Be me, libtard

>be me, libtard
Redpill me

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>it would cost the country $11 billion to shut down the government instead of $5 billion to build the wall
>dems still shut down the government anyway
thats all the redpill you need

Yeah because the dems arent to blame at all. Wall would have only been 6 billy

Traps are gay but that's okay cuz you should like them anyway

>"cost" $11 billion

Are you retarded? Trump literally blamed himself for the shutdown

No clue why he thought Mexico would pay other than bravado to get gullible people on his side

This. There's no straight up, good answer for why we shouldn't build a wall. Anytime you ask someone they just bullshit about how it wouldn't be effective enough and is a waste of money, even though the cost is a tiny fraction of the federal budget and these people have no problem wasting billions of dollars on foreign aid. Even if it only prevented 30-40% of illegal immigration it would obviously still be worth building.

>being a liberal in any shape or form
Capitalism is extortion. Seize the means of production.
There is no social problems beyond class.

Im not here to educate you

You have to handle the emotional labor yourself

A wall is only as good as what guards it, it will be an endless yax money suck.

Can you please stop posting politics?

I come here to get away from politics.

>Cost the economy
So people in the gov aren't getting paid to sit around with thumbs up their asses?

>There is no social problems beyond class.
what about race

That's a media problem

Racial sisues are a subset of class issues.

The earth is flat, bigfoot is real, aliens are real, the illuminati is real
Actually, the real people causing the shutdown was the military-industrial complex unwilling to renegotiate for a lower budget towards their covert shell funds.

it's a stupid public works project rendered ineffective by boats and airplanes. it might stop meheecans runnning over to work fields but most americans benefit from the cheap labour anyway so eh.

Wrong. Science proves that racial issues are separate from class issues. See, studies on white flight and genetic markers for predisposition to violence and low IQ.

It's actually being put there to cover up alien activity in the region between America and Mexico.
Racial issues and class issues are manipulated by the global elite to move towards the new world order. Learn a bit more before you speak.

if you read the reports of 11billion they clearly state most of it is backpay. basically governemnet employees got a nice long paid vacation.

governement shutdowns will become the normal aslong as the politicians get their backpay. make it to where they dont get paid at all during a shutdown and we will see less of this garbage

the dems could not cave to trump cause if they do he'll just shut down the government every time he wants money.
how about having a president who does hold american jobs hostage.
also if you think the wall would only cost 5 billion you are really foolish, its 5 billion to get it started, this project was doomed from the start.
if you want to stop illegals make stricter punishments for businesses who use illegal labor, jose wont come here if he knows no one will hire him.

youre fucking retarded if you think the wall is at all necessary. In addition don't pretend like the fact their are other budgetary inefficiencies like sponsoring Saudi Arabia and Israel, and needlessly high military spending to justify more inefficient retarded spending
>Hurr we're already spending money inefficiently?
>Fuck it might as well just throw billions at a useless wall
trumptards are delusionally retarded

Wrong again. The govt keeps these things up so that the USA will have a weak populace.
They let so many people into the country so their fluoride pacification can reach a wide an audience as possible.

>justify more inefficient retarded spending
yeah m8 dems really don't a platform to criticize retarded govt programs.

nigga when the fuck did i say i was a dem you straw manning fuck, youre so out of actual arguments you just jumped straight to that shit fucking embarrassing kill yourself dude

Huwow someone's a little toasty, I think I hit a sore spot.

Attached: a toast.jpg (334x334, 88K)

If you haven't been naturally redpilled over time on this site, you've stayed locked in your hole of choice on this place and closed your mind off to knowledge or the idea that you could be wrong.

>still not an actual rebuttal
im more upset at the lack of effort on your part to not look retarded than i am with you calling me a dem desu

>nigga when the fuck did i say i was a dem you straw manning fuck, youre so out of actual arguments you just jumped straight to that shit fucking embarrassing kill yourself dude
Yeah I can tell you're real interested in having a rousing, honest, and calm debate

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>again the trump supporters have no argument in sight
you can obfuscate all you want but unironically im winning the argument here lmao

Most of that is going to be recovered - about 2 billion is gone forever

But if you think about it, if dems agreed with Trump they could have saved some cash for the US and have a new wall along the border

no one wants the wall, no american taxpayers, no american politicians, only delusional retards who are 16 years old and their political understanding is limited to empty slogans like "hurr da wall got 10 feet higher xDDDDD"
It's needlessly spent money on a project that will solve no problems every argument for the wall at this stage is "hey if we agreed to the wall there'd be no shut down" there's 100% no reason for the wall to be built

I responded to your argument. All I got was a bunch of verbal diarrhea that sounds like it was written by a deeplearning algorithm trying to learn human speech.

Also, I never said I was a Trump supporter lmao talk about embarrassing.

Sorry for being a brainlet, I don't really follow politics, but is he accurately describing what's going on? Can Trump actually hold the government hostage until he gets his wall? What's the downside on his end?

