What the Fuck Do You Actually Do?

Robros, how the fuck do you get through life when it's constantly shitting on you?
> be me
> 21 yo Asian American
> unemployed
> student debt (Comm degree)
> parents only talk about job apps
> never hear back
> not even from food service
I'm fucking tired of this. I try not to swear, think ill, etc., but I just went Jow Forums on my dear sweet liberal mother saying how I hate every fucking group that is able to go to a country and get jobs/benefits/etc. while I'm falling down every step of the way. I'm just looking for venting/advice, and I'm too religious to self-harm or anything, so any trolling like that just shows you're even more of a waste than I am.

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Modern-Operating-Systems-Andrew-Tanenbaum/dp/013359162X/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1549499598&sr=1-4&keywords=operating systems)
amazon.com/Pattern-Recognition-Learning-Information-Statistics/dp/1493938436/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1549501658&sr=1-4&keywords=Pattern Recognition and Classification,

>dream that I was a blacksmith last night
>felt so good to do work and create things
>wake up and look at what it might take to become one
>"good bladesmiths have advanced metallurgy degrees"
>"traditional apprenticeships are a thing of the past"
>well nevermind then haha just kidding i didn't want to live a fulfilling life as a craftsman anyway
i don't know bud. maybe we should all pool together and form a sort of neet Outer Heaven

I respect you for just thinking of that kind of work. Not just a career, but something to create and be proud of that you can call your own. I always enjoy the theads about a community and living in a woods, but that's why they call them dreams.
I enjoy maintaining things from a stewardship perspective, but outside of fantasizing about building a comfy home, I can't see myself in that line of work.
I've been applying to a lot of entry level stuff (I.e. journalism and public policy), and it's disgusting to even think about joining their ranks. It's a blessing in disguise to not be a part of, but I always feel like it's either sell your soul away to be unhappy or wrestle it from being taken away and being miserable.

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>Comm degree
How did your parents not talk you out of that?

Guess I was good enough of a communicator to convince them to help me attend uni abroad.
Seriously though, my Mom would want to give me the world if she could and as much as my dad's a dick, he still comes around to supporting me.
Probably wouldn't be in this situation if any of us were smart enough to think about the job market, but high hopes and faith.

What are you passionate about? oreganoliololol

We are called robots for a reason, man

What are you willing to do?

Even the military has rejected me, so at this point, I will do whatever takes me far enough away from home that I will effectively disappear. I recently applied to work up in Alaska for a variety of positions and was found to be unqualified. I've applied to work overseas, I've applied to work for a wide range of companies and only had one interview that ended when they said I had "no office experience".

I just want to exile myself and start over as a new man.

Religion, Anglo-Irish culture, and helping the community. I was planning on Eastern Orthodox Seminary but postponed it until I had a better grip on my spirituality (one step forward and two steps back). I loved being in Northern Ireland, but working there as a non-citizen is FUBAR. As for the community, I've thought of looking into jobs in local government and local non-profits, but never hear back.
The truth hurts, Fren.

Haha outside of the military application thing (I used to want to do Coast Guard), that fits me (OP) pretty well actually. We really are all robots...

Truly a fate worse than death. Why would a benevolent God even allow us to be created?

How much debt you got? Go back to school and just learn to code. MIT OCW (math basics and cs)... Hopefully a lot of your credits transfer?
I'm trying to work on begoming trad Catholic. There is an FSSP church near me. I've been interested in Aristotle and Aquinas (Edward Feser is great) lately.

No debt, but no money either. I have a STEM degree and my parents are not willing to send me back to school, so even if I could get loans, how would I ever pay for myself to live during the schooling, let alone pay off the loans?

So that we may share in His love. Too bad that there are many out there who would have such torn away so what we may be dragged down with them.
Not too familiar with FSSP, but my faith is my one true solace. When I study it, I find fulfillment, and when I spend my time in it, I feel free from the world. The only thing is I get disheartened by life and don't make the effort to get into it. I'll pray for you, user. I hope you find what you're looking for.

i hear construction work is easy to get into

Just learn to code by working on some projects. Go on MIT OCW and learn some fundamentals. There are plenty of people who I work with who have degrees in topics like Economics and are even better than myself at coding.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll start taking a look into it.

What is the standard timeframe from learning to code to getting an entry-level job coding?

