
Do any women actually live like gif related? The more I think about it the more I realize that the show is just cope for some men to believe women lead similar lifestyles to them.

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i know a 21yo girl that is still a virgin, but she's not that shy and i doubt she's hk too, but ya, the reality is that tomoko is a male character in the corpse of a girl

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It's written by a woman. Tomoko is very normal, and so are you.

Why Tomoko when there is an actual male version that is way better?

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for every 1 girl who's tomoko-ish in personality there's 5 guys like that

also the shit in the series like trying to get groped on the train is pure fan service to please male viewers

acoording to crystal cafe yes. I also know a girl at my school who's really gorgeous but scared to go out and stays at home with her parents

>crystal cafe

this place is half non-passing traps

crystal cafe is dead. threads are months old and they're not even about "femcel" topics. R9k is constantly flowing like amazon river. there is no virgin qt out there for you.

There are threads since August. At most there's probably 5 regular posters on that site, probably male. There are no "fembots"

Yes, but only in Japan where women are nowhere near as slutty and certainly not openly slutty and entitled about their sluttiness being accepted by everyone which includes government subsidies and funding. Also in Japan because the men generally aren't thirsting 24/7 for roastbeef so less-than-pretty girls with inhibited personalities do go unnoticed like her.

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>Nowhere near as slutty
Retarded weaboo with delusions.

Like said

You're a retarded weeb if you think this is the case and you should kill yourself for being this delusional.

Explain the birthing rate then you retards. Have you read any actual articles about what japanese youth have to say on the dating scenario? Kill yourselves brainlets.

>be me
>be grill
>friend shows me this anime
>cry during the episode where she's on the roof with her friend wearing a trench coat since that was literally me in high school
>cry my eyes out
>ask out guy that showed it to me
>he says no
Only think that annoyed me was they sort of implied she was considering piss jugs but bitched out at the end. Give me the positive female representation I deserve. Give me a female character who knows the struggle of lining the bottle between your labia against your urethra properly.

Yeah and one of the big deals is women like their jobs, don't want to get married, and both parties are happy with extramarital sex or masturbating. Hikkikomoris or whatever are almost entirely male, where Japanese women actively go to fan signing events with male porn stars and can go to boyfriend cafes.

I know this and I'm not some dweeb with a fetish for chink girls, get a fucking grip.

please give socially awkward gf

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>tfw the manga abandoned its original themes and now it's mostly drama between her many friends

See now you missed the whole point you tard. I never said all jap girls were like that. Stop being such a normalfag. I don't have yellow fever and hate yellow fever orbiters, but Japanese women are still generally better than Western ones including all the points I said. The differences are to the point that Japan can actually have Tomokos simply due to not standing out in both looks/personality (again I never said they're the majority) but in the west it only works if they're 330lbs and a fairy furry 1000 year old demisexual RP goddess or some other kind of utterly repulsive ultra autism. Western roasties are still significantly worse (right now).

Look at abortion rates, brainlet.

I am like her but the way she acts in public is unnatural. I am soft spoken and overly formal out in public. If anyone raises their voice at me at any time I immediate cry. We are as cringe as you all.

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are you fat or going to kill me

>this anxious self defence
>"I'm not a yellow fever fag I just shill Jap women."

And there's plenty of average / ugly quiet chicks like Tomoko here. Do you go to university? I see them constantly. If anything in the West it's worse for them because in Asia being a boring tuna woman is considered hot whereas in the west not being an extrovert is a short ride to an FBI list.

Your argument was literally "Jap man aren't going after these girls so they exist" when, if anything, these sorts of women are more desired in Japan due to roastiness being severely penalised. Your own logic doesn't hold up and yet your weeb ass wants to call me retarded.

There are women like this, they still have better conditions than men like this, they are pretty rare but do exist, they're pretty fucking gross.

I'm chubby but I work out at least 2x a week. Usually 5-7x. Bearmode, I guess.

As for killing you, I'm pretty nonviolent but I did stalk people and do occasionally have violent or conspiratorial thoughts. For example - I got fired recently. One of my bosses was totally right in being angry with my lateness. However, the main reason I got fired was because this other employee / my supervisor lied about me. I've started daydreaming about going back to the laboratory where I was a technician (I keep copies of all keys) and ripping up / destroying all the data related to her doctoral thesis before her dissertation. I probably won't do it because there's camera everywhere.

I also went back to my (((landlord)))'s house and threw bricks through the windows a year after she stole my security deposit and violated my lease.

But I mean besides that.

I always thought Tomoko, while a very interesting character, was really unrealistic and just there so that antisocial weeby dudes would watch the anime, somewhat like what said. Not that there aren't women like that. There's probably a couple, but they're probably super rare.
This. Tomoko is pretty much just lesbian chad now. I don't want a season two of the anime anymore because if it's anything like the manga it's going to be generic yuri.