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>no one wants the wall, no american taxpayers
That is not true at all - not even a little bit

>It's needlessly spent money on a project that will solve no problems every argument for the wall at this stage is "hey if we agreed to the wall there'd be no shut down" there's 100% no reason for the wall to be built
Dude, there are 65 countries with border walls in the world. At the very least it is a deterrent that will make things harder and it's permanent. I don't think the plan is to just stop there and hope illegal immigration stops.

He can't hold the government "hostage" the same reason the dems can't hold it hostage. Eventually, one party of supporters will break and demand change. Unfortunately, dems have the upper hand in this because a large portion of them are sycophants without critical thinking skills.

>What's the downside on his end?
Another government shutdown can cost the economy a lot of money which won't look good come 2020 elections

Is there anything that will look good? And does it even matter? Do people even vote Trump with the idea that things will actually happen or do they do it imagining how mad the funny-haired barista in town will get?

Don't go full retard on us. You can't say that it would have saved the country if some lawmakers agreed to spending billions of dollars on a pointless wall. You know what would have saved us money? Not shutting down the government and not spending money on a wall.

Like, there hasn't been a single wall that has worked in history. And that was before the advent of flight. We can literally just fly over a wall now.

>buh buh buh muh customs

As if the cartel hasn't been paying of people for decades. Get the fuck outta here. A wall is stupid and you are a fucking moron if you think it would do a goddamn thing.

There's obviously one solution: legalize drugs and invade Central/South America and make it all U.S. property. Tax the shit out of the cartel and lul all the way to the bank while their entire industry has imploded by the sheer amount of hip, trendy start up meth lounges opening up everywhere.

No one will consider solutions that require actual change or action. Nobody on the right wants to conquer anything, they just want to wall themselves off with all the money and leave everyone else to starve.

>Is there anything that will look good?
If he gets the wall then he will keep his promise - a large portion of his campaign was built around that

>Do people even vote Trump with the idea that things will actually happen or do they do it imagining how mad the funny-haired barista in town will get?
I think people voted for him because they wanted change in America - Hillary would have been 4 more years of the same. As polarizing as Trump is he's definitely trying to spice things up for America (for better or for worse)

The government openly experiments on young orphans because they're considered owned by the state and lack fundamental human rights us adults enjoy. Department of energy shit is just awful

>other countries hab walls therefore we need walls
fucking brainlet logic, is the border between the US and Mexico the same as that between North Korea and South Korea? What about the super effective border between Mexico and Guatemala?
Additionally the deterrent to immigration to the US illegally is already as strong as it will be sans executing those who cross the borders, what difference will a wall make to someone who's already not deterred by the fence? Or the possibility of being caught? The wall is going to be undermined immediately but human traffickers who will build and continue to use the already established tunnel networks that exist across the border. Also trumpniggers completely fail to understand that most illegal immigration into the US comes from people simply overstaying their visas lmao, like how the fuck is a wall going to deter a guy who got on a plane there to Denver from staying? In addition most drug trafficking comes through standard border passes, not in some unknown middle of nowhere part of the fence that already exists there, every "solution" the wall brings isn't a solution. Also the sheer fact illegal border crossings have declined substantially should be one indication this wall when built is going to go to enormous waste as the actual issue of illegal border crossings becomes less and less important
The best solution to the crisis is to cultivate a stronger relationship with the latin americans and try to help rebuild their countries from the cluster fuck that the cold war wrought on them to prevent people from making the journey rather than paying billions of fucking dollars to not even remotely solve the problem

This is how you come across when you just sling a bunch of insults and can't come up with any logical arguments.

Like you're borderline retarded and you disagree but can't explain why.

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And this is on Kikepedia

Honestly I'm not going to read all of that

However, I'm not saying a wall is going to fix everything, or even suggesting we have to do it because others are, I'm saying it's one more thing that is going to make things harder.

dont read it then and continue to be an uninformed retard its no loss to me lmao

>dont read it then and continue to be an uninformed retard its no loss to me lmao
Oh I didn't know I was talking to an expert. Thank you so much for your well informed rant

>If he gets the wall
There's no chance. The only way he can even pretend to fulfill this promise is declaring a national emergency for the funds which would most likely get struck down by the courts. If not, that paves the way for future presidents to abuse this power and declare emergencies for basically anything they want.

>f not, that paves the way for future presidents to abuse this power and declare emergencies for basically anything they want.
Fair point

im glad youre not so retarded you can at least acknowledge someone who clearly knows so much more than you, and you can humbly concede you know nothing on the topic and accept your loss. It's a very nobel, and humble move, demonstrates your ethic for self improvement

Like I said here You have a giant, unorganized paragraph that starts by insulting me based off disagreeing with you.

Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously?

I enjoy discussion and disagreement but why would I even consider anything you have to say; as if you presented yourself so concise and intellectually?