Stoicism has the key to your happiness.

Take a thorough inventory of your life. Literally write it down, all the things you're anxious about.

Next, determine which of them are in your control and which are not.

Do what you can to change what's in your power for the best. Let go of the rest. And say this prayer every day.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

Thanks for the advice, user. I'll try it out. The Serenity Prayer is always a good one!

You don't have to be too rigorous depending on what you hone in on. Get introduced to programming (ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-0001-introduction-to-computer-science-and-programming-in-python-fall-2016/), get an introduction to algorithms (ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-006-introduction-to-algorithms-fall-2011/), learn some essential math (ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-042j-mathematics-for-computer-science-spring-2015/), learn some basic computer concepts (amazon.com/Computer-Systems-Programmers-Perspective-3rd/dp/013409266X), learn the basics of operating systems (amazon.com/Modern-Operating-Systems-Andrew-Tanenbaum/dp/013359162X/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1549499598&sr=1-4&keywords=operating systems) and then everything else is what you learn on an as need basis (some essentials: learn how to use relational databases (MySQL), learn how to use version control (git), learn how to write basic tests and best practices, learn how to write an application with javascript and popular libraries, learn the basics of networking,...) and you fill in holes as you go. Google around for programming exercises / project ideas. All you need to do is develop a high level understanding of computers (roughly from assembly (just the basics. I'm personally clueless!) -> C (there are useful concepts that are picked up from learning C, but it's not something to sweat over. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_C_Programming_Language) -> high level languages and tools (This includes Python, Java, Javascript and everything else...) and an intuition on how to write a program. Your knowledge just needs to be functional.

Whatever path you choose to carve out is up to you and will influence the stuff that you pick up later (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outline_of_computer_science). If you want to do more statistical and analytical stuff rather than software development, then learn some R or Python and popular data science related libraries, beef up on your maths, stats and learn some machine learning concepts (Intro: coursera.org/learn/machine-learning, amazon.com/Pattern-Recognition-Learning-Information-Statistics/dp/1493938436/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1549501658&sr=1-4&keywords=Pattern Recognition and Classification, www-bcf.usc.edu/~gareth/ISL/ and learn some concepts from areas such as natural language processing.)... Some areas require more understanding of computers and a higher demand on writing software such as software development / engineering, and other areas are more focused on leveraging the right tools and techniques to get the job done for a particular analytical or modeling problem such a such as data science, machine learning and other meme buzzwords. So follow your strengths and interests.

Why not work toward a metallurgy degree?

Very interesting...

Verry interrestting

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>Be me
>23 y/o white male
>Live with my parents in THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING NOWHERE
>Student debt up the wazoo for Communication studies degree, but work in IT.
>Not enough experience to get a Communications-focused job, not enough experience to get a decent paying IT job
>Fucking organize IT closets all day.
>Started applying to the AF, waiver likely won't be approved/I'm a giant fucking pussy
>Had a shot at a job with OSU, they turned me down

I will be here for the rest of my fucking life. I was driving home today and I thought about how easy it would be to drive into oncoming traffic and hopefully end my fucking life, but I wouldn't want to take someone with me. I am so fucking fucked. I will be in my small shitty town forever.

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Teach overseas dude, come to South Korea and make that tax-free money

Isn't the certification to teach English over there like $2000?

No, apply with either the South Korean government or a hagwon, get your E-2 visa (very important), and in most cases they will not only cover the cost of certifying you, but they will cover your flight, your cell phone, and get you situated in an apartment. From there, it's a pretty straight forward job, you teach the kids in a "full immersion" environment where you only speak English while following a lesson plan. It's still a job, but the pay ain't bad at all, and you'll usually make out with around 1800 to 2k USD a month after expenses.

I think it outlines a solid core to build to get into programming and cs. Just start here: ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-0001-introduction-to-computer-science-and-programming-in-python-fall-2016/

How is South Korea itself? Do you like it there, user?

Anything is better than where I came from. I no longer want to kill myself, so each day feels... normal? Time doesn't pass by quickly, and I can remember most of my interactions with people. The country itself is nice, the people are friendly, I have met plenty of other Westerners and we either go drinking, clubbing, or play DnD together. Living standards are good, I have what I need but don't intend to stuff my apartment in case I leave when my contract ends. Public transportation is a fun thing to experience, as is being within walking distance of everything I need. Oh, and I actually managed to have sex, though the girl obviously wasn't interested in a relationship.

