Where do you go when Jow Forums gets boring?

Where do you go when Jow Forums gets boring?

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robot infinity to be precise


Into the rope. There's nothing beyond this point.

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YouTube or Minecraft

Out to my woodshop. I'm only here until I get enough coffee in me to be productive.

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My diary famdesu

that wood is poorly aligned

To fuck Stacy.

redpill me on that site

Jow Forums. Nigga.

Rough sawn cut offs. They became these.

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Stormfags 90% of the site, besides that relatively good. Worse interface than Jow Forums though, but hey, you can post multiple images. Also dont tolerate degeneracy.

>don't tolerate degeneracy

because they're stormfags.


For all they hate "degeneracy", they do love them some hentai though.

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i go to my job, or i go to a friend's house.

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i just get angry and punch things.

Best answer right here goys

Jow Forums doesn't get boring, I'm on here for 16 hours a day.

My secret alt chans for actual logical discussion and very minor shitposting.

>turning wood blocks into multicolored woodblocks
Truly a modern day renaissance man.

I'm here everyday

original post

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Same. How could you be bored? Just go to a different board if you're tired of Jow Forums.

I don't. I alternate between here, Jow Forums and, forgive me for uttering these words, Jow Forums.

>started Jow Forums 10 years ago on /b/ obviously
>shorty after moved to /v/ while sometimes going to /a/
>the past ~2 years, even before that but especially the past 2 years, /v/ became a rabbit infested shithole so i just started hopping all around Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>even fucking /fa/ despite not caring about fashion i just like the cringe and hairstyles threads for some reason
you reach the point where you lose the feel of belonging somewhere, the feel of maining a board like i did with /v/
>tfw don't belong in the real world and i don't belong on Jow Forums anymore

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...w-where is that image from, because it hurt me deeply.
>time to drink away the sorrow ...again

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>Where do you go when Jow Forums gets boring?

what's a stormfag
no bully pls

T. Knows nothing about woodworking. Fuck off onions

White guys who love black women. They get their name from their waifu, Storm from the X-Men.

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than wtf are they

What is up fellow stacy fucking chad?

i think it's the handball anime, i just saved it because it ripped a hole in my heart too

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they're 'gay for' storm from the xmen films

>your image
>your post
>literally killing me

I cant handle these feels man.

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They're more autistic than the people here. Srs.

Any other social media except fucking 9gag or Tumblr... Do you guys even realize there's more outside of Jow Forums or you just way up your elitist outsider ass?

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Reality of course.

take 5 seconds to google it yourself you leech




what Jow Forums used to call Jow Forumsfags before Jow Forums

Jow Forums never gets boring, it gets worse, but that just fuels my anger and causes more shitposting.

I've used nothing but Jow Forums since my formative years when I started using the internet. I have never posted on any other forum or website.


8ch Jow Forums is the so unfunny and pretentious it's embarrassing.

That one website with the alien mascot.

Or I just listen to music while building in Minecraft.

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I've been on Jow Forums for around 8 years, and while I do still go on /v/, I do feel very out of place when I'm on there these days. I feel like a big reason is simply that I'm getting older than everyone else there.

Not the guy who yelled at you, but they were knife handle blanks.

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YouTube, random news and Wikipedia articles and occasionally even Facebook, mostly for the marketplace section and to message my dealer.

Wrong planet.net?
I guess so, since you play minecraft, still.


Jow Forums does not get boring. There's /b/ and filters.

Hispachan, the IB where I came from.

>A stormfag hates black people, Jewish people
sounds good to me


Nope, not that alien.

I use Planetminecraft.com every now and then though.

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other parts of Jow Forums that nobody bothers with.
I've had a thread up on /n/ for 2 months at this point because even most 4channers aren't even cancerous enough to partake in bicycle-fag culture.

To hell user. Or nowhere idk.

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This, or youtube

i thought that was supposed to be some kind of robot

How the fuck does he have a hot blonde gf touching him like that? I look identical to him but wear a nicer shirt.m, a button up.

reddit, lichess, chess.com, youtube, and sometimes 81dojo if i feel like getting beaten at japanese chess

In a book, or in research or the best of all, I go outside.

I'm trying to wean myself off of browsing this awful place, but I keep waking up in the middle of the night and browsing for hours. I swear this place altered the structure of my brain so that I am now physically dependent upon it like heroin.

That's his mom dybmass

Stupid fucking leaking faggot. Don't you realize this site is full of retards who will make that chan worse. Or even like Jow Forums?
