How can women be saved at this point?

Scroll through twitter reading about how awful I am as a white male, see this picture and other women bragging about how cool it is and how empowered this girl is. Tell me Jow Forums what's the point of trying to save this civilization? All I want is to purge with fire at this point.

Attached: Dx7lMusXcAISssy.jpg (1024x676, 71K)

At least the girl in the picture is thin.

Seen this and pics related quite a few times , and each time I get this weird boner...

why so lonely user?

We're in hell, user.
There's no salvation.

And used condoms. Unlike those single moms

You cant save the women of today, but you can save the women of the future.


Welcome: losers

My good fellows, did you ever consider she's just a freak?
Freaks get attention because they're outlandish.
Show this to a woman you know, g'warn, any old one, ask her if it's normal.
You know she'll probably question why you would ever show her such a thing.

Kill them all, let god sort them out.
That's all i'm saying on the matter.

user, your girlfriend and I used more condoms than OP’s pic last night.

No point in hiding what you think. Im sure that all reasonable men would think that women are taking a steep dive. Most women nowadays are mudsharks/coal burners , drug addicts , single moms , liberals , or a mix.

What are you , twelve?

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Agreed, I fug her mouth & asshole

Unlike men, who fight their competition to the death, women don't have that option. Women are selectors. They will create as many relationships as possible to have many opportunities to survive in this world. This image is a representation of her massive EGO. You KNOW she is proud of herself for collecting that much sperm from different men.

However, you losers don't see this. You see a whore.

imagine the smell

This is a trap

There's no saving them at this point. Everyone knows what has to happen, but it won't happen till things are so bad no one can stop the happening.


God I wish that were me.

Thats exactly what I see. A dirty whore.

Im gonna need some proof for that , my man.

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I see someone who collected used condoms and then worn said used condoms.

i know you are a woman .

The deeper the world sinks into this bottomless dark pit of degeneracy and insanity, the happier I get.
The allies ruined the world for good in 1945, and now they are endlessly atoning for it in a sadistic way: their beloved countries rot from the inside and die, like a stage IV cancer patient.

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Fix men and women will also be fixed. Those condoms aren't being filled up by other women.

Hmmm...I wonder...

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why do so many people hate these threads? this is an important issue that affects all of us.

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>d used condoms.
very important to wrap your tool, never trust a thot

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I wonder if there are any virgins left anymore

Wearing her party dress. If it feels good....

>Fix men and women will also be fixed.
easier said than done. I feel you, this is a big problem. but the dating apps nowadays are allowing really strange dynamics that civilization has never seen before. pic related describes how a slut who loves thoting can basically keep it up forever thanks to online dating and an endless supply of younger thirsty men.

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hate to say it,
but this.

women are whores but only because men are thirsty beta faggots.

Don't settle bros. Don't wife up or gf a whore.
have standards for women, and women will improve.

but it has to be a collective effort from men.
and it'll never happen.

Um, solution: stop using all dating apps. Your welcome. Next!

>any virgins
fewer everyday i think, would love to see good data on this

Attached: BodyCountSevenByEighteen.png (977x760, 161K)

Good luck getting men to agree to this.
Or women for that matter

>Scroll through twitter reading about how awful I am as a white male
>abloo someone made my feefees hurt
fucking faggot

>Don't settle bros. Don't wife up or gf a whore.
>have standards for women, and women will improve.

Attached: NeverWifeAnAlphaWidow.png (969x809, 162K)

You wanna fix women? You gotta fix the system first.

>fewer everyday i think, would love to see good data on this

Attached: women marriage whitepill.jpg (1852x1666, 677K)

what would happen if she poured all the sperm in her vagina at once? Side note: how is this political?

After becoming a slut every foid will be subject to branding followed by severing the vocal cords.

this desu

we should have joined sides after Dunkirk and fucked stalin together

Why is it incels and re-virgins always calling women whores? Is it cope cause they don't want to admit they're they're only whores for Chad ?

that marriage rate chart is a good whitepill for sure, thanks. but it doesn't' address the virginity question

>Is it cope cause they don't want to admit they're they're only whores for Chad ?
maybe, but i for one am not a virgin, i just don't want my children to grow up in this degenerate sex obsessed culture of ours

Attached: SheWantsATrainRun.png (1173x859, 197K)

That's not a woman's torso.

they will not be saved
any girl that abuses her sex power too much will likely die
civ nat is the best you can hope for

It's a shame because her tummy is really cute.

>Saves used condoms so she can make them into a skirt.
How is this not worse than the neckbeards that keep bottles of piss in their room?

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Just like my japanese hentais!

OP, just stop being an incel in his 20s. Stop talking about women.