It was the best decision I could have ever made, even my parents are glad I did it, since I am sure they still remember how lifeless I was back in America.

That's great to hear, I'm glad it's all worked out for you!

Thank you, it is something I would recommend to any robots with a degree and are okay with working with kids and leaving home.

>no HS diploma
>blue collar
>diesel mechanic
>pretty much just walk into a job, talk to the higher ups, and get the position
>dream of eventually owning a shop that restores vintage Toyotas to factory condition

Remember The Dude because The Dude abides.

That's great to hear, man! Glad you have a career that you're passionate about. I've heard it can be taxing on the body later on though.
"The Dude abides. I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that." Thanks dude, I needed that right about now.

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It's not necessarily a passion, it's just something I found a capacity for growth in.

Toyotas are a hobby for me. Only vehicle I want to own these days. (I've had many though, the worst, yet most fun to drive being a 1994 Acura Vigor, which my friend and I called the Blacura Nigor)

I plan on buying an FJ80 this year and tearing into it for fun and for a badass DD. I currently drive a 1996 Rav4, and it's fun and reliable and all, but on the maintenance side it's kinda hellish. Everything is just a tight squeeze.

Well put, user. I wouldn't have even of thought about Toyotas as a hobby, so that's actually pretty interesting on my side.
I've got an old buddy from HS who had just started up as a mechanic the last time I saw him a couple years back. I'll have to check up and see how it's going.

>what the fuck do you actually do
I drive

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>So that we may share in His love
This is just a bunch of words that mean absolutely nothing. Where and what exactly is god's "love". Give me one concrete example of how that's supposed to justify my miserable existence. There are none. It doesn't exist. We are alone until we die and become nothing.

God's love is that your are here, whether you want it or not. Any happy moment is an example. Any hurt or pain that drove you to change is an example. Love is not just about warm fuzzy feelings, but about that which drives the heart. Do you really feel any better for trying to put others' beliefs down?

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>God's love is that your are here, whether you want it or not

I don't want to be here and my only way out is a painful suicide. That is what you call "love"

>Any happy moment is an example

There are very few, and none of them are at all worth the countless days, weeks, months of misery.

>Do you really feel any better for trying to put others' beliefs down?

Do you really feel its acceptable to tell me something that supposedly "loves" me has put me in a place where 99% of my experience is pain depression and misery? If that happened on earth it would be classified as torture. God does it and people like you call it "love".

It's that you have the opportunity to share in His creation that is love. If you want to be miserable while there are people who suffer far worse and still hold onto the Faith, go right ahead but please leave this thread alone.

>degree in a field I hate because my parents wanted me to go into it
>never got a job in that field, ended up working in service industry because there were no jobs elsewhere
>ended up having a psychotic break, quit my job and spent time in the mental hospital
>unemployed for several years now, can't even get a nibble since I've been out of work for so long
>went back to school and got certified in a medical field and still couldn't get a job because of the work gap and having to compete with youngerfags

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I'm sorry to hear that, user. What are you doing now while trying to get by?

Or maybe, just maybe, it's all complete horseshit, jesus was a just a guy who was a con artist, and the god you believe in is not real.

Just because you're tonight's biggest loser doesn't mean you can't go troll somewhere else. God loves you, even though the rest of us don't.

Can't answer any tough questions about your beliefs so you write it off as "trolling" and get all offended. Religion in a nutshell

I'm living off some savings in parent's basement
I'll probably have to go back to doing mass applications for minimum wage shit again this week since my gamble for medtech/emt job didn't pan out

I'm glad you have the savings and family to get by for the time being. What would you like to do with your time though?

>failing college due to laziness
>lying to my parents about it
>have no direction in life
>still leeching off my parents

All I really want is to be left alone. I don't have any passion but my parents are convinced that i'll find one in school. I can't see myself working a 9-5 job for my the rest life with killing myself no matter what it is. I feel immense pressure from my parents to not get a simple blue collar job. I really don't know how much longer I can keep doing this.

I felt the same way my last semester for the most part, user. I didn't want to kill myself, just didn't really want to be there. I drank until I was too numb to feel worried and eventually shtf. My family came for graduation and it really surprised them how bad I'd let it get. If your family's anything like mine, they'd much rather you be honest and try to fix things before any lines are crossed.

