Are blonde hair a trat for males?

are blonde hair a trat for males?

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Is gassing the kikes racist?

>Jow Forums

No, actually everybody from let's say Italian to Norwegian is white.

It hurts to say, but huffpost is right on this one. Bitches like white men.

blonde doesn't matter, red doesn't matter. black or brown hair don't matter.
what makes a man male?
testosterone and having a functioning dick and balls.

stupid roasties confirmed for being retarded, biased, mentally ill, wrong and sexist yet again.
screw them.

Women like a man who gets outside into the sunlight and gets shit done.
Men like a woman who stays inside protected and pure.

It's got nothing to do with race.

shut up olive nigger

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Blonde hair, especially in men, tends to turn darker as one ages. That results in men giving off an air of immaturity and inexperience if they are blonde during adulthood.

meant this for

99% of women hate hippies

I like how that ugly blob on the left is almost drooling. wow, so superior.

But my hair turns blonde if I stay too long outside.

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You'll have no problems whatsoever getting laid if you're a pretty boy, regardless of hair color, but I think light-colored hair is hard to pull off in terms of strong masculinity. You pretty much have to turn yourself into a William Zabka character.

I have a shit head of hair, so this is really just armchair opining.

And from what I've observed, most of the dudes who whine about women's physical preferences are average-looking dudes who expect to date really attractive women on the basis of being "funny" and "woke." They just have terribly unrealistic expectations relative to what they themselves can offer.

ur mom gay


I would agree with this. Blonde hair only looks good on females.

>shocking revelation - women don't want to mate with apes

pale skin is female trait

Stop these fucking bait threads, our civilization is dying and this is what you do about it, good job OP. Fucking kill yourself.

but you tan so whats your point?

also, sunbleached hair is a turn on

Wrong cunt, skin tone matters faggot not just "muh t levels" You have low t levels faggot

This board is just virgins desperately trying to figure out what women want.

>prefer darker men but still white.
So men like Rowan Atkinson and Sean Connery?

Blonde men simply look like girly fags...just google Varg when he was young and he had long hair. He looks like a tranny

>yfw when white genocide is a bunch of jealous cucks and roasties

varg has brown hair

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I approve of this info

even though, we all knew this without any science

Actually, the guy on the left is a Serb.

Sage, were digging into nxivm and these useless posts are trying to slide.

>Rowan Atkinson is white
good goyim

Blonde hair and blue eyes are feminine traits that make waman attractive

Deal with it sunlets

I know it's just divide and conquer shit but in all honesty. I love you nords. I'm a med. We both are beautiful people and have our strengths. If we worked together we could restore the west and right what went wrong.

Reminder that if your over the age of 21 and cant grow a full beard you are not white and we dont want you claiming as such.

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>There are men that can't grow a beard

I'm 21 and can't grow a beard, and I guarantee I'm better looking than you, soiboy/muslim.

i'm not a nord i'm mostly Anglo but i love you meds too

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only a select few ginger men are attractive

If you don't have the same hair color as me, then you're not white

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yeah nah you have to go back, also go for a check up

Bitch they're the same fucking race
Use the proper words,skin complexity =/= race

Fuck. I'm not white. My whole life has been a lie.

What? He's jewish?
You ruined my day user

back to kitchen woman

>implying the entire Anglo is white
I thrust for Aryan blood!

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>sicillians getting the last laugh

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You mean the the dark color of your beard and roots or the dyed blond hair?

>I can't grow a beard
>B-but I'm kawaii!!!
Lol lil bitch

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>spend time in Jow Forums
>cant recognize jews

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Niggers do laugh a lot

>dyed blond hair
Sorry, but men don't dye their hair in Finland. I guess it must be a thing in muttistan

Is that Zuckerborg?

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bruh how deep are your wrinkles?

>What? He's jewish?

Nah he’s just chatting shit

Mr Bean is pure Anglo

The guy on the left is more Persian than anything

Women want Persian males

he's white in england

kek I'm a sterotype. Hve a St Anthony pendant I never take off and am hairy. Do memes relflect reality or reality reflect memes?

>in a world with estrogen-laced drinking water from ladies birth control pills
>a future less masculine than carrot top
>one man takes hold of the reigns and declares
>Tomorrow's sad absolute state, today's and tonight's feature:
>Big Bong
>In Theatres Now.
>PG-13 please hand coppers your parenting license

No this dude really is a Serb, there are other pictures of him with three fngers raised and šajkača

pretty good user, would watch

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If you go back to Syria you'll be one of the whitest people there Mohammad.

Yes. Blonde men are absolutely cute.

People also like to slap definitive labels on things, (for instance- what exactly is white) and it must infuriate these people that women are all so different in their preferences.

Then why do you have two hair colors like a girl who dyes her hair?

I bothered to go look and it appears you are right user.
Thank god, Blackadder would never have been the same for me.

only half of them are full beards, whats your point femanon?

What makes their beard faggy is that their face is too fat.
When they build some muscle, it will reflect in their faces as well and the beards stop looking faggy.
Even though they're still fags, ofc.

That ginger would make an excellent trap

There are very few real blonde males because testosterone turns it light brown when you grow up.

Who gives a shit what women say they want? Women say a lot of shit.

Then what am I? It's not fair I have pure European heritage

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but I think blond hair and light eyes are very masculine, for example I am blond with amber eyes, while my sister has black hair and black eyes, I had talked with her about this thing and our conclusion is that girls are fine with black hair and boys with blond hair

Look up the Siberian Fox experiment. Darker hair coat means more aggression. Women sexually select for it unwittingly. Males select blonde hair, it signals youth and therefor fresher egg cells.

>blondfag on suicide watch
The numbers speak for themselves. Cherrypicking won't up your game, blondie.

they're all bullshit

>also, sunbleached hair is a turn on
Neck yourself faggot.

olive nigger, kek

maybe in italy but in Germany it's as OP stated. Most girls prefer dark men. Only a very small number would say they'd prefer a blond guy.
I'm blond myself and I don't like it. I always cut them very short so they look a bit darker.


Women follow trends. This is no different.

Those wrinkles could cause a time paradox.

depends on the kind of blonde
tanned surfer boys won't have the problems Alabaster retards could have

Is lynching niggers racist ?

>Most girls prefer dark men
Problem is what they define as "dark"
To many dark might imply nogs or arabs but ive heard many girls who consider dark to be white guy with brown/black hair

I heard a girl talk about her preference in class awhile back and she said dark so a nog came up and talked to her and she straight up said "euw no, this isnt what i meant"
made me feel warm inside

Blond men are a fucking treasure.

Attached: Austin-Butler.jpg (500x600, 89K)

Guy on the left looks like rapefugee

There are human souls trapped in those defiled bodies.
Lynching them sets them free.

Do you know what shadow is?

You've never seen Bjorn Borg?

maybe in Muttico, its common in the civilised world.

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Two possible reasons.
1) Layers of hair obscuring other layers of hair limits the natural bleaching that occurs due to sunlight and if the top layer is thick enough, prohibits it altogether.
2) Picture was taken with light from above, casting a shadow.
3) You're a dumb cunt.

I love how they cherrypick a Med-Chad to filter is as "darker" implying it´s related to niggers and so.

He is not blond tho.

Article doesn't exist though.


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The guy on the left makes up a small percentage of guys anyway, even in Nordic countries. He is very pale. The guy on the left isn't really dark; he's kinda average white.

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