>Trump requested 7.5 or something billion for wall
>Dems say no
>Dems offer far less then try to settle for 7 billion
>Trumpski says nyet
>Says he'll say the N-Word
>He shuts down the government for an entire fucking month
>Sick call in rate soars in nearly all public industry
>Nancy asks the orange man to come in and speak to the union
>Drumph says no
>Says he'll do it via video
>Demtards literally don't know what the fuck is going on
>It's beginning to look like a Fraser episode
>Donald Trump, author of Art of the Deal considers siphoning funds from military budget
>The absolute madman says he'll declare state of emergency to do it
>Old hag Nance tells him to come to terms with it
>He says okay
>Does speech, praises 'loyal Americans for working' like it's a fucking cult rally

I'm from the UK. You lot are fucking dumb and I'm saying that with a nation that is surrounded by idiots

And as a Brit, I'm in no position to give advice on your government

But it wouldn't matter since your nation is being influenced by Russia lmao

>the president chose the dems to cockblock him

i think the wall is gay but where do you think military spending goes? general's pockets? most military spending pays the salaries of the tens of thousands of american bumbler boys making planes, bombs and computer parts in factories

does the wall cost $20+ billion and was supposed to be paid by Mexico? So far, Trump is in the negative

>orange man
yikes, i didn't know you people actually existed

>he'll just shut down the government every time he wants money.
pretty sure Obama and every president before that didn't do that when they got their way.

Remember that time you went full nigger and were completely incapable of thinking past the here and now, and rationalizing that some actions take years to effect change was way too hard? So funny.

because youre terrified that your arguments hold no water and are a coward, I suggest you close thread and pace around the room for a while seething, then later when youre layin in bed at night the respone you could have said, you have nothing to say, and im treating you with zero respect because of it, why do we need wall that you propose is necessary? when almost every statistical and economic sense shows it wont be nearly as helpful as it will dragging the US debt out an extra further and cementing their retarded funding directios

>Oh no, the wall which will secure our border from at least some illegal immigration will cost 20 billion! That's so much OMG!!

Let's just cut, right now, all foreign aid. All of it. What the ever loving fuck is foreign aid doing for the USA? Propping up third world countries and their tin pot dictators? Propping up Israel? What the fuck is any of that doing for the USA?

Nothing. It's not like these countries which are literally existing off of foreign handouts are buying any good made by American companies. They aren't buying iPhones. They aren't taking loans from banks. They are literally one missed handout from starvation. The fuck are they doing for the USA?

The military industrial complex AT LEAST employs Americans and, theoretically, helps us secure our place as the global hegemon.

Cut all foreign aid. Build the biggest most beautiful wall. We will actually save money. 42 billion is spent per year on foreign aid.

We could build the biggest most beautiful wall and give the extra 20 billion to shoring up the Border Patrol and ICE to catch the people overstaying their visas and smuggling fentanyl from China.

There is zero (0) downside to putting the interests and needs of America first. Once we have stamped put 100 percent of illegal immigration, secured our borders from 100 percent of drug and human trafficking, gotten OUR homeless population to 0 percent and OUR unemployment to 0 percent, once every single American is employed, fed, and prosperous THEN, and only then, should we give a wooden nickle to any other nation.

Change my fucking mind.

Remember that time you went full fucking retard and thought a plan about invading another country was fiscally responsible? What a fucking ding dong. Clearly that was sarcasm in the form of a ridiculous hyperbole.

I concisely pointed out the the issues with the whole "wall" idea with the whole statement about walls never working and humans can fly. You chose to focus on the name calling that hurt your sensitive bitch ass chicken noodle soup soul because you're a snowflake. :(

You still haven't pointed out a wall that has served it's intended purpose when confronted. I'll continue to point out your complete lack of an argument, as well as continue to call you names because it's fun to read your attempts at "higher conversation" as if you have the quality brain cells to achieve such discourse.

If you invest in friends, you'll have them when you need them. Also, selfish altruism has its benefits. Not all the smartest people in the world come from America (clearly, look at you), so if you could leverage the brains of the world and allow them to not worry about simply surviving, they could in turn solve problems. I know this is a difficult concept to grasp and I highly doubt you'll get it, but try really hard.

No wall has ever done a goddamn thing in the history of walls, what makes you think this one would do a goddamn thing when humans have mastered flight?

You know how we could get lots of money? Stop funneling so much money into the military. What a goddamn waste. 90% of the "active" troops aren't doing a goddamn thing, and the other 10% are just in some foreign country wasting our money and man power. We did it, we got nukes. I doubt a country is going to invade (like full on invade, not terrorism bullshit) when that country has nukes. What the fuck is the point of spending billions on failed aircrafts and pointless ships? Spend all of that on our infrastructure.

America benefits from bringing other countries into the first world, because then we can trade with them. You think we're exporting anything to Africa right now?

I don't entirely disagree with you but please stop calling the wall beautiful it's making me cringe.

Because Trump didn't think he would win and only wanted to bolster his brand so he said anything his constituents wanted to hear.

>Those are the two references that triggered him

You lot need your country to get nuked asap x x x

>yeah lol it was a unplanned paid vacation where I didnt get paid for more than a month and
>mind you most Americans live paycheck to paycheck
>but lol you'll just get back pay and a date in the future
>these shutdowns are the future
You should be hanged