What's wrong with metallurgy? Very specialized (high paying) field of engineering. My parents went to a shit college studying ceramic engineering and they get paid a ton because of specialization

My mom lets me live in one of her rental houses. I get $1,500 a month neetbux. My car is old but it is paid for. I don't do shit.

Here's my take, as an Asian doomer from the interior. Everything that everyone's told you was a lie. The days of free and guaranteed offerings are over. Your passion does not correlate with work. You figure out who you are personality wise, and you find work that is the closest fit (but it won't be a perfect match, ever). Your passions are only on your off time. The rest is all about productive coping strategies.

Second, I'll guess that you live in the costal lands. That's no different from walking into quicksand. Too many people = no job opportunity. I would relocate to a place where the ratio of jobs vs people are more equal. It won't be the greatest adventure, but it will help in getting a roof over your head.

Last, never fall for the application memes. They never work. Find a career center with a good reputation. They're more likely to have more direct connections to businesses that need workers.

Pic related

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I work part time, so it is doable under the right financial strategy. I would just say, bail while you still can. Cut your stupid, delusional parents out of your life and find a new home somewhere else. Preferably a good shelter on the opposite corner of your state or providence. From there, you are now your own man. Speaking from experience

Thanks for the advice, user. I wish I was in the coastal lands, I used to be happy in Boston. I'm smack dab in the middle of the States, so there's not much here.
Thanks for the advice on the career center. I'm an ENFP so it's kind of nice to see that since I constantly think of going back to seminary and/or possibly teaching. Mind sharing any of your own coping strategies? I enjoyed walking, photography, and hiking when I was abroad, but there's not much/any of that near me.

If you like photography, I might have one idea. Make your own personal challenge. Find the most enticing thing or view, wherever you are, and take a picture. Then polish it up afterwards. Whenever you feel the need to do so. A lot of guys used to do that in my small town, before I left.

I'm an introvert, though (think of it like a mountain man or a pioneer trapped inside civilization). So I mostly collect waifu pics, read books, challenge myself here-and-there, etc. Also never had a gf ever. So, I have a body pillow and a fluffy jacket, as a way of filling the void.

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I have about 80,000 pics in my cloud because I always take photos of things/moments that catch my interest. Never really go back/edit them though, so that's a nice idea!
What kind of books do you read? I used to go to book stores and cafes all the time when I was out East. What kind of challenges do you do?

if you want to play with fire and metal and shit you need to be a welder not a blacksmith

there are no fucking blacksmiths this isn't Calradia

>23 year old Asian American
>Project Engineer on $50k annual
>"I really just went through engineering college to be cucked by a guy who knows basic java, and his $250k annual salary"

Currently debating if it's even worth pursuing my PE in Mech E, and if I should just try pursuing a webdeveloper job.

Do you feel that you would be more satisfied as a web developer? I feel like I'm the only Asian who's bad at math and science, so both of these careers are out of my league but just curious if you'd be happier as PE? Of course, the $200K+ is a pretty obvious factor.

It's just a case of "the grass is greener on the other side" probably, but I have to imagine a web developer jobs have a more direct application of actual web development. I would imagine that would lead to higher satisfaction, because when I see the shit I used to hate in engineering college at my job, I actually get kind of giddy.

At the end of the day though, a job is a job, and if I could make a lot more money applying relatively equal amounts of work, that would be great; if I could make more money doing more work than I do now that would be amazing, because doing nothing all day sucks pretty bad.

Side note: No you're not the only asian bad at STEM, and that is an incredibly arrogant stereotype. I don't believe ethnicity has any bearing on one's aptitude for any subject.

You're right, it's kinda just become an icebreaker joke for me.
The only thing I would personally be worried about would be finding a position for web since I imagine the field is rather saturated (or at least competitive) nowadays. Any thoughts?

It's weird how I took an interest in reading because I would always find something interesting in the news. Then I would get as much information on a particular issue as possible, so I can figure out the best fit solution to an issue.

