
uni thread
class canceled due to -40 weather edition
hope you fellow midwesterners are keeping toasty

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No word on my classes yet. If they aren't cancelled Im gonna be pissed

I hope you are all looking forward to the Valentine's Day university events next month lads

I'm northeast, send the winds over here I don't want to go tomorrow

fuck you heres your (You) you user

Valentine's day only matters to elementary schoolers and couples, who cares


what originnal state?

>Just did a big presentation on I was terrified for
>Worried about freezing up and getting that 'deer in headlights' feeling
>Was awkward/stiff at some points but feel like I covered the material well and a few people told me good job afterward
>including a cute girl
>no class tomorrow so I can just sit up all night and play rocket league

Life is good for once

Its only gonna be -15 with windchill but Kentuckians are soft when it comes to the cold
t. Midwestern transplant

yeah I'm up in PA so I don't think we'll be as "blessed"

>tfw disgusting ameriswine being frozen to death
maybe there's is a God after all

How cold's it suppossed to get up there? I saw Wisconsin was gonna be like -60

my phone says it will be 5F but sources vary.
RIP chicago anons, hope you got your hot 'go 'za ready

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fat keeps us warm

I don't have classes Tuesdays and Fridays, school for me was canceled yesterday and tomorrow.
Wisconsin lads.

Lol purdue

>classes still on
I'd cry but then my tears would freeze

so how bad is it looking for you guys?

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Classes might get snowed out tomorrow, but I only have two anyways.

I got a letter from my Uni Pres today congratulating on my first semester (of the year/of my college experience) grades, and was told that I could transition into the Honors College for my sophomore year if I keep up the work. My parents are proud of me :)

Got the day off too
good shit, I was too tired to do my homework anyways
I usually just skip my classes during any event like this

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>It's a mandatory career class required to graduate episode
>The fucking teacher is some doomsaying normie that keeps saying you need 6 references, 4.0 GPA, and a C class dicksucking license in order to get a job
fucking hell these are so depressing and annoying
as a double major it's even funnier that the major that requires this horseshit class has a completely fucking incompetent advising branch, so every other class is conflicting advice

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I just keep telling myself only 3 semesters to go

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It's snowing and I don't want to go outside tomorrow.

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>be me, applying for grad school
>application was so good they recommended I apply for a higher level of the program than I even set out for
>come interview day
>of course it's with the fucking program director
>flat out tells me I'm applying to the wrong profession
>cut to today
I expected nothing and was still disappointed.

>mfw club fair tomorrow
>mfw I get to try and shill my club without spilling my spaghetto

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did you call his a research cuck?

Rarely does valentines day impact me in anyway, but today I was hit with such a dread because of it. I sit next to an adorable but chubby/ugly girl in one of my classes regularly, the kind you fall for because you think she might be your equal. Anyways, I sneaked a peak at her laptop and there were hundreds of tabs open for random gifts she was thinking of buying her boyfriend. She even asked me what I thought she should get him and it just made me so sad. No one will ever get flustered or put in the effort to get me a romantic gesture on valentines day.

Program is basically a student support role in schools and I apparently made the grave mistake of saying my greatest desire is working with the children themselves instead of collaborating with teachers/parents/etc. Like why work in a school at all then?

Either you tripped off pedo vibes or he is just a butthurt middle administrator upset that people dont want to be a boring bureaucrat

>>cut to today
>I expected nothing and was still disappointed.

He saved your life.