Yo Normie

Whats up babe

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The classic

I just got home from drinking on the strip.
W-what are you up to?

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oh y'know, just making some dinner, playing some video games, thinkin' about you hogtied in a dress, drinking some wine...

The usual.

>thinking about you
L-lewd! Did you even make me dinner?

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steak dinner tonight babe

Hope you like home made vinaigrettes with the salad.

You fa......oh...um..... okay. This is actually r-really nice. Did you have a good day?

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Yeah, I sure did babe. The goose got into the garden again though, so I had to deal with that.

Hopefully the stuff i set up can deter it the next time it comes pokin' around.

What about you?

you have a fun time out lookin' all beautiful on the strip?

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You have a goose and a garden? That's pretty neat.
My day was very long. I had to go all the way downtown. Once I got there I needed to escape so I found a way to drink for free.
>lookin all beautiful
N-not even in the s-slightest I was all m-man faced....

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Psh, man faced with you and those cute little lips?

I'm sure you had everybody looking your way.

I aughta go out and get something to drink..

It would be good for my stress.