As for challenges, I've always had a passion for making things easier and more efficient, from both an engineering and psychological/mental perspective. Just like how people used to talk about Mr. Kalashnikov (and yes, I am a gunfag btw), always a man who wants to make things as user-friendly as possible, for the benefit of others (their words, not mine). One day, I'd be creating a scenario on Living without Oil or Electricity. Another day, I could be thinking about a way that social outcasts can find love or friends, without endless mazes and cliche pep talks (making a result, instead of hoping for it to stumble upon your doorstep).

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That's rather interesting how you approach these things from practical angles. With your analogy of feeling "trapped in civilization," do you think that you would ever want to try living outside of it/innawoods? That and homesteading have interested me, but I've always wanted a family and don't think I'd likely be dragging them out there.

Oh yeah it's definitely over saturated. Without knowing someone or internship experience, getting one of these crazy 6 figure positions is near impossible. However, it's honestly like that for most job positions that are labeled "desirable" by college students; much like how becoming an art curator is impossibly difficult no matter how well you did in art school.

I'd say trade positions, like electricians, is an incredibly underrated career path. They actually do the work they're trained to do, and can make a lot of money; I don't have figures on me, but from what I understand it sure as hell beats most jobs you can get out of college.

To tie it all together, technical positions like engineer or programmer have gone down in demand relatively, whereas demand for trade jobs like welders and plumbers have gone relatively up.

I've never really looked into trade jobs, but I've always seen it as respectable work and a practical alternative to "traditional" education. I'm not sure if I'd be up for any form of it or not, but I will certainly have to look into it to gain a better understanding.
Thanks for the recommendation, and I hope that you at least find satisfaction, if not happiness in whichever work you wind up going with.

I live in a place where land is expensive, unfortunately. But I do have an interest in making my own little homestead in the suburbs. A decent yard, a house paid off, and a workshop with a bookshelf/small lounge in the corner. It would be kind of like those sandbox video games.

And if I ever got bored, I would just go somewhere different. Like traveling to the city, just to get the experience of riding in a subway train.

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A house kind of like this

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you're me, without the bible I would be dead by now. If you get academically suspended you'll have to find a job. What you perceive as "laziness" is in fact your subconscious recognizing the garbage spewed throughout a garbage timetable setup to train a person into becoming a slave rather than a thinker. The world is sort of pressuring you to give up something you really need, which is your personal thought processes.

That's pretty cool, fren. I'm staying in a relatives' townhouse and I've slowly been making it my own. Thinking of decorating the patio in British Colonial style.
When I'm feeling up to it, I like to design houses in the Sims (or even Fallout nowadays lol). I've kinda drifted from the suburbs to coastal cottage though haha
Have you ever ridden in a subway before? Boston's green line is super comfy (above and below ground trolley).
And what about your waifus? This is a pretty neat one.

I went overseas when I was really young. We made a stop in Japan and that was my only experience on a public train.

As for waifus, I technically don't have one (it's the ultimate sin in waifu culture to have more than one). I just collect anime girl pics to help me figure out what kind of girl I'm after, who can still tolerate who I am as a person. I've made some progress with that, surprisingly enough.

The one in the last pic was Vietnam from the Hetalia webcomic series (not the anime though)

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> Vietnam
No wonder I like her so much lol
How was Japan? Would you like to go back?

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And what kind of gal would you like? I'm assuming one who's into Jow Forums like some of your pics?

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>23 years old
>PT graveyard shift warehouse worker 20K /year
>40k in savings
>in CC studying art because in county tuition is cheap as hell, still thinking about minor
>game deving everyday to eventually start a business
>work out x6 a week
>published book with small albeit relative success last year henceforth savings
>social skills are semi normal now and less anxiety filled

I think I'm doing okay coming from someone who had to run away from home at 20 because of his zero opportunity hellhole environment (Camden), drug riddled and abusive homelife, and periodic homelessness.

>Robros, how the fuck do you get through life when it's constantly shitting on you?
Introspection I guess. If you're constantly with shitty people, live in an toxic environment, you're going to be dragged down by association. Misery breeds company. Also when you apply to jobs are you calling them back or are you assuming they'll call you and wait around? Prior to the warehouse work I do I managed to get my former jobs by calling within a week of applying. One of which I got an interview with within the same day by calling to "verify" the status of my application.

That sounds like an amazing job to have user. The small town I live in is famous for its iron works and there are a few blacksmith and general forgery shops in the area.

>asking a bunch of losers how to be less of a loser
Why do people do this?

