Now that the dust has settled, is holes.jpg the most effective anti-roastie counter-spell ever devised...

Now that the dust has settled, is holes.jpg the most effective anti-roastie counter-spell ever devised? Has any roastie ever successfully defended against holes.jpg?

Are women really so stupid and shallow that they walk into its trap, every time? Why are men so much smarter than women?

Attached: holes.jpg (520x588, 121K)

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There's more interesting and important things to focus on

>implying women don't control men with their sexual prowess
They do it because it works, of which is very smart. Males impress by getting shit done in contrast, but women have inherent worth.

Also, they graduate college more often than males do in current year. Define smart. Are their IQs lower than males?

>Are their IQs lower than males?

someone post that IQ graph/study showing that almost all geniuses are men and women tend to be "average"

You don't get the point of my post. They don't have to try to win women by their achievments. How many of those geniuses didn't have trophy wives is the real question?

They work smart, not hard.

being born with a hole and passively existing isn't smart, it's "effective" in the way being born rich is an "effective" way to avoid hard work

women contribute nothing to humanity

I have never seen that jpg accomplish anything except make its poster look like a retard. Pretty much every time someone posts it is because he is getting btfo by a guy who is smarter.

Being a genius doesn't mean having a high IQ. It's defined by getting yourself noticed due to hard work, the accomplishments. A female has no time for that whilst child rearing. She easily seduces an impressive male, if he were so smart why does he fall for the seduction?

if coleridge was so smart why did he do opium? checkmate, women are smarter than coleridge QED

selection pressures.
women had no pressures for intelligence.
The net difference in IQ between white men and white women is the equivalent of a white woman and a nigger.
It's statistically moderate-to-significant.

Then how do you explain most incels being white?

Women's entire live revolve around sex because it's the sole source of their worth.

>You're a foreveralone
Is this from R*ddit?

Just an older image.

Not really, no. It's a pretty stupid image and very easy to counter-argument. Probably why very few anons even post it.

For starters:
The only ones who care about the availability of holes are men. Women generally don't see sex as a reward and lack of thereof as a punishment. They simply don't feel like having sex with you.
The point about online discussions could be summarized as "ad hominem is bad", which isn't exactly original, is it?

Jesus you are stupid.

newfags will be first against the wall

Attached: 1547990852593.png (558x614, 3K)

I know this is r9k but wow, women use sex as a reward /punishment all the time in a relationship
Hell the moment that a woman has all the say in a relationship about sex is when that relationship is functionally over

Because incels are a result of feminism in first world countries, where whites live.

kek thanks for proving my point.

how can women's shitty behavior be improved so they stop fucking up western society?

Delete feminism completely
As long as feminism exists, western society will continue to collapse

It's not collapsing at all?

Give them less freedom the more power you given women the moe degenerate they become. We've known this forever some of the earliest recordable texts are talking about how women will collapse any society

>Didn't want to believe woman have life on easy mode
>Lass at work shows up 2hr late with some bullshit excuse, boss says don't worry about it, clocks her in on time
>A week later I show up 10 minutes late and get reprimanded

Attached: gulag.jpg (320x237, 9K)


Woman detected. Please go to Reddit until you learn to post like a man. A statement with a question mark at the end is not magically an argument.

>Delete feminism completely
>As long as feminism exists, western society will continue to collapse
Do you want to take away the right to vote?

We definitely benefit from feminism, countries with more freedom to women are more productive and technologically advanced. But at the same time men become useless and miserable.

From women? Yes, absolutely. Women are not political creatures. They don't know how to be citizens.


i think you are misinterpreting the definition of benefit. what exactly do you think that word, benefit, means?

Got any more stuff you pulled from your ass?

I shouldn't have said we benefit from "feminism" but we definitely benefit from allowing women to work and have freedom. Just look at any country where women don't have rights and it's a shithole. Example the middle east

Western society is not collapsing. Only an idiot would think it is.

what is survival of the species

no, just take away the right for them to ask for bullshit privilege.
they have everything that a man has to survive and benefit society but instead they continue to whine for shit that they need only to prove that they are superior to men.

It is when it comes to relationships more people are single then ever before and it isn't slowing down.

Because less people get into unhappy marriages. Divorce rates keep dropping, people have less sexual partners. What collapse are you talking about?

>Because less people get into unhappy marriages
More like there's more single moms. Women are still being whores men are the ones who suffer. >Divorce rates keep dropping
Because less people get married like you just said. Not a good thing marriage is how you raise happy children
>people have less sexual partners
Men* have less sexual partners. I already know women are doing just find. it's men who are suffering that's the problem

Yes, obviously
All feminism, from the top to the bottom is bad. Things like gender politics and slut walks are obvious to why they are bad

But voting and working are terrible too
"The right to vote" splits up a household's political power, but also women vote far more emotionally then men, how many women voted for Hillary based upon her being a women vs her actual policies

"The right the work" just doubles the amount of people needing jobs while barely changing the amount of jobs available making the value of the people, while diversity quotas make it harder for men to get a job. Plus women who focus on work, have no/less children and have them later in life.

Just like the romans thought in 450?

Men and women have less sexual partners. Why would it be different?

This entire image is pretty much just baseless assertions, and the main reason no one successfully argues against is because there is no argument against it, just as much as there's no argument against staunchly insisting that the sky is purple. It's difficult (and arguably pointless) to attempt to logically undermine an inherently illogical point. All you can really say is "you're wrong."

>They try to convince others they argue on the same level as men by insisting they are men
And this is what kills the image entirely. With this line, it changes from standard anti-women nonsense to complete anti-rhetoric. It turns the image into a tool you can post against literally any argument to invalidate it. It doesn't matter who you are or what you're saying; you're just a stupid woman pretending to be a man, and thus your argument is not valid. The poster sits there and ignores anything you have to say on the original argument until you refute this inane shit.

>still thinks women want children before the age of 30

Ok that doesn't prove anything. It's harder for a man to find sex, and it's easier for women, that's all that matters.

>intelligence equals success
You have a low iq don't you. Most animals in existence do not use intelligence to get by. In modern society, the successful intelligent do everything they can to make sure the unintelligent survive and reproduce becuase even the most intelligent of humans are still social at heart.

My mom voted and when i question her retarded vote she always gives me pure emotional reasons. Whenever we get into an argument vaguely political she always just ends the argument saying she is disappointed in how unsympathetic i am to the plight of insert group here

>valid arguments
Ive seen extreme leftists women turn into nazis becuase a nazi gave her a good fucking and vice versa

reminds me of evalion. went to crazy nazi to communist because of her spastic boyfriend

And most of the time the poster they argue against isn't even a woman.

>how unsympathetic i am to the plight of insert group here
Is that so bad?