Imagine if all of r9k was made to live on a neighborhood together, how many days before it all comes burning down?

Imagine if all of r9k was made to live on a neighborhood together, how many days before it all comes burning down?

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we'd be doing the same shit. sitting in our houses talking to each other on the computer.

I will be the town rapist fucking fembots, if there are any

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There are no such things as fembots, maybe femanons but a female cant be lonely

>only human interaction are the gay gloryholes everywhere

make a minecraft server and find out

Everyone browsing this board right now could live in my own apartment complex and I would have no idea

lmao, nice idea user

Wont be long before one of this psychos browsing this board goes nuts and murders half the people there

small map too so people dont go away

sui pact who's in?

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Orgy at my house

I would give it about 10 days
>day 1, grouping up or solo hunkering, lots of rape and murder
1 day op. 1 day.

>nobody is outside
>the only people outside are delivery dudes
>noises only start at night
>If a normie would pass that town he would think everyone is dead
>when a girl would walk into the town at night she could see eyes in every window

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>Eyes in every window

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Soo... a sausage party?

actually do it, we could have a nice little village with no rules but a mutual understanding of not griefing each other

Do not worry fellow incel, I will only murder fembots

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Who wants to be a part of my /nightwalk club/?

It will be funny looking out the window at midnight to see random groups of people walking alone at night

Holy shit I'd fucking hate this, /nightwalks/ are because there aren't many people outside at night, now everyone would only be outside at night.

>Groups of people
>walking alone
Which is it?

Sorry grammar nazi

the authorities would arrive weeks later and find a bunch of skeletons since we would either kill each other or ourselves...or maybe die from starvation without mommies tendies.

Joke's on you, I'm heat resistant, so when it's 80 degrees and humid as fuck I will still be nightwalking. I will have my solitude.

We could disperse and leave plenty of distance between groups
Going solo is fine too!

You'd better be. Fool

>be me female
>pizza delivery
>have to work nightshift
>boss says I have to deliver a pizza to a so called r9k village
>boss says I should be careful since the guy sounded creepy
>Its around 1 am the neighbour hood seems empty
>Can only see a small amount of light in one room in each house
>arrive at the house
>hear a gun shot in the distance
>ring the doorbell
>nobody comes
>about to ring the bell again
>"H..Hi... p..put the pizza on the doormat the money is in the doormat"
>"Ehm.. okay"
>"W...Wa..Wait a...r..are you female female?"
>"Ehm.. what? Yeah I guess?"
>door slams open see pic related
>smell the stench coming out of the house
>get dizzy really quick its so disgusting
>pass out

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You know the rules larper, post tits or G T F O

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You fucking retard, its a hypothetical.

Passing out infront of that thing is just asking to get violated

Fuck you man, I'll walk in any weather.

It wont burn down you, sadistic fuck. We will all live in harmony

Is it a NEETopia containment neighborhood or do we all have to have jobs in order for it to be sustainable?

NEETopia, we don't really have to work outside of yardwork and housekeeping of course