Did he really deserve any of it?

Did he really deserve any of it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yes. He made the conscious decision to post shit online.
You can't expect to be able to act like a retard online, have people know who you are, and have no repercussions whatsoever.
In my opinion, this is natural selection at work.

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But he was just autistic, he didn't actually realize what he was doing

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>Muh rational choice
You're almost as retarded as Christina or whatever tf he's calling himself now.

Is this a CWC original?

>thinking rational choice is retarded
>prefers to excuse retarded behavior online

I know that natural selection isn't the most pleasant concept especially when it comes to human nature but the only reason people like CWC exist today is because of protections from nature such as laws and modern civilization. Someone like CWC wouldn't have lasted 3 days before 1900AD or in a state-of-nature situation.

Mild and moderate autism doesn't destroy cognitive abilities. If that were the case, we would have many more mildly autistic people sperging out online about their shitty fandoms. CWC is just a very piss poor decision-maker with a short temper.

Nobody "deserves" anything. That comes from a karmic-based belief system.
My father didn't deserve to be T-boned by someone going 49 in a 25, but he's dead now.

It just happened, like everything else.

Except this was the perfect storm of autism, worthless parenting, poverty, and man-babyness meeting the internet at the worst(best) possible time.

Now autists get fucking therapy dogs and personal assistants.

A life couldn't get as fucked as it did in the CWC saga these days and the people tormenting him would be labeled as sadists or psychopaths, which they might have actually been.

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>tfw barely function sperg
>see chrischan as my personal anthony burch
>tfw at least Im not chrischan

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>Mild and moderate autism
it's pretty clear there is nothing mild about christians retardation

except we do have tons of autists sperging out in their respective fandoms you fucking dumbshit. And the fandoms that attract those sorts are universally despised. Doesn't it inconvenience you, having to shove your keyboard so far up your rectum that it's the one making the posts for you?

Hence why I said "and moderate".
He is very moderate on the scale of retardation.

Trust me, I have seen severe classmates when I was a kid (The kind that piss in the "Class Garden" and run through the hallways bareass naked). CWC is verbal and able to live on his own. He isn't severe.

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It is indeed I believe

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Can't help it; The keyboard feels good.

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yoyoyoy gangster Garfield here cwc deserved it

Shit, this makes me so depressed.

He deserves to be curb stomped

>and able to live on his own
That's a load of shit and you know it, you mendacious fuck. "He's not bad, he's not that bad hurrrrr", delusional assclowns like you have been bleating that same line for the last decade to justify their sociopathic treatment of him and he has only gotten worse and worse and worse. Get fucking real nigger.

Yeah, sometimes the truth can be a real bitch

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No. I feel sorry for the guy.

His parents should have contacted the police as soon as the harassment started and taken his computer away. Someone like him shouldn't have been allowed to use the internet unmonitored anyway, so the blame ultimately lies with his parents.


We became the bullies we all hated in high school in a way

What's wrong with the assistance dog thing?

They made us like this, user. It's not our fault

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The scary thing is that most of Jow Forums could have easily gone down the same path.

>Someone like CWC wouldn't have lasted 3 days before 1900AD or in a state-of-nature situation.
>be 1900AD
>be me
>trying to crack open rock with other rock because it might have tendies inside like acorn
>wtf do i know how should i know the difference between nuts and rocks no one invented science
>fucking this autistic retard that lives in a tree comes down and starts talking about mamothchu
>wtf this fucking retard
>retarded fucking stories
>have to admit though it's at least distracting to listen to his retarded shit
>and he does seem to know where thunder comes from
>better than thinking about starving
and that is how religion was born

Reminder that he actually has a college degree and you don't

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1900 AD is 1900 Anno Domini, or the turn of the century. Not the Bronze Age or any period prior.

can you fuck your autism comfort dog?

oh, chris is just unlucky
s/he is a high functioning autist, could hold a work even with a different upbringing

Yes. Everybody who has tried to help this tard eventually grew to hate his fat ass.

