A grill bought me drinks at a bar

A grill bought me drinks at a bar.
Why would she do that?

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It's spiked, she's gonna steal, your wallet

Do you work with her? Was it expensed?

Why else? So she can sell your body to her man. Those girls love pleasing their men.

a girl once bought me and her drinks at a party she attended with her date.
She maybe just wanted to tease this guy, looking if he was beta enough or smth

Nah, it was just some random girl, I was actually out with some people I know and when I was alone she came to me and asked if she could buy me a drink.

Maybe she's a feminist that actually believes in equality.

Youre overthinking this, bud. Congratulations, you have succesfully managed to attract a woman to the point where she was the one who made the first more. Impressive.

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She looked and spoke normal, we didn't talk politics anyway, nothing was screaming feminist about her. Still, what did she want?

Do women even do this? What was the goal here? We just had a friendly chat. Seems like a waste of money.

This, but literally and originally.

The goal was to get your attention/meet you! Yes, women do buy guy drinks, and that usually happens when they're interested on a guy but havent been noticed by him just yet. This is insider information for you lol. It isnt a waste of money, it's just a nice way to start a conversation with a good-looking stranger. Ive never bought someone a drink because Im more shy, but I have some friends who actually do this.

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Women tend to be nicer to homsexuals they are considered a girl to them but not a threat she was being nice

When you walk does your cock have a masculine swag or is it a feminine swag?

Did y oi u see the drink come from the bartender or did she Roddy it and you will get robbed/raped setup, I knew a guy yes male who got roofied by a woman she robbed him with her bf assumed and while he was blacked out took him out of their place (she was suppose to be single) and dropped him off at a bus stop

This. It's now minimally socially acceptable for women to buy men drinks (mainly in urban areas though) as part of them approaching men.

I don't understand really to be completely desu, but ok. And what about the part where she asked to add eachother on facebook? Does she expect a message now?

Depends if I wear boxers or boxer briefs. If I wear boxers it's kinda funny cause sometimes I slap my thigh with it, specially if walking a bit faster.

I'm not at the bar right now, the bartender put it on the table where we sat.

Kek idk about woman op. But i remeber i was at a bar once just drinking by myself and this drunk dude sat next to me and kept buying me shots of CC all night. Later found out he was gay and not happy when i left kek

When I became 21 and a few months later I would go to a bar Thursdays at night (until May) and there was a group of girls I saw on three times in a row. The one of the girls asked me my name and where I worked at. I gave them my work ID and she seemed impressed (its a big Ad agency). She brought me a drink and said I should come by her job sometime (she works at a popular college bar) . I told my friends at work the next day and they said she's just wants me to become a regular at her spot so I didn't bother to go the times she works.

Probably wanted to make her bf jealous.