Why are white people so evil? They literally rip people away from their families for doing drugs

Why are white people so evil? They literally rip people away from their families for doing drugs

If youre on probation or something and smoke weed they wont even fucking hesitate to rip you out of your house and fuck you.

The white man treats drug addicts like fucking murderers and rapists what the fuck. And pot no less

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heyy tendasian tiger

>doing drugs

Degenerate substance abusers like you deserve all the shit that they receive in life.

>the white american man


In my country white police men dont even bother taking weed from you

>no jails or police
>literal lawless wasteland
>claiming they're civilized

the safest countries in the world (Japan, Singapore) have the strictest drug laws. they put you away forever for any violation at all.

You stll wound get laid my bro cuz you a puss not a warrior

You're next on our list degen

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>get put in jail for smoking herbs

Sounds legit

>hadn't invented locks themselves

uhhh is that meant to be a good thing?

my grandma had locks on her door growing up but didn't need to use them cause these savages still hadn't been brought here en masse.

Friendly reminder that tribes in Africa still have no qualms with dragging a person from out of their hut and killing them for being accused of putting a hex on someone.

Just a small taste of uncivilized living.

>yeah white people are evil they won't let we do whatever I want
literally child tier way of thinking

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Yeah so what if they need it for an illness? Just go to prison then for smoking a plant with no negative side effects? Ok.

Death to all anti weed countries

>break law
>get's mad that there are consequences
Absolutely african american.

There weren't any jews either...

Doing drugs isnt the same as raping or murdering someone. Shouldnt even be a slight risk of earning the same type of punishment.

Do you know how many major corporations break laws literally every day. Even the warranty sticker on products is literally illegal

>Muh safety
>Trade freedom for safety
How unamerican you cuck

I like the whole American Indian lie that they were super peaceful and had no crime. There was fucking wars back then from rival tribes lmao.

>I like the whole American Indian lie that they were super peaceful and had no crime.
Who the hell ever said that? I mean, besides your strawman.

> mfw tall pale Irish Man
>All the benefits of being white, NONE of the guilt (because we wuz oppressed n sheit)

And if Jow Forums mutts (Read: manlet tan Ameribrapps with definite Non-european admixture in there) call me non-white, I'll merely walk through my 99.7% white Irish city, without fear of any Ghettos or minorities and think: Goddamn I love being white.

first thing tribes did upon europeans arriving is try to get their allegiance so as to tip the scales in these tribe's favour and be able to defeat their rival tribes, which they would subsequently butcher, rape and headhunt

"The white man causing people to have locks on their doors.."

Yeah.... Okay.

p-please mister, i want to come live there too! im a good asian boy i can behave desu.

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Literally in the OPs picture.

Yet, Japan is one of the most depressing places to be in. The birth rate is low as fuck, many of them stay single for long periods of time, and most men there are hermits. Plus, High suicide rates.

Portugal legalized all drugs and their crime rates is extremely low.

all of the shit in your pic was done by jews who arent white


user said as he was forced to pay 40% of his money to the government to force him to go and die in wars, put embargos on trade to make him pay more for shit and to stop him from putting certain things into his body because it might make him make less money for big daddy gov. OH YEA IF YOU DISOBEY HIM HE COMES TO YOUR HOUSE KIDNAPS YOU AT GUN POINT

But yea user. Look how safe you are

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we northeast asians were SPICED (genetically enriched by the Ginger master race) thousands of years ago and abandoned. now i am demanding reparations for my people the NE asians, you must let us come live in your 99.97% White Irish city.

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>jews who arent white

How aren't Jews white when they have Greek, Anglo, and slavic backgrounds?


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SPICED then abandoned in fields of fertile rice.

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White people will call any other culture that didn't progress in the same manner uncivilized.
>Peaceful indian tribe?
Boom Savages that deserved to be conquered
>African village
Boom Low IQ retard dwellers
>Indigenous people
Outcasts cave men failed neanderthalls

It's all just white pride and guilt, don't expect them to understand.

I would rather live in a police state and be able to walk around at night and leave my house unlocked than wait 15 minutes for the cops to arrive after getting mugged and/or shot because I went down the wrong block

>progress in the same manner
>implying any of those peoples progressed at all before whitey

Nobody has progressed in the same manners at whites. If we didn't exist youd all still be a bunch of niggers living in huts

Do you really think a cop can come fast enough to stop you from getting shot user? Even if somehow they knew instantly do you think they could arrive before Tyrone decided he wanted to shoot a CRAKA today? You think bugging your phone, Scanning your emails, Looking at your internet history is gonna stop any of that? All you can do is defend yourself user and if you have a gun tyrones gonna think twice before robbing you

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and when White men came back to asia, to greet us their long abandoned seed... did they come greet us with open arms? nay, they came armed and ready to deal death to their forgotten progeny, and put their descendant down like sick dogs

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