Tfw just finding out im trans ama

Just found out I'm trans ama

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Other urls found in this thread:

Do you take any meds for autism?

How's it feel being mentally disabled and physically incapable, faganon?

>Just found out I'm trans ama
transgenderism isn't real

So if you just found out you're mentally ill, why did you post some shill during the previous days while avatarfaggin?

i take ritalin and lexapro
leave my threas ama or make your own

Serious questions only now. Do not ruin this opportunity you are given.

>Do not ruin this opportunity you are given.
What with this misplaced ego user?
This is a serious question, try to answer as honestly you can.
Why would anyone truly care about an anonymous mentally diseased person to the point of considering asking a trivial question as an opportunity?
If you're the CEO of a company and could hire us, i could understand but here?

Once again I'll ask in all seriousness. How does it feel to be mentally disabled, faganon?

Why do you think you are transgender and not just a grass is always greener type who is afraid to try

because maybe you can learn something important by example

posting is not mentally disabled in me so what is the question you are asking? Smart
i want to be a magical girl
I want to be a girl

>because maybe you can learn something important by example
What can I learn from you?
Not anything trivial, something deep.
Are you a wise person?
Are you a scholar?

yes i am finding out to be trans ama

How do you make real friends?

Are you aware of the possibility that transgenderism was significantly more rare before hundreds of years ago and that you have just been conditioned to believe this? That what you think is a definite aspect of yourself is just something that this exact societal machine has conditioned you to believe?

>yes i am finding out to be trans ama
You're not OP.
I hope.

this is epic bait for R9K

On a scale 1-10 how much you wanna kys rn?

Can you suck your own penis or titties yet?

i ont know i have no real friends
im not talking about hundreds of years ago.
I'm just finding out now ama

trolls always ruin my theas ama

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Do you want any friends?

i always make people feel wierd.
Some were not meatn to have friends
thats ok, im one of them

>trolls always ruin my theas ama
You only get what you sow user.
If you know trolls are preponderant here, why bother making a thread like that here?
Isn't it more pertinent to post on /lgbt/?

Are you biologically male or female?
Were you gay/lesbian before finding out?
Are you gay/lesbian (biologically) after finding out?
Do you believe that some of your relationships have already fundamentally changed before telling anybody /real/?
For how long have you suspected that you might be trans before deciding that you are?
What made you decide that you are trans?

Unless you are 4 this is rapid onset gender dysphoria.
Rapid onset is more of a social contagion rather than actual mental illness as it has correlations with friends coming out, going to pro trans spaces and autism.

Seek therapy before you consider taking hormones/castrating yourself and locking yourself in a mental hell.

My question is how does it feel to be mentally disabled since you clearly believe you are a tranny, faganon. At first I may have been trolling, but now I'm legitimately wondering how you can be this fecking retarded.

fuck off you freak

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Will you be mine?


Mentally ill man fag > anishit retard

i want to share my story for those in the struggle tho
i am female gender is not biological, im asexual i just finding out im trans... i have not told mum yet, i think she will accept me. She says she always seen me as her child
i think i know myself and mind better tahn a science magazine that never met me before user
i will report your post if you continue calling me mentally disabled when im able to post without mentally disabling ability.
whats the point of this

Attached: Homura_Akemi.png (506x712, 333K)

It's not too late to turn away from this mistake, OP. You're going to ruin yourself even more if you follow this path.

Attached: Origin of Transexuals.png (2191x3925, 1.44M)

>i want to share my story for those in the struggle tho
So you would push a lost lamb into a path of degeneracy ending with a 40% chance of suicide?
Not good user, not good.

I don't believe that. Would you ever consider giving an old friend a chance to spend time together on your own terms?

Good luck user.

I believe in you.

We're all gonna make it.

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You don't instantly gain a higher chance of suicide when you decide to be trans. You're probably already dead inside before you even realize you're trans. Not to mention, living a fake life is no life worth living. Most people will take that 60% chance of living without hesitation.

I'm confused.
I said biological, so you can assume sex.
So is your gender female, sex male?

You're missing what that user is saying. Going down the trans path is ignoring the reality of the situation, of looking for a blameless fix to your problems instead of actually trying to FIX YOURSELF. The suicide rate stays astronomically high for trans people because they are literally averting their eyes from reality until the sad and bitter end.

You can't just snap your fingers and undo the pain caused by the fact that you'll never be able to truly have the one thing you want in life. Something like that absolutely destroys you, whether is something as simple as not being to improve in a hobby you enjoy greatly, or if it's as complex as wanting to be the opposite gender. It simply does not go away, and the most direct way to tackle the issue for most people is to transition. Anyone can call it a disgrace to society or something, but at the end of the day it's just someone working out their gender expression. Gender expression is not new, it's not a trend, and it's nothing people should be harassed for.

>tfw no gf TLDR edition

thank you user this is why I OP pic related tfw

Talking about this make me cry... and people only make it worse and worse just to be mean while i try to help and share world peacefully.

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