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Except it took him two or three years longer and they just passed him along cause they didn't want to deal with him or the parents. He hasn't shown any skills with it nor gotten a job with it.

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This is Chris' most recent drawing.

He's been drawing for 25 years.

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>Treat the personality-disordered retard like he isn't a personality-disordered retard
>Get disappointed and mad when he acts like what he is
White knight cucks are as pathetic and stupid as shithead trolls like and who disingenuously pretend that he's only slightly autistic as an excuse to torment him.

that's exactly the same reason why women who apply makeup thousands upon thousands times are often meh at it and why people who write and type for decades are often meh at it too. repeating something not trying to actually improve the result and without learning on your mistakes is only good to keep you from getting rusty

I love this new sperging of "If I write down my characters saying they exist they must exist" shit going on.

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That is tragic.

>all of the day lilies died with Bob

Chris Chan is a modern Greek tragedy. One a side note do you think barneyfag will lose his fucking mind like Chris here if I post one of his tweets that happens to be pony related?

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You all pity Chris, but future historians will know more about him, his life, and his creations than they ever will about any of you.

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I think CWC secretly loved the online attention and still does. He was raised by to elderly parents in a small town where he didn't have any friends, I should think any attention is good attention in his twisted mind. You have to deliberately be sabotaging yourself to get to the place where he's at, it's the only way, no matter how autistic or retarded you are.

I'd rather by forgotten than have my hellish life of sloth, mental illness and poor decision making immortalized.

I think that only matters to people who care about "muh legacy".

Plenty of good men, better than Chris and any of us have lived, died, and faded from memory.

just curious, what was his degree in?

I don't even know how to feel about him anymore.

CADD or "Computer-Aided Drafting and Design"

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at least it was stem, it took me 6 years to get a history degree at a shit university thanks to me skipping 60-70% of my classes due to anxiety.

At the end of the day, does anyone?

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It's not a matter of who deserves what, it's cause and effect

*clears throat*

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Does he even use the money he farms from his trolls to buy prismacolor markers yet? Or is this how his drawings look with them? Has he not dabbled once with photoshop or gimp?

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would you hire chris as your designer?

It's a bittersweet feeling

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Not vidya

>tfw I could have been just like him only my parents just beat me when I acted autistic instead of coddling me.

I stopped making outbursts simply because I was too scared to do so anymore. This has carried into adulthood even though my father is dead and my elderly mother would probably hurt herself more than me if she tried.

Would you beat your own kids too?

I got beaten by coked up parents and I still didn't grow up to amount to jack shit.

He has a CAD certificate, not a degree

Holy shit someone at my school is basically a young CWC. He is super autistic, looks very similar down to the Glasses and haircut

I'm still a friendless loser, I just don't do autistic outbursts or even stim much because I got hit if they caught me doing it.

I was professionally diagnosed as autistic in first grade by school phyc and confrimed by an outside one. Parents didn't believe it and just started beating me anytime I acted not normal.

It wasn't light either several times I had to skip a few days of school to let my bruises heal enough so the school didn't report it as abuse.

I'm not gonna have any so its pointless to think about it but I would, though not to extent that mine did.

They could beat the retard out but they couldn't beat the normal in

Same. I guess having crippling social anxiety is still better than being like Chirs. t-thanks, dad

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its not so much they beat the tism out of me, they just Pavlovian conditioned me to associate autistic mannerisms with pain.

Its even slowly reemerging as there is no one to reinforce the behavior anymore.

>m-muh anxiety!!
Fuck off, snowflake. You skipped classes because you're an irresponsible slacker. Stop making excuses for yourself.

That image is so sad and I get angry everytime I see it. barb just uses it for her hoard now

>They could beat the retard out but they couldn't beat the normal in
fucking lol'd irl

1900 AD was 119 years ago senpai.


>1900 AD was 119 years ago
pepe with a watch.jpg

>chris chan is almost 37 years old

T. Have the same birthday but I'm 10 years his junior

His degree was already outdated when he completed it.

