Be honest femanons are only here because you're fat

be honest femanons are only here because you're fat

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fuck off i'm not fat
and even if i were that wouldn't be an excuse because there are tons of obese women with a bf/husband so try again faggot?

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how do you have a vagina and end up here then

Are we bullying fat femanons now? Sounds fun

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that's not a female though

no im ugly and mentally ill. . Things that are a lot harder to change than simply being fat. desu fatties kinda make me seeth because they often have the potential to be at least average or cute but have threw it away.

i guess after 11 years Jow Forums is a comfort somehow

i fucked up badly
it's all my fault.
Jow Forums corrupted me and it's over now

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between a fat girl and an ugly skinny girl a guy will choose the ugly skinny girl most of the time

speak for yourself. you are missing the point. nobody wants the ugly mentally stunted girl whatever her weight. maybe they would take one of those things but not both. and I can't blame them desu. But fatties have chubby chasers, an army of people online saying ho beautiful they are as a big woman. and if they arent deformed to begin with they can simply lose weight

this makes me sound really hateful actually. I dont mind fat girls, I just get a bit jealous of ruined potential when I never had a choice

you are about to get 50 guys begging for you to be their gf and you will ignore them all, so no, don't bullshit me

you realise how unlikely it is any of those would live near me to begin with, the chance I would be able to sift through the shit. I mean I have tried this before. It leads to people posting my face in trap threads when I end up revealing it, or else hounding me for nudes, or even getting clingy to the point of threatening suicide. Its sad but people jumping on me even when all they know about me is that im ugly, crazy and have a vagina. how the hell could that possibly turn into something healthy?
Im talking about the real world. the natural way for people to know and like each other for who they are. not because they are desperate and jumped on someone online out of sheer loneliness.

none of this makes me any more capable of dating someone in the real world. it changes nothing

have you ever had a bf before

I wasn't fat when I started coming here but it sure as fuck is helping keep me here these days

I live in vegas. U near me or want to talk?

not even close
I tried something with a guy from here and I now strongly believe its a bad move to put two mentally damaged people together like that.

Stop exposing me like that wtf first thread I open on this shitty board and find you saying that I'm damaged, ok.

why are we here if not because we are damaged in some way

what kind of damage do you have and how do i make you my gf to fix you

Was it me? Baby, I can change, I swear!

No, I'm fat, and ugly, and socially inept, and depressed.

Not washing properly I think.

Post discord I'll e-date you if you want


neither are femanons, normalnigger

I just want a gf with thicc thighs and that's it.
pls respond.

I'm fat but all the fat girls I went to school and college with are normies with boyfriends. If I wasn't an anxious, paranoid, avpd mess I'd probably have one too.

yes Correct
and i wish i could stop eating but its like im addicted
please send me to Uganda so I can starve to death

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thicc chasers would love you

A lot of the girls on crystal cafe are surprisignly skinny

Can I stuff you full with even more food and grab your belly and massage it, then fuck you from behind while holding your love handles? I have a thing for big girls

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Sticc>thicc This Is what a girl should look like. Take note piggies

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>thinking that pig is a sticc

Assblasted roastie detected

She's not sticc or thicc, she's just normal.

Or I should say, what would be considered normal in an ideal, healthy world.

I am specifically turned on by ugly, mental and or autistic women. So theres guys out there that like you for sure, just most likely we are few.

Is this the mystical fembot in its habitat

No way, shes way too hot for that despite her gut

post face now i'm curious just how uggo u are no bully btw

what that crescent shaped table?

remove 10kg from that and I definitely would tbqh

girl I want all of that on top of my face, STAT
tell me you don't mind gentle femdom stuff so I can jack off another fifth time today

chan corrupted me

wow, another weakwilled thot without agency

Yes im fat and ugly
>huge nose
>5'2 and 140 pounds

Hit the gym for a month or two and you'd be sorted. That's not that bad desu

that's slightly overweight and you can lose that in 2 months without even working out

Nah I was here before I got laid off, depressed, and had a bunch of shit happen that made me end up hating myself and gaining weight. I'm slowly getting past that now. Nah I'm just a socially stunted retard.

