Florida Keys

>Be Florida Keys
>90% white
>No blizzards
>No shoveling your driveway everyday
>No urban sprawl
>Laid back lifestyle
>World class fishing
>World class seafood
>The Caribbean is your backyard
>If you need a city, Miami is a 1-3 hours away
Come home, white man

Attached: Keys.jpg (830x1024, 92K)

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>still gets hit by hurricanes

>jimmy buffet rapes your anus

Attached: beerpull.jpg (640x640, 389K)

Im in largo user, where you at?

>literally every hurricane above cat 1 rapes you
>Key West is literally pride festival central
>Housing is 3rd world tier
>Population is 70% tourist and old people
fuck off
t. Floridian

That's one long-ass bridge

>Hurricanes have been known to randomly delete islands
No thanks.

Forgot to mention the haarp hurricanes. No thx

>have some of the largest gay communities in the US

I was there last June. Too many roidbro microdicks, niggers and yuppies.