Where do we draw the line between confidence and delusion? When Chad thinks he's attractive we call it confidence...

Where do we draw the line between confidence and delusion? When Chad thinks he's attractive we call it confidence. When Elliot Rodger thinks he's attractive we call it delusion.

Attached: Elliot Rodger4.jpg (992x744, 87K)

Everyone's attractive, some people attract the hatred of their peers, the youths and elders and others attract aroused human women females.

>Where do we draw the line between confidence and delusion?
When you actually have people/evidence backing it up and can prove your stance.

Hey does anyone have the 'Legends Live Forever' tribute video? JewTube removed it earlier today.

>only good looking people are allowed to be confident

So why exactly do we tell ugly people they need to be confident?

pretty much thats where that line is drawn.

to get us off their backs.

This is an interesting question thrown here. Deserves bump

cause having a good personality is your best fuckin bet at having a girl want to snag your ugly ass but not also use the shit out of you

Elliot Rogers actually is handsome in my opinion, he just has a cold, dead robotic stare which kills it.

It is not cold or robotic. It is sad and innocent. And captivating.

Yeah for real, listening to Elliot talk, he was not mentally ill or evil, he was sad, broken and defeated.

A genuinely nice, intelligent, talented guy in a depraved and twisted world.

He's free now though.

>A genuinely nice, intelligent, talented guy
So glad to hear someone say that. Instead of the never ending mockery and lies being told about him, just to discourage people to follow him. He was talented and intelligent and he could've achieved so much in life had he only tried more instead of being depressed and obsessed with wrong things.

Elliot was reasonably attractive but it doesn't matter when you are that autistic

It's just common courtesy, really. Not everyone is as brutally honest as you want them to be.

We actually call it narcissism, I think. But Elliot was only confident until the part where he had to approach girls. Autism.

If he approached a girl he would've had the cops called on him and been charged as a sex offender.

Attached: stare rape.jpg (540x753, 50K)

Chad is confident cos he know bitches wanna suck his cock.

Elliot was confident cos he thought he was a gentleman.

he didnt had a chance from starts.

Why should an ugly person be allowed to be confident? He has no reason to be.
Confidence is only good if it's justified, you wouldn't want a plane flown by someone who was just "confident" they could do it, you'd want it flown by someone competent.
>but n-normies say
Normies are lying to you to make themselves feel better.

Elliot had many other aspects of him that made him delusional. He actually looked pretty alright in my opinion.

>I want to take a girl out on a date and prove to her that I'm worthy. I want to feel that sense of being worthy of a girl's love and affection.
why is this so relatable

Nobody has ever said Eliot Roger wasn't attractive him being confident in his appearance wasn't what made him delusional what made him delusional was thinking that women owed him sex because he was rich and attractive and after failing to get laid his conclusion was to murder a bunch of people instead of working on his personality because he couldn't accept that he wasn't the perfect human being

>When Elliot Rodger thinks he's attractive
With his looks, he could have easily gotten a 5/10 half-asian starter girlfriend. And later maybe have even upgraded to as high as a 7/10.

All he would have had to do is just keep his mouth shut about his incel whining.

He could have put on his sunglasses, dressed nice, driven his BMW, and been a cool, quiet type who just says quick things like "hey, wanna hang sometime?"