Was she ugly? Tomoko is at least average looking.

It was written by a guy. Some girls like that exist but they could easily get a boyfriend who looks as good as themselves and has a stable job
Women live life on easy mode

A season 2 would still be good. It takes a while before her character becomes shit. The field trip arc is very good

No it fucking wasn't. lt was made by a dude and illustrated by a woman.

Yeah, probably. I can't remember much, though. It's been a while. If I remember correctly, that was when she was sort of lesbian, but not quite chad and still fairly awkward.

>he thinks in sexist Japan women are allowed to be sluttier than in the west
Haha keep dreaming

Because women are more marketable because they have sex appeal

I imagine she's exactly average. She never really gets made fun of, but no one's lining up to date her, either.

If women like this do exist they want nothing to do with men who have this personality type.

Average girls get lines, only uglies get no attention.

Maybe she was average in appearance, but she still acted really weird. Maybe it was a case of normans being too weirded out by her behavior to date her, but outcasts being too intimidated by her appearance to make a shot. Or maybe that's just how the writers wanted it and there really isn't a particular reason.

No. Anime is a fantasy made up for losers, that's why they make "le pure quirky waifus". Women aren't like this in real life at all, even the tiny percentage that sort of falls into this category has thousands of potential guys she can choose from. These storylines are fucked, do you honestly believe an attractive girl is going to just remain a lonely incel loser with no friends, do you not think there is a million other guys like you who would "save her" or whatever you want to call it. I hate chink toons but I hate the fucking losers that worship them even more.

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Why would you want to watch something with realistic women?

How did you even know her?

Imagine hooni sitting on your face hahahaha

I really want a boyfriend like hoomi

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>Do any
>is your quirky literal dream girl all over the place?
fuck no

Why? If you're desperate enough to take advantage of people who are definitely not well mentally you might as well just top and abuse them.

Or you could help them yaknow

Of course these pigs don't actually want to help someone who is suffering. They get turned on by it. They're absolute scum.

That's what I was implying but ok.

In your own words you said that you would take advantage of mentaly ill person. How is that helping him?

They exist, user.
If you hadn't seen one is because she is hiding in her comfort zone right now.

>the more i think about it
hate to break it to you, but you were just too low iq to see it from the beginning. the rest of us knew.

look at how many replies you got. most of them also want a tomoko-ish girl like you. so your or my chance of getting a tomoko-ish girl is pretty fuckin low. not to mention there are fuckin extrovert man whores who would also run after tomoko. it's pointless trying anything when there's like 69999999999 other people who could do it before you and better than you. this world is fuckin overpopulated.

Far more fantastical than the idea that a Tomoko could exist is the conviction held by robots that the existence of a horny male somewhere in the world precludes the chance of any girl living a life of social exclusion or emptiness. If you go to Tumblr, there are girls like this. Though I agree that if you try to "save"(fix) her, you would probably not be the first to attempt it.

No That's not what I fucking said you troglodyte learn how to read between the lines.

I said that taking advantage of someone who is not well mentally is reprehensible and wrong but if you're that kind of person you should just commit to it completely.

Wattamote became so shit. She became a lebso normie. It should have ended with her happily falling in love with a pedo

This is the true ending and anyone saying otherwise is getting gassed.

>welp I am scared when I stand in the club waiting line with my 10 bffs, my bf is already inside and the bouncer looks at me!
>t. 90% of "social awkward" girls

The author of the manga based Tomoko on herself, and I can only imagine she's decidedly ugly.

It was made by a dude

Aside from being underdeveloped and having the eye bags, it's been clarified that she doesn't look bad.

I always thought that until high school age, boys have the social upper hand, and girls quietly vie for male attention. Boys are cooler, and less interested too because love is "girly." In a woman's life, it's the acceptance of family and friends during earlier developmental periods that facilitate her social skills, not Chad and possible orbiters, who will only show up later on. And by the time Chad notices some non ugly but socially inept girl who slipped through the cracks, she's already more comfortable with loneliness.

Yeah, except I actually accepted my status and lived with it. Still no friends because I just can't sincerely talk to others. But I live in the country of autismos so one day I'll probably find a bf like myself (once I get enough courage to actually go out).
>I am soft spoken and overly formal out in public. If anyone raises their voice at me at any time I immediate cry
I know that feel, a not-so-great childhood right?

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>I am like her but the way she acts in public is unnatural. I am soft spoken and overly formal out in public. If anyone raises their voice at me at any time I immediate cry
I just want to hug you and protect you,i had a friend like this.

Do you know that you could easily find a bf, which is what Tomoko dreams of?

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