Finally a study confirmed that women are generally infantile idiots compared to their superiors (men). Femoids, and especially feminists are now on suicide watch lmao.
yea well i still have the brain of an 18 year old even though im in my 30s so it doesn't even matter
Juan Long
I'm not actually surprised though, if women were smart this species would have gone extinct thousands of years ago before men could even think to stop cliffside abortions.
Gabriel Brooks
it means chris chan got a real female brain
Ryan Evans
Those 30 year old boomer dads are skewing the numbers.
Juan Rivera
this says metabolic age ya dingus aka women are more fuel efficient.
if you want a real peak at gender intellect differences, look at iq disparity, esp by subscore and deviation size.
Lincoln Perry
>this says metabolic age ya dingus aka women are more fuel efficient. Miss me with that bullshit. It clearly says women brains are younger, thus developing slower than those of men.
Ian Wilson
not sure if its biological but it makes sense since women are so coddled.
Andrew Sullivan
tf? why was I taught that women's brains develop faster then?
Daniel Barnes
It means they take longer to lose their minds. Imagine a world where we didn't have to live with Ronald Reagan getting Alzheimers while president. Too bad America just loves old B actors and reality show hosts enough to make them lead our country.
Because they do, remember they're measuring people 20-82. Just because women mature faster, it doesn't mean they reach the same peak maturity.
Caleb Jones
so OP is just thirsty for (You)'s then
Connor Hernandez
Just because women get fucked by chad at their early age, doesn't mean they're mature.
Easton Powell
"maturity" itself is a literal meme. The difference between most teens and most adults is the adults have the hindsight to realize how retarded they were as teens. That doesn't necessarily mean that they actually grew up though. Most adults are glorified teens.
Levi Bell
Since women have been given equal rights, is it really feasible to take it away? It seems once you lift the lid, you can't take it back sadly.
Owen Collins
My sister and I were just laughing at how low the bar for adulthood is.
Nathaniel Reyes
Obvious bait, anyone who reads 3 sentences in will realize that the article, if anything, is calling men less intelligent.
Joseph Sullivan
A fine wine takes decaded to reach its peak flavour. Any nigger can make prison moonshine with stolen sugar in a night.
Nolan Turner
>doesn't understand something he read >talks about it anyways Typical
Carter Myers
Reagan didn't start getting bad until around 1992 or 1993
Leo Ward
I know for a fact I'm smarter than my boyfriend. He's a meathead jock so it doesn't really prove anything lol.
Robert Turner
>(((researchers))) good goy, spread the news
Connor Price
you guys are retarded if anything having a brain four years younger would be an advantage anywhere past your 30s
Kevin James
girl you better read into again. this is just like when you thought Chad wanted to fuck you because he gave you back your pen. get your head out of the clouds, sis
Colton Lewis
>having a permanently stunted brain is preferable
Austin Clark
almost makes you wonder why people willingly stunt their brain by eating like shit, sleep like shit, exercise rarely if ever, and rot their brain overindulging in anime and vidya for years and years.
Hudson Collins
I believe the hope is in death, in the case you mention.