a piece of paper.
I never went to university and I've been doing alright. I went from being a tiler to being an English business consultant for South Koreans.
Leaf here.
It's still decently expensive, especially if you have no support from a decent home.
If I didn't cover the bulk of the cost for my sister, on top of our regular living costs I might add, there was no way she could have afforded it without going into fairly significant debt.
College is a waste of time if you walk in expecting things to be handed to you. College is an opportunity for intense study and preparation for you career of choice. If you're smart enough and driven you can also just do research, varies a bit by major. Even meme degrees like English and Poli Sci should lead to some decent job assuming you actually are proactive and dont wait until graduation to start looking for jobs. Saying this as an English major.
It depends. If you learn something and get a degree and don't go into your field why even bother. I found my calling in a gap year and I don't need a college degree for it and the pay is better than most college grads.
Its worth it if you do a career that absolutely needs a degree as a barrier to entry and makes a lot of money.
Like yeah, if you want to become a doctor then obviously its not a waste of time but if you want to be a writer, or an artist, or maybe even a programmer, then college degrees start looking dubious.
You literally cannot legally become a doctor or lawyer without a degree
95% of engineering jobs require degrees as well. OP is retarded but hey that's expected
Like anything else, it depends. A women's studies degree is probably completely worthless, but the world always needs more doctors.
i don't really know if this is true for the US, or where ever you're at, but here in germany it's not realy worht it going to collage
it's more benefitial to learn a trade and open up buisness, for example, if you open up a carpentry and hire 3 employees you can make more than someone holding a med or tech degree
obviously this will need time to build too but you have a good shot in succeding if you deliver quality work
it works with almost all trades painter, carpenter, popo pipe inspector etc.
it's really a question of "do i need to have a degree to do x" if your focus is not completley on money
Only worth it for careers that directly impact whether people live or die.
college is only worth it for STEM majors, and even then it's becoming less and less useful.
t. STEM student
I think there's a higher variance among Jow Forums posters. You see very bright people as well as shizophrenics, retards, etc.
Whereas reddit and many other networks are more for middlewits who want to hivemind or feel good about imaginary estatus points. Whereas people come to Jow Forums to be real, and everybody wants to be real. Same goes for facebook, filled with retards and cringe realness
Isnt it free in Scotland and super cheap in England? Pretty sure it is worthless there.