Congratulations on the publishing, savings, cc, and continuing to work on improving yourself, user! Sorry to hear about your past, but it's rather inspiring to hear about what you've made of it.
I call/email some of them back but don't usually hear back anyway so I get disheartened. If I do hear back, they say they're "in the process." I guess it just takes one single one to work out to make it all worth it, so I'll need to keep at it anyway.

How does it feel being tonight's biggest loser for coming here flaunting your insecurities?

I was just starting to walk when we went on the trip. But when we stopped in Japan it felt like being in The Jetsons. Colorful shops, highly polished technology, etc. It was actually more fun than our destination (we had family in Thailand at the time).

As for going back, it's not as clear of an answer. I had the great privilege to speak with Japanese students at university, and they seemed very intimidated by my constant dialogue. A lot of their cultural interactions have been conveyed by indirect communication for the longest time. Kind of like when someone is looking at the door or their watch, and then tell you that they needed to pick up their child from school.

Just like with that Logan Paul dude, from a while back ago, I personally wouldn't go unless I had a specific place I wanted to see (as well as a way of understanding the culture too). Like a history museum or private hot springs. It would help in avoiding any kind of trouble.

Also, I've never been comfortable doing cliche stuff for some reason.

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Jow Forums is a partial reason, but not exactly. I like women who are

>expressive, but not overly vulgar about it. It would help ease any tensions or false assumptions
>empathetic so it would be easier for us to discuss our grievances with little conflict. And comfort one another in times of hardship
>somewhat introverted to where I'm not forced into any weird situations (contraband and stuff)

And the reason for Jow Forums is just to convey that she's comfortable with me being a gunfag. In my experience, the people who are overzealous against my interest were usually the most arrogant ones.

Also, I hope this pic can give you a better illustration. Belgium from the same webcomic.

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That sounds like something someone that doesn't know what board they're on would say.

That's reasonable, man. When I was abroad, I liked to travel around for pilgrimage/sightseeing.
She seems lovely, Fren. Sounds like a genuine lass who is comfortable with herself and is happy to try to making those around her feel the same.
Haven't really gotten into Jow Forums, but since I live on my own, I've started looking into it a bit. Any suggestions on a beginner's home defense/all-around? A buddy suggested an Ithaca 37 but I'm kind of drawn to m1 carbine/mini 14.

Personally, I wouldn't suggest a shotgun unless you have a good Limbsaver recoil pad on it (high brass loads have 40-60 ft/lbs of recoil, compared to 3 ft/lbs from an AR-15 in 5.56 NATO or a Mini 14), and some shotguns have a length-of-pull (distance from the end of the buttstock to the trigger) that's a bit too long for the average person.

But, I do have a saying. A weapon that you are comfortable with is more valuable than any other high-priced gem on the market. I personally would recommend the Mini 14 over the M1 carbine. There's a lot more aftermarket parts for it, and the ammunition is more common. The M1 carbine is only better suited under specific circumstances.

The Mini 14 has kind of the same niche as an AR-15 and the M1 carbine is more along the lines of a long gun in a pistol caliber.

Alright, thanks for the advice. The main plus for the m1 I've heard is the lightweight maneuverability. I'll of course need to make it out to the range at some point to get a better feeling for things, but that's a good saying. Also the home has a security system, barred doors, in a good area, etc. as is, and as much as I'd ideally not ever want to be in the situation that I'm forced to use it, I just figure that with the right training and discipline it'd be better to be safe than sorry.

It's actually true. The carbine is lighter and the cartridge isn't too bad for an urban environment either. I just wasn't fully aware of your situation. Also, the ones with a regular wood stock might be a bit better for a beginner. I tried one with the folding paratrooper stock and it tends to shift and fold in on you a bit.

And I have heard that a lot women tend to favor the M1 carbine as well.

Attached: KAHR_AO_M1_CRBNE_150.jpg (451x451, 43K)

The paratrooper stock turns me on, but there's a difference between RPing and a life or death situation. Yeah, I've seen people say they hand their carbines and minis off to their wife and kids in defense situations, so I figure that it might be good to start out with and would be worth keeping. What firearms do you like, just out of curiosity?

