Socially Acceptable

Uni-fag here, on a scale of one to ten where would this fall on what's socially acceptable or not and how autistic it is. One being completely acceptable and not autistic and ten being horribly autistic and leading to various jokes being made at your expense.

Attached: 1542939735618.jpg (600x798, 43K)

8. looks very cool though, honestly

In high school/secondary school it's about a 17/10 autistic fag outfit but in uni nobody gives a shit what you wear

One of the high school seniors in my crew has that

>falling for ads
it looks shitty bruv

going full urban tech ninja is super autistic, but if you are the sort of person who'd dress like that you wouldn't care.

Look, there are kids flipping their cocks inside out and gluing horse hair on their head. You think theyll give a fuck about your gay sweater? Looks cool tho.

8-9/10, it looks neat but I'd expect ridicule or harsh looks and to be treated like a manchild.

8. People certainly will think you're a weirdo for wearing it, and I can't see it being a plus for women either. But you're probably not after them anyways.

I looked into this ad and the final product looks like ass. Those folds in the shoulder plates look nothing like that, and most of the other accents look pretty bad too.

When you put a mask on at school, people are going to assume you're going to shoot the place up.

Depends on who is wearing it. If Chad is wearing it, then it's cute and quirky. If you're wearing it, then you're an incel who needs to be killed immediately.

>asking Jow Forums for advice on how not to look autistic
Listen kiddo, as a fellow uni-fag, DO NOT GET THIS if you want any chance at a female relationship.

To be honest, as long as you never ever put on the helmet-hoodie the sweater itself looks like it could be kind of stylish

Without the fucking helmet hood it would perfectly fine. But that being said, who cares, if you want to buy and wear it, do it, don't ask for advice about fashion, relationships, and other social shit here. It's not the place. Do your own thing.

Depends on if you can make normal hoodie by taking of shid but solid 7

For everyone saying don't get it if I want a girlfriend, I'm a volcel, I'm not buying it to attract stupid vapid whores, so that's no issue. I'm buying it regardless of what anyone says, I just wanted some opinions.

You could only pull this off if you never wore the hood and were one of the Korean exchange students.

COnsidering you're a skinny white autist who'll likely wear this with boot-cut jeans, it's gonna be a 10

Real talk, most dudes will think its sick and most girls will think its kinda cool but not love it. Its actually more socially acceptable than how most of Fa dresses

Three out of four, pretty good guess.

Sucks being fat

Aslong as you don't mind appearing in a future cringe thread, go right ahead and buy that cheapshit hoodie mate.

>cringe threads
Global rule 2

It actually looks really cool but i'm not sure normies would like it. I don't think anyone gives a shit though so go for it

> Announcing a report
Brainlet detected.

Attached: 1524614072611.png (625x773, 143K)

No, the boot-cut jeans or whatever, I always just wear sweatpants or khakis.

Its pretty fucking autistic. I wanted one when I was a kid and thankfully never got one

On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being pretty normal, and 10 being Dr. user with a PhD in Autism and a master's in antisocial behaviour, this is a solid 7 to 8.

Attached: 1532894820756.jpg (640x404, 26K)

As long as you don't wear the hood it looks great
go for it

Ok, guys, I think I'm going to buy it, but in either neon green or pink.

No one has ever fallen for this.

I never understood why robots go for the bootcut jeans, they looks autistic as fuck
I always wear skinny jeans though, not sure where that is on the autism scale

What are you talking about?
Fallen for what?

What kind of samefaggetry is this?
the autistic kind

This hoodie looks 3x as good in the ad than it does in real life. But get it if you like it. Enjoy your money.

Attached: Amor-Hoodie-Knight-Jacket-Mens-5.jpg (640x637, 191K)

What are you doing kid

Its just OP bumping his own thread like a spakker.

Pardon me, friend?

Attached: 17278483.jpg (454x144, 12K)

Stitch a cool design on it and you've got yourself a 10/10 outfit and 0/10 autism.

Attached: roman armor.jpg (1920x1609, 420K)

> romans
king of autism lol

Your cringeworthy attempt at humor is embarrassing

BWAHAHAHA imagine walking down the hallway in this
>your... uh... armor looks... interesting user...
>Most gracious thanks milady, unfortunately I had to leave Excalibur at home. I didn't want to attract too much attention, you see. ;>)

Only a complete chad could wear that and get away with it because he wouldn't have to explain he's wearing it ironically

>I just wanted some opinions
>I'm buying it regardless of what anyone says


You'd have to be a fucking viking to pull this off

Those are not mutually exclusive, he can choose to buy it regardless but still want some opinions as to know what to expect when he does buy it

fuckin' gadzooks nigga

10/10 if you're looking to be /thatguy/

Between 8 and 10, depending on your surrounding.

But then again, we live in a time where kids wear print shirts with a collage of sweating, cum drenched anime girl sex faces...

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If you're ugly it's a 1

If you're handsome it's a 10