Is this what they teach young boys in the States?

No wonder this board is full of faggots and tranny lovers

Attached: 8454137655.webm (720x1080, 1.97M)

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This is the most cursed webm I've seen in a while

nigga i isnt clickin dat sheeit dawg

Where's the salsa?

hkh fuck the nigger mods

It's just a trap doing AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
hah gotcha

more like Mexico

Looks like a retard using its show and tell time to force faggotry upon the whole class. Bullying used to prevent this

Heil Hitler, weiss macht frei.

Nah, it's in the US bruh, give me a minute and I'll try to upload that webm with sound.

>implying there's a difference anymore anyways


imagine being that fucking tard and doing that in class
you KNOW its some stupid fucking weeb girl who wants to seem cool to all the chads.

i love how she looks back the screen too lmao holy fuck


>some kid trying to be cute and kawaii

I'd fuck his boipussy. But no, that's not what they teach. Ate least it wasn't when I went. They told us to be tolerant of such things, not embrace or accept them as universal, just put up with it and keep your hurtful words to yourself, at least on school grounds. I'm from a rural town and there were plenty of fags in the school, they were never picked on, just ignored at worst. One of those fags was the strongest person i've ever seen. Male cheerleader, he could throw fat bitches(landwhale size,) into the air by himself. Got some lifting tips from him, he was pretty cool.

I won't disagree about the Chad's though

fucking stupid assed little spic.

Hope this works:

Take a better look, as other have pointed out already, it's a boy not a girl. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this is one of the pink-pilled sissybois who post regularly on here about how their "boipussi is ovulating".

Imagine a nuclear war occurs at some point in the future, and humanity is almost entirely wiped out. Civilisation is all but destroyed. We are back to living like cave men. All knowledge of what came before is eventually lost.

Gradually over time, through generation after generation, these survivors begin to recoup and rebuild. Eventually they begin rummaging through the ruins of our desecrated cities, searching for clues as to what happened and what life was like before this catastrophic event.

Now imagine this piece of footage is the first clue they find.

Imagine what would be going through their minds as they watched this.

>show and tell
>American """"education""""


theyd probably laugh, and search for more like it

they'd probably think how gay and degenerate our societies were and realize that faggots like this incited the wrath of god and resulted in the nuclear post-apocalyptic wasteland they are now condemned to live in.


it took centuries for humans to be able to "laugh" about behavior that's "different". Anyone who thinks stone age men would be cool with it has a serious mental handicap.

100% that's a man cosplaying, can't deny it.

I'd fuck his asshole mercilessly tbqh senpai. His faginess got me hard.