Ive been trying to be healthier but i have no motivation. Also what about the ugliness

be my gf and ill yell at you for eating a cookie

you girls have no idea how good it feels to wrap your hands around a round belly while cuddling

skinny is a meme, not only is it boring af but you'll get those extra pounds a few years down the line anyway

>there are people who unironically would prefer the skinny version

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yeah its called normal people faggot

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not really no, that's called being underage
then again you couldn't know without having experienced cuddling both, so it's not your fault

Nah you need to gtfo with that shit

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Haha no i wont make you happy, id be a terrible gf

go suck a dick nigger
women need meat on their bones

Fat woman should be exterminated

I am actually underweight.

Wow, that's not original.

I agree. Their existence is pitiful.

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I think I'd be here even if I wasn't fat.
But I've never not been fat. Was obese since I was 5 or so.
So I guess it's rough to tell.

then it's cognitive dissonance

you're lost go back to patreon

>Was obese since I was 5

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THAT is 207? how fucking short is she

Please no bully.
It's not my fault I was practically force fed soda and burgers from infancy.

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then pls make me miserable

Ffffffff brrrraaappppp

they really should make childhood obesity a crime for the parents.

I hope you are healthy and take care of yourself

Please no bully user please I'm trying to be better

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ok uwu whats ur discord ^_^

Well when the government asserts that you need 300g of carbohydrates - the most densely energy packed macronutrient - a day and don't care to have proper nutrition education for americans, it's hard to really hold parents accountable considering amerifats are all pretty ignorant to common sense.

I've lost 60lb the past 5 months and working on getting lower.
20lb more and I'll drop to overweight BMI territory, rather than just tubmaster obesity.

>Well when the government asserts that you need 300g of carbohydrates - the most densely energy packed macronutrient - a day and don't care to have proper nutrition education for americans, it's hard to really hold parents accountable considering amerifats are all pretty ignorant to common sense

Who needs a diet when you can eat ice cream and cheeseburger all day? I know you like that porky

>girl with huge fat tits and dick
>can't get into it as a girl bc she has a dick
>can't get into it as a trap bc she has fat tits

what motivates futafags?

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I really want to feed a femboat nothing but ice cream and cheeseburgers

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you're supposed to make them suck your dick for an ice cream treat you amateur

Hi, I want to take care of you, tell you you're pretty and nurture your mental health.

Femanons are only here because somehow they've deluded themselves into thinking that posting on Jow Forums is better than sex. Considering every femanon could be having sex RIGHT now regardless of how fat she is.

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I once had a crush on a chick who kinda looked like Edward Furlong. I stopped having a crush on her once I realized she kinda looked like Edward Furlong.

>Sex will solve all your issues
Fucking virgins, I swear

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you're dumb dude. femanons come here because they desperately want to fondle our beautiful NEET ballsacks.

what if my dick is literally a soft-serve nozzle that cums extra-sugary ice cream so they get bloated and fat by sucking my dick?

I'm ugly and overweight. I don't think it really matters either way. People always hated me.

ok dude if I ever get one wish in my life that's what its gonna be

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Why have people hated you? Just for looks?

Post your belly pls

>Posting on Jow Forums is better than sex
Fucking virgins, I swear

Glad you and I have cum to an understanding

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Low carb ice cream and burgers with lettuce wraps instead of buns are pretty decent but best on occasion.
Big fat spinach and mozzarella omelette for dinner is good everyday though.

You don't want to see my blubber, user.
It's saggy and deflated like a flat tire.

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I'm poor, ugly, and shy. Being shy is probably the kiss of death. I see fatter uglier women than me who are perfectly happy and in successful relationships with lovers and friends.

Those tits and belly look so soft and nice.

Hi, I still love you, I will call you pretty and not bother you about your weight. I will never hate you.

I've come to the understanding that Jow Forums neither solves any problems nor is it better than free unlimited sex (which every femanon has access to regardless of any circumstances). All r9k is good for is teaching virgins better ways to call each other virgins

>can't shut up about food
Contain yourself

It can make a pretty big difference when your main problem is being an incel

I was responding to an user talking about food.
Contain yourself, mister man.

Hmm well shy is something you can improve on. I think it's just a case of meeting people who you feel comfortable with and share interest with. Are you passionate about anything?

:'( no femanons even like me! :'(