Just because you got lucky a few times doesn't mean you're not a virgin. You can regain your virginity as a man - it's not a physical hymen like for women.

Because she did that all in one night not over the last 6 years

It's right in the file name Dx7lMusXcAISssy.jpg
How many of you are gay now because you just fapped to a dude?

Can I have a kid and get to be a wizard? I want to be a wizard I haven't been laid in like a year. I'm a voluntary celebite though I moved to a small town and there are only fat ugly druggies and they want the D but I won't give it to them am I at least a Sorcerer's Apprentice?

You can't save women when men are also sex addicted savages. You can only stop the Jewish influence, ban filmed pornography and equate e-thottery to virtual prostitution, making it illegal as well as illegal to basically make porn of yourself and profit.

Remove WIC and Welfare from single parents, let them live their mistakes and suffer or give children up for adoption. And get them back when they are financially stable. Ban birth control pills, and teach girls how to track their ovulation cycles. Reinstate adultery for married couples as a crime, and remove no fault divorce. Divorce is a scam and lawyers and courts bleed these fuckers of their money.

Discourage nigger and slut culture, reinstate laws preventing people from exposing themselves in public areas to the point that seeing your underwear, appearing to wear underwear is public indecency.

You see the long white condom in the middle? That one was mine.

1 post by this ID
no article no link nothing
slide thread
you know what to do

you got tiny nuts

What are they sliding?


nice one

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Yes. If the top 10% of women in your location aren't actively pursuing you, you're an incel. Also you can install Tinder and they will drive to you

Their biggest weapon is there thirstiness from online dating, I quit it and instantly felt much better, you take away that power and they are just thots screeching into the void

the whole point is to demoralize by repeating the same shit over and over again without OP contributing anything ever, no solution just 1 post by this ID every time.
respond to threads that are related to NOW and no some shit like this.

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Kek get laid you fucking incel. If we had glorious fascism I'd have you against a wall as well.

Classic lessons therein.

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Good on you m8. Deleting my apps now.

White women? Probably few. Asian women? Also few. Hispanic, black, and Indian women? A lot.

t. virgin female but ugly

Yes and instagrahm and porn. They wont do it if we didnt click

You know the drill.

I'd fill her up raw.

This is a guy isnt it

>ruins his pure virgin love because of a girl with 6 sexual partners AT 18
Lmao. Teenage girls are fucking disgusting, they don't know that these older men think they're just pieces of meat when they fuck.

>but ugly
I see you have underestimated my ability

If you're serious, than do it, commit your time to anything other than swiping right, fuck the validation of some stranger or the rejection because you don't fit their 'type'. Set yourself realistic goals for the year and set them in motion. Most women nowadays aren't worth the hassle, they are spiraling out of attention seeking control


I feel sorry for him if all this came out AFTER they got married. He should just divorce her and life his life.

Looks like she could make them into a tire and call it a Good-Year.

You have a mental illness if you can sleep with 80 strangers and want to have a relationship with a bunch of them too. Hahaha I WANT A TRAIN RUN ON ME
Why? It doesn't feel any different from having sex with one person. What the fuck is so good about having multiple people constantly fucking you?

the same as fucking lots of women. Each gender has its own hard wired validation sources.

>What the fuck is so good about having multiple people constantly fucking you?
The (((media))) say it's exactly what women should do.

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Hey I fucked over a 100 ladies and I'm not sure if I'm ready to settle down.
25 doesn't seem that much.

The condoms are all probably from the same guys retards

condoms are probably filled with yogurt desu

With Orthodox Christianity.

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> I just don't want my children to grow up in this degenerate sex obsessed culture of ours
Please don't, do everything in your power to save them from this nightmare.

retard pilled if im totally honest desu

mmm what a convenient portable snack solution.
on the subway and craving something sweet? just pull a yogurt condom off your condom skirt and slurp it down like a gogurt!

gas yourself whore

Ugly ugly or Indian/African/Hispanic ugly?

>You KNOW she is proud of herself for collecting that much sperm from different men.
who wouldn't be proud

>tell me Jow Forums
kill yourself and fuck off from my non political board normalshit

You disgust me and that is pretty difficult

No one cares about your faggy ass. keep crying at the screen

Just because some faggot said she's a sissy doesn't mean it's a trap. That photo has been around for ages

So you bought a 100 pack of condons online and filled them up with some egg whites and tied them to a string and put it around your waist, neat art project.

hey retarded underage.. that pic is at least 5yrs old by now.. so no it's not some art project you stupid virgin it's a legit thing and has been for years.
go be a shit posting unfunny faggot on /b/
if you reply you're just admiting you suck cock for fun