Taking college online because social anxiety

>taking college online because social anxiety
>have to submit a current photo for student ID
>am unshowered and unshaven for 2 and 1/2 weeks, literally wearing a sheet right now because too lazy to get dressed
>puffy red eyes from weed and sleep deprivation

I can opt out of this right? Or submit a shopped image?

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It's necessary, so do it. Shower, faggot.

It's a fucking picture. Man up, take a fucking shower, and then take the fucking picture.

Shower, shave and take a picture of yourself. Shoop out the bags under your eyes and you'll be good

just clean yourself up. It might even help you go out a bit since you're already nice and shaven.

i don't feel like wearing clothes right now

a picture with my face that people will see

i don't want to shower yet i don't feel dirty enough

>go out

Just send in any picture. If its online anyways what do you even need an ID for?

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all students get one, campus and online

actually i think they already have a photocopy of my DL

I like you, user. You have my respect. This is the first "education thread" I can safely say belongs on this board.

thank you kind internet stranger

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It gets worse, you silly nigger. They need the photo ID because the way you'll take tests is with a webcam watching you. If the person in the webcam footage doesn't match the ID, you're fucked.

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do they really? i don't have a webcam on my desktop so what do you think they'd say/do?

>i'm too big of a faggot to try and fit in so im going to sit at home and not improve my social skills and get a degree i'll need social skills to utilize

>wanting to fit into a degenerating morally bankrupt society

Might be untrue, my community college had me do this but the classes are entirely unregulated and not a single one requires photo ID.

i just got approved for a Pell grant
the last time i got one they sent a 1000$ check to my house
now i can only see the awarded amount in my student dashboard, its 3000$
will i be able to use this money myself?

Then why are you getting a goodie two shoes degree, retard?

because i get money for going to school, and its an art degree, and i want to be a professional weeb artist so it's a win/win for me
i don't have to even pretend to want to fit in, as a """professional""" artist, i don't have to hide my power level as much and jobs can come from anywhere once i'm good enough someday
>hey user can you draw something nice for my daughter's birthday? i'll pay you 20$
>my company needs a logo, can you do it with the details we give you? you will be paid your commission fee and royalties for anytime the logo is shown on tv
and hopefully
>gaijin-san, your manga is pretty cooru for a western piggu, i think my tomodachi over at Jampu is looking for a new weekly series, if you win this contesuto then you will be a pro mangaka desu! ganbare!

>I'm here to study the blade sir

Attached: 3 sword chungus.jpg (500x374, 78K)

Just shower, shave and put on a clean shirt you fucking dumb dumb. It's a headshot, not a full body shot, so you don't even have to wear pants.

i just took a shower because my mom came over and said i stink
but i still don't want to shave or cut my hair