If you wanna test your girl's loyalty buy her this game and then check later to see what her game looks like

If you wanna test your girl's loyalty buy her this game and then check later to see what her game looks like.

99% chance she designed her sim after herself. If her male sim partner looks like you, you're good.

But chances are, her male sim looks like a completely different Chad. At that point, delete the game and cut off all contact with her.

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That's pretty good advice, come to think of it.

This explains so much. My old e-gf used to do this exact thing before she cheated. I can't believe I didn't see it sooner.

wow this is actually fucking genius

If I remember these games well, I'd throw my self-insert at the first, pregenerated female who looked mildly attractive and showed up at the welcoming party. Not exactly the best way to test a relationship.

>look at her partner sim
>it's a dog

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I have brown hair and light brown eyes. We were dating a month and she came over to my apartment regularly. I had my gaming computer in there. She would play The Sims while I was at work since it was pretty much the only game she could play.

I checked it out one night and she had a whole house, family, but the guy had blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. Same personality traits as me though. He was just more chaddy and athletic. At first I knew it'd be silly to fight over... But I knew there was more to it. And eventually we broke up.

This is pretty genius, but also completely wasted on Jow Forums

Yeah it's true, I play AS the ideal bf though

There's a 'me' character in the game but she looks like how i WANT to look, not actually me. Also he choked her to death after raising her to be his sex slave and pumping her full of kids

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Now imagine if women got to customize the penis size in The Sims as well down to the faintest details.

Looks like a soiboi on soiroids

Trust me, they're spending more time on the male sim than they are their own.

> Test gf
> Create gf
> Control gf
Sims is love. Sims is life.

guess that's what i like then

the shoes on that outfit are glitched though. The Balenciega sock-shoes go with his second party outfit

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Every time I pick up that game I always create a cute white whore household, Tyrone household, and myself and my ideal family household. I mainly play as Tyrone and have him fuck the white whore, my wite, my daughter and all other white females and get them pregnant and watch as the city gets blacked. I always get a boner while playing and jack off every 2 hours

>fembot when posting on Jow Forums
>fembot after getting chad's number

I just end up dating Malcom Landgraab

I was orbiting a girl and she made her husband a spic for fun as she said. She later started dating a spic. You just made me think about her and damn it was true. If only I knew she was a racemixer I would never have wasted so many years chasing her

>wife is mega christian, was virgin at marriage, claims to have never cursed, only watches disney and hallmark
>she's playing this last night
>sit next to her to observe for a moment
>she has a purple haired vampire kleptomaniac who is humping all the neighbors and not tied down to one guy

>it's a dog
Cucked by Sparky Thunderknot.

>having gfs
What the fuck get out

Ew i do the opposite. Axl has a nice white family but he impregnated pretty much all the teenage minority NPCs and also impregnates his daughters pic related his daughter getting raped by her uncle and his druggie friends

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this is autsitic as fuck Imao
>inb4 t. girlfriend simcucked me

>buying games
>not just pirating everything
You ARE a cuck, user

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As a fag can confirm, but normally I just lose interest within the first week of the game. Then I reset and make the same characters
dreading the day my crush breaks my heart and I have to make a new character

>>wife is mega christian, was virgin at marriage
how fat is she?

is this an actual mod for the game?

Basically, if you're not her fantasy. Then prepare to be cheated on. That's how women operate.

What the fuck gross mod have you used for that girls body?

>the fucking kid in the corner
Honestly how I imagine every femanon mother

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Christ al-fucking-mighty, THIS X100

>christian and virgin, must be fat
girls at church are as attractive as girls at the gym, sure they wear more clothing but they also socialize. its nice to get hugs from hotties every week

>girls at church are as attractive as girls at the gym, sure they wear more clothing but they also socialize. its nice to get hugs from hotties every week
brb going to church (unironically)
only thing is I'm going to be going alone, awkward

to make them have sex? Its wicked whims. I have over 60 gigs of mods and cc in my game so you gotta be specific about which thing you

What to make her so tiny? I have several slider mods, one goes on the feet and another is on the neck to make them small.

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>buy gf sims
>she creates me and her
>check after an hour again
>see she locked me in the pool without a ladder out
Everything is fine right

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have fun, sit near people of similar age. they will come find you and talk to you. people actively look to talk with new people in a church unless its a megachurch. you will probably get invited out to eat or back to the next gathering time.

