Oneitis has a thing for my little brother

>same uni course with oneitis, she's falling behind, I offer to help her out
>I ask if she wants to meet at the Uni library but SHE INSISTS we go to my house
>ecstatic as fuck
>as we go through my notes in the living room my 17 year old bro comes in to get some fucking poptarts
>he's shy as fuck, more shy than I am
>oneitis tries to chat him up with more enthusiasm than she's ever shown towards me
>before we leave for me to drop her off at her place she asks if I could get my bro to come say bye
>I say in half jest half seriousness that he's shy and wouldn't want to
>she fucking purrs and says that it's cute and goes to his room to enthusiastically say bye in person
>when I'm back later that night, bro tells me she sent him a friend request on fb
>he makes a joke about scoring with a 'college girl'
>when I sent her a friend request on fb a months ago it was fucking weeks before she accepted
>my bro's shyer than me and shorter than me and also has shitskin brown hair and brown eyes while I have blonde hair and green eyes
>his face although better looking than mine is only a bit more, not stunning by any means

alright so what the fuck do I do. I do not know if i want to kill myself or my brother more

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I-I want to date your brother too, user...

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just tell her all the shitty/weird things he does. also make sure she won't come to your house again soon so they can't be around each other

let your brother score this one, you dont want to make him feel bad. right, user?

How did she know about your little brother before you went back home to your place?

Also, I know this may be hard to accept but he's probably more than just "a bit" better looking than you

Maybe she likes shitskin brown hair and eyes more than blonde hair and green eyes? I personally like brunettes with tan skin way more than really white blondes

>tfw brother is chad af
>within a couple months at new school he knows practically everyone
>girls are all over him
>goes through two gfs in a couple months
>one of them was on a dare
>surrounded constantly by friends
>avoids me unless he's got no one else to complain too or needs something from me
>little brother chad comes to complain to me about being sad his relationship that started on a dare didn't work out
>chad proceeds to state dating isn't worth it
>chad with a support group consisting of half the fucking school comes to educate weirdo held back loner kid on why seeking companionship is bad because it takes time from friends
>chad wants to tell the creepy kid that people make fun of about how he feels depressed and lonely

how he feels may be valid but why would one come rub this shit in a sperg's face

She's doing it on purpose to make you jealous lol. You really think she's not aware of the distress it causes you ? She knows you're into her, she wants to play with you now.
I don't know her motives but it is clear that she'll hurt you, never talk to her again.

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OP here. went for a jog to cool some anger off

Most of his vices I share. I feel like if I told her she'd see that I'm projecting.

I don't know. Worst of everything in this situation is conflicting feelings between wanting the best for my brother and the best for me, which seem to be at odds.

I'm guessing she saw some family photos on my Facebook profile.

It's hard to accept because of lots of factors:
>Oneitis & I are both 19 going 20, whereas my brother is 17. This age difference alone should be a big deal.
>I'm doing a good course at an Uni, have a car and a savings account that's piling up. Brother is a complete fucking jackass who I'm 90% sure is going to enroll into a shitty course in a shitty college when he finishes high school
>I'm taller, more muscular, have a wider frame, look older

It's just completely fucking ridiculous. The absurdity of it all is what really gets to me.

oh and of course don't hate your brother for it, that's probably what she wants, making drama. Don't let it get to you

I get shit tests but it'd only make sense if she goes to guys who qualify as actual sexual competitors or play hard to get by being coy and pretending to be annoyed or something. Right now is just pure sadism or she's genuinely into a dumb redeeming-feature-deprived teen boy

Just let your brother score lol

The way you talk about your own flesh and blood makes to sound like a cunt desu.

I wouldn't want to associate with you either

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Your brother did nothing wrong, the girl did nothing wrong, and you did nothing wrong. The girl doesnt like you, im sorry
if you want petty revenge, feed her misinformation about the corse and watch her fail

I'm guessing you're a single child.

No, I have an older brother and we are chalk and cheese - That doesn't mean I would throw him under the bus for some pussy
Pretty beta and pathetic from my perspective but hey, maybe theres something you're not telling us that makes you look down on him so.

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>have robot younger brother
>get mad when he actually attracts a woman
You deserve to get cucked

>>my bro's shyer than me and shorter than me and also has shitskin brown hair and brown eyes while I have blonde hair and green eyes
when will you learn that altough it may be a plus, it's not a super boost...

>Oneitis & I are both 19 going 20, whereas my brother is 17. This age difference alone should be a big deal.
Yeah, a two year age difference is huge. Just accept that you lucked out and stop being so bitter against your own flesh and blood.

OP's deluded anyway. Light hair/vibrant eyes are only attractive in women, whereas tanned skin, darker hair are perceived as more masculine

>I'm doing a good course at an Uni, have a car and a savings account that's piling up. Brother is a complete fucking jackass who I'm 90% sure is going to enroll into a shitty course in a shitty college when he finishes high school
>I'm taller, more muscular, have a wider frame, look older
>>>>Despite having all this success Im still SEETHING because he's a scapegoat for a total bitch that I like to cause family drama
Slap yourself in the face
Then go masturbate
Then find another oneitis, this one VERY VERY VERY OBVIOUSLY doesnt like you
Jesus, retards man...

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>find another oneitis

lol nice one

Fuck that, my 15 year old kid brother is literally dating my same age as me 25 year old oneitis after they met and spent time together.

Not only is it fucked and I admit I made a shit storm about the age issue because I wanted them to break up, but my parents don't care and are supporting of the relationship.

Women always go for the better looking, no matter how small the margin is between two people. It's just instinct OP. Just go masturbate to anime and find another.

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Your 15 years old brother is dating a 25 years old woman? this must be b8

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is your name david?

I fucking wish it's killing me inside I've been into this girl for 5 years now. Like I said, I freaked the fuck out to my parents about it hoping that they would do something but they were just like "It's a little strange but we know Oneitis and trust her, if they're happy together then we're happy for them."

It's fucked they're turning a blind eye to it.

>shitskin brown hair
Brown hair isn't shitskin you mongoloid

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It's not rape if it's a girl

At this point I don't even care, I'm just fucking pissed she went for him when I've been into her for years. They meet and hang out a couple times and now they're dating, it's so fucked.

>his face although better looking than mine is only a bit more, not stunning by any means

Face it user, your bro is a fucking chad, only you can't see it because of all the cope and familiarity. He will be deep in that pussy soon enough and the reality will hit you. Also, if you intentionally fuck it up for them they will both hate you.

You sound like a little bitch (pining for a girl for 5 years, complaining to your fucking PARENTS about it), your brother sounds hot as fuck (cucked his older brother with an older chick), and your parents are based and redpilled (men and women's age dynamic arent the same, niceeee meme, etc)
Sorry friendo, you lose

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I know but I'm still fucking salty

If it makes your feel better, she's probably crazy.
Seeing as how its been 5 years i doubt that makes a difference; in fact thats probably why you like her, you fell for the bpd manic pixie meme

>get cucked by your underage virgin little brother lol

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>I offer to help her out

It's over already. Like properly and forever over. You fell for the nice guy trap like we all have at one point.

you sound like an insufferable narcissistic pleb this is the scientific explanation behind BLACKED