Rocky tried to do that but his parents stopped her because they wanted to negotiate with the trolls.

I unironically wish I could have been a replacement son for the guy.

Think about this

Youcan literally go to his place and fuck that turboautist in the ass now that he has decided to change into woman. He might even want it.


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Sorry but that thing is already taken.

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Bob and Barb are terrible people. Bob slightly less so but he still wasn't much of a father. You'd probably end up just like Chris if they raised you.

Reminder that barb is gonna die soon

Still better than my 2018

I dont have Asperger's, and I don't want to be their actual son. Just someone Chris's age at the time that wasn't like Chris that came over and crafted shit with Bob.

as someone who doesn't follow cwc, what were they like? I know they coddled and encouraged him but was that the only bad things they did?

Basically, they are stupid and small-minded small-town Christian white trash. Not the best parents for the bundle of autism and rage that is CWC. youtu.be/riHgBEu3OSk

I don't have much reason to be excited about CWC anymore. The golden days are long gone.

Bob was just the typical old stubborn man like not wanting him to get help in school (cause he is just like all the other kids) and blaming everything on the trolls but tried time to time to get Chris to do something and guide him. Barb on the other hand is manipulative, threatens to kill herself if she doesn't get her way, abuses chris physically and mentally and is a hoarder among other things. It's so bad that a second son completely left the family and refused contact of any kind. The best part is that now in her old age Chris is taking care of her and using the parenting techniques she taught him. Newfags to Chris screetch at him for abusing his mother not realizing Barb has done much of the same and worse.

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this is natural selection at work.
Believing in this shit is about as being theistic. You have absolutely no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Life isn't this straightforward.

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>not being excited for the dimensional merge
CWC has fully departed from reality and is on a fast track towards full padded-room insanity. How does that not titillate you? Are you not entertained?

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>>thinking rational choice is retarded
>>prefers to excuse retarded behavior online

can anyone give me a tldr

I agree, it's basically wrong place, wrong time for ole CWC. But in a way, he faned the flames and made his life a living hell more than it would be otherwise.

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The best part is that Chris learned about "respawning" cause of some brony TF2 players. And no, he dosn't play the game.

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>I kissed a bunch of people on the face cheek
What other cheek is there?

Those damn coyboys sure were fuckin' stupid.

The ass cheek, user. Origami.

The chicken or the egg.

If he wasn't so autistic he wouldn't have uploaded the tragically horrible Sonichu comics in the first place.

No one would have had a reason to communicate with him, trolling or otherwise.

But he is so autistic and withdrawn that there's zero self awareness as to how he is perceived by a normal person so he says all the things he thinks in his defective brain without filters.

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As long as you understand the basic concepts of GD&T, it never really becomes that outdated.

CAD is relatively static for the most part. More advanced simulation tools have been implemented but technical drawing remains relatively just that.

What has she gone and done now?


It is highly likely that one his therapists or a concerned internet person with genuinely good intentions told him to stop posting shit online. If he tried to track down his trolls, he probably would have come across posts explicitly stating this point as a shitty justification for continuing to troll him. Yet, he continued to do it, instead of deleting his shit or nuking his internet presence.

He did stop posting shit for a time based on what a spiritual leader said and went dark. A few times people saw him in real life but just took a photo and let him be. But of course you can't keep a wild tard down and he came back.

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Dayum with dem quad quads

I don't think it's a matter of deserving or not. He was just a retard who was ill equipped to deal with trolling, and his parents even more so. Anyone who tried to justify fucking with him for any reason except for a laugh were always faggots, no exceptions.

i'd love to be a fly on the wall for one of his love quest expeditions to a mall or something in the mid 2000s, or for when he almost got expelled from community college, or when he invented sonichu. for some reason, chris before he got discovered by the internet is way more interesting to me than after.

Not when I write my magnum opus user, soon.

It's the mystery that fascinates us