Loli actually does care about her kids, she even moved to this shack in the woods with her aunt to get away from her abusive uncle. She still has to whore to pay off her debt and move into a real place though. 2 of her kids died

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>buy gf the Sims
>"hey babe I bought you this game"
>"grow the fuck up!"

They're married he bought Candi from her crack whore mom when she was a toddler, raised her, and then made her his wife. She was faithful 'til he killed her for letting his friends rape her. She's never had another bf

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>tfw my gf only plays as male sims and often extends to just making male characters when character creation is available

Should I worry?

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>buy gf sims 4
>'hey babe i bought you this game'
>'user i dont exist'

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depends, do they look like you? I play as guys sometimes just because i like males to take leading roles in dating and courtship

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They look like the typical generic anime guys. Meaning not normal hair colors and exotic eye tones

Truly, the last and most terrible of all Chads. It's not even medically possible for an incel to compete with sparky.

wouldn't worry about it at all then

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so you're a black trans user larping as a woman in the sims...? jesus

no im a black girl w/vagina wasting lots of time building elaborate worlds in the sims

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>Gift this game to female friend to see what her ideal partner is
>Check her game
>She isn't in it but i am
>I'm married to a guy that looks like our mutual friend

A-at least another version of me isn't alone right? I wasn't rejected, right?

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>no im a black girl w/vagina wasting lots of time building elaborate worlds in the sims
u into white bois?

Ask her who the bottom is in that relationship and why it's you.

Silly user, you can't be a bottom in The Sims haha.

yeah ofc, but i cant date anyone from the internet. Or most guys at all. Guess that's why i waste my life doing this

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>Or most guys at all

She's a boi with a boipucci. That's why.

>all characters care sticcs
How fat are you, black femanon?

religious reasons, this is one of my most dirty habits. Guess thats why im sharing it so much here. I have to meet a guy of my religion, but i hardly have time to

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>I have to meet a guy of my religion, but i hardly have time to
what's your religion? hoodoo?

how about you ditch the religion meme and date a nice agnostic white guy like myself

a whale. I'm losing weight though dw

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My gf made an old woman with a good for nothing son who still lives with her. What does that mean?

That sounds like a premade sim, the Rasoyas, if they're Indain. You can find the ones she made if they have a green diamond when you mouse over their houses

She went to Chad for her daily dose of dick

Nah, I watched her create the character. She made the son really lazy and pathetic.

Plus it was Sims 2, not 4.

Since we are opposites we would be the perfect match. Want to get bleached?

>a whale. I'm losing weight though dw
post pics of your spread ass

Here you go :) You forgot this

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wow weird

if i could, you'd have to stop with that cuck stuff for me to consider it...

but i actually believe in my religion

yikes good reminder why I'll not do

>giving EA money
At least get Sims 3 on steam if you're going to stoop this low

Not gf related but I thought I might share anyways

>sis and I share a computer
>bunch of games installed in it, among them Skyrim and Sims 3
>Have a few more installed for Skyrim but they are normal stuff, like quests
>Leave on vacation for 3 weeks with the few buddies I have
>Just tell her jokingly to not delete my saves while I'm out
>Return from vacation
>Check computer and notice a few more gigabytes of stuff installed, figure she installed another game
>Check Skyrim, it crashes as soon as I open it
>Open again, it loads
>Check saved games, a new one made by her, open it to see if she installed any cool mods
>motherfucking LoversLab
>The cock on the horse gave it away.
> Look around a bit more, sex everywhere, slave shit and bdsm stuff galore
>Decide to check Sims3
>Seems normal at first
>Then notice the sliders, then notice the sex mods, then the murder ones, then the bestiality ones
>not that perturbed because I have seen this shit before
>don't tell sis I saw any of this
>it's all deleted by the next day

My surprise is that I thought she was the normal one between her and me

are you peach? you seem like peach

I can never install that nudity patch, shits disgusting imo. Had fun using a gun in Sims 3 though. Killed all sorts of people.

femanon approved

originally what did they mean by this?

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jesus christ no no no wtf hahahaha

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Sounds like you are dating a fujoshi

Topcuck bloxbloxbloxblox

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