How often do cute cashier get asked out by thirsty guys?

How often do cute cashier get asked out by thirsty guys?

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Depends where they work. At least once a day from what my sister told me

A number of my friends are girls who are cashiers, and not all of them would really rise to the level of "cute," and as far as I can determine, the answer is "all the damn time." Any of them who are the slightest bit attractive already have a boyfriend anyway.

>"a boyfriend"

Cope LOL

>Any of them who are the slightest bit attractive already have a boyfriend anyway.
This kills the robot
Every good girl is taken lads, we just aren't good enough.
What implications does the fact that you're a khhv at 25 hold? It's apparent I'm unwanted, but I don't want to be alone, anons. I'm scared everyone's got girls and is moving away and getting good education and jobs, and I'm just rotting here.
I wish there was a Tinder for normal people, I hate all the art hoes that use it where I live.

You can have one too, she just won't be attractive.

Or smart, or funny, or in any way interesting.

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I work for dominos and I have a coworker that said she's been asked out while on deliveries 3 times over the past 6 months
She said that it's always creepy because she's only there to deliver pizzas, and shes always worried that some guy might not take no for an answer and just grab and rape her
If someone did that we back the store wouldnt even know that there was a problem for 10-15 minutes, and wouldn't be able to get to that guys house for 30ish after the rape starts

Lol shut the fuck up you pizza faced little bitch
Suck off a shotgun I bet that is one of your little fantasies too
Dumb little bitches

Its not really thirsty guys. It's usually just older men who are being friendly. If your a 19 year old and you hit on a cashier you're a desperate loser to her, but if you're 30+ she will get wet, and if you're 50+ shell think you're a cute and innocent old men

I have actually been approached in the parking lot of a grocery store as a cart monkey. He was pretty cute and asked for my number. I gave it to him and even though nothing came of it, it still felt pretty good to be thought of as a potential romantic partner

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What the actual fuck are you on about retard?

thanks for the tip pizzabro.

This is why women need to stay at home. They are literally always at risk for rape. Should only be in a house with high functioning security systems and firearms plus training

What does it feel like to be asked out bros?

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As a female cashier at Target, I want to say that unless you clearly have alot of money me and my colleagues wont acknowledge your existence besides that of a customer.

Only ugly chicks have asked me out. 2 in my life and they both looked like trolls

Imagine caring about women. They are like pets to me. MGTOW

>still felt pretty good to be thought of as a potential romantic partner
I wish I knew what that felt like

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Honestly it's so mesmerizing you don't really feel anything. At least I don't.

It actually feels like shit once you realize they only like your appearance and once they find out how much of a sperg you are they run for the hills. You feel like you're in some kind of limbo between hopeless virgin and potential Normie.

Lil schizo faggot samefagging his shit

Lol you stupid fucking future paypig, that dumb bitch is just dying for someone like me to make her paranoid delusions r3al

honestly I would send them your way most of them were ugly and one was just average. I would have dated the average but she was a roastie.

>tfw a cute cashier called me handsome once
It was pretty much the highlight of my life.

>after the rape starts

user, those art hoes are normal people.

>As a female cashier at Target
How does it feel being a massive failure at life?

>be walking on a street
>see a cute girl come towards me with a pike
>she smiles at me as she passes by
>ignore her
>go to a mcdonalds
>she's the cashier
>she smiles at me again
>ignore her and politely make my order
>she rudely says "here's your burger" and leaves

just don't deliver to niggers and she would be okay.

>worked since 16 yrs old with four different jobs
>5"2', 106 lbs
>tfw never hit on by a single customer

I worked as a cashier and barista and guys would rather lick dirt off the floor than look at me. My coworkers get hit on a lot though. feelsbadman

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