>Be me
>22 next month
>work 2 jobs in healthcare, house manager at one
>Want to go to college for teaching (overseas english teaching in Hong Kong)
>wish my side business wasn't shit rn since phones becoming more like computers ruined reselling
>ex left me after getting pregnant with her husband who she was getting a divorce from. Fell in love with her and it fucked me up
>Other ex fucked me up beforehand sleeping with my best friend for 3 months and turned into a manipulative bitch who only cared for herself and ended up causing friends and family to turn on me for her doing shit and lying.
>Father and Grandfather died 4 months apart in 2006 and was raised by my mom who was mentally abusive because of it and my depressed grandma. Didn't have a father figure all through highschool minus moms ex who was an introvert and didnt do anything
>Including those 2, 3 other family members died within 6 months of 2006 and more every year after including my grandma on my dads side
>find out im a bastard kid and only reason im here is because he raped my mom after she left him
>Find out I have a sister, a brother (just killed himself), and now a little sister that no one knows the name of besides the mother

yea its happened to me too OP

I'm sorry to hear all of that, man. Do you think you'll be able to make the transition to teaching soon? Why Hong Kong in particular? It's amazing how much a family member's death can upset the entire fabric. It's been rough on mine as well, but not to your extent.
You've been dealt a pretty tough hand throughout, but I admire how you're working both jobs, trying to achieve more, and you don't seem stuck in the past beyond recognizing how it was.

I just want to say that my cat is the most pure creature in the world. I love her more than anything. I will do my best to keep her happy, even if I suffer a little in the process.

That's how i get through life.

That's really great to hear, user. Thank you for sharing!

Thank you for making me feel so welcomed and appreciated in this thread! Have a wonderful night or day, friend!

Want to get hired at a shit job?

Make sure you put down that you're available ANYTIME. Don't try to cherry pick that you're available like 5 days out of 7 or that you always need Tuesdays or some shit off.

Work there a while THEN change your availability after you've been locked in a while.

When I did retail, I wouldn't hire kids that had stupid availabilities cause then it meant I had to work stupid hours, or people that were cool had to work dumb hours as well, so I'd either never call them in for an interview or tell them they aren't what we're looking for.

Also try not to be really out of shape / fat / weak / timid / autistic and don't play jokes / try to bully the interviewer.

I had one kid insult my shoes (Nike frees) and another point under a desk and ask "What is that" to which I asked "What?" and he was like "Haha, got'EEEM." Neither of those kids got the job. The quiet, semi-timid hispanic boy got it, cause he kept his fucking mouth shut.

You're welcome, Fren! I'm glad you came by to tell us about your cat. Have a good night/day and tell her I said hi!

It's hard to explain, actually. Aesthetics can be a complicated subject at times. But I have a hard on for guns that are simple and utilitarian, but also have a bit of elegance to it. As if someone still put some dedication into creating it.

Specifically, I like early WW2 German guns (pic related), some last-ditch ones, late Cold War era Finnish rifles (especially the RK-62), and a few Japanese guns like the Type 1 paratrooper rifle.

But my biggest passion is straight blowback guns (more uncommon than typical guns you see in the stores). Ever since I read about German last ditch weapons, I've always wondered how it was even possible to get away with that kind of a design in a rifle (this was another one of my many brainstorming sessions).

Attached: e35db04410e177640c710e2651b4d9cb.jpg (2048x1001, 132K)

>4th year in CS degree, missed out 2 semester due to health issues
>so far behind because literally never study and when I attend the lectures I can't pay attention
>no ambition or dreams for the future
Don't know if I'll ever graduate and genuinely don't care, I just wish I could die already but I'm taking care of my grandma so I can't just yet. I can't remember the last time this life didn't seem like a pit of unending anguish over nothing in particular

Attached: 1531778960814.png (686x526, 515K)

Thanks for the advice, Benji. For Starbucks job fair, I'd marked being down for any day, all shifts, full time, and holidays. Projected voice clearly (it was packed), made eye contact with both interviewers, and answered questions honestly and thoroughly. They seemed to enjoy when I talked about my travels as well, so it seemed like it went well but I never got a call back on Monday, which they said they would if they wanted me to come back in. I enjoyed the conversation and got a free coffee out of it, but it was a bit of a bummer to not hear back.

I'll have to take a look at them, user. I'm getting pretty tired so I oughta call it a night. That's for the discussion though, it was really nice to just be able to talk about anything and everything!

No worries, man. Good night