How can you justify not being bi?

>still not being bisexual
Bisexuality is strictly better than monosexuality.
Why aren't you bi?

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Because I wouldn't want to settle for a guy with a dick smaller than mine, and I don't want an 8+ inch dick in my ass.

i am
not like it helps tho, i've left my house once so far this year, so getting either a guy or girl isn't gonna happen

Why is it better?
Try to justify degeneracy for me

It's better because 2 is greater than 1.

Degenerate probably one of those mentally ill trap posters

I'm not a trap and I don't really like traps.

Yeah, you belong here

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i am, problem is that it's rare to find a qt guy, and finding qt girls are common.

because girls are icky and gross

Being bi just means you're a sex addict.

Woman dont like bisexuals

How can you justify shilling faggot shit to everyone. If your shit is so bad that you need to convince others to join your misery than its probably garbage.

I'm not sexually or romantically attracted to men and dicks. What is so hard about that for bisexual dudes to believe? I thought sexuality wasn't a choice with you people.

>Bisexuality is strictly better than monosexuality.
Bisexual people are statistically more unhappy. They have higher rates of mental illness too.

2 pieces of shit is better than 1 piece of shit?

Well if you hate everyone then I guess that's a valid perspective.

>I'm not sexually or romantically attracted to men and dicks. What is so hard about that for bisexual dudes to believe? I thought sexuality wasn't a choice with you people.
The thing is everyone is bisexual.

Yep, just as I called it. Same as every bisexual faggot trying to fuck straight people.

Because I'm not a sodomite

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Having sex with men as a man is THE way to catchs AIDs. I fap to gay porn but would never fuck a dude, thats crazy.

Attached: cdc-hiv-infection-category-2016-700x579-medium.png (635x525, 236K)

>The thing is everyone is bisexual
That is a meme. It's apparent that dykes only like vagina and faggots only like dicks. Why is it so hard for you degenerates to understand that some people only like the opposite sex? I even believe that perhaps between 25%-33% of the population is somewhat bisexual but the fact of the matter is that most people are straight and are perfectly content to be so.

Really its all mental, no matter what you like the same sex could bring you to orgasm under the right circumstances.

Who the fuck are you, Riley J Dennis?
Having sex with people you aren't attracted to isn't normal or healthy.

The real redpill is that sexual orientation isn't real and that men have been doing gay shit for thousands of years while still having wives and kids and basically being "straight."

Your point doesn't really stand because romantic love is a fairly modern concept and people thousands of years ago didn't have a concept of straight only masculine and feminine. That said, of people in the past there were still those that looked down upon both parties that engaged in homosexual behaviors, even in Greece.

In any case, the problem I have with bifags isn't that they are bisexual. It is that they expect everyone else to be as well. I am a homosexual, I have no attraction to women whatsoever in any context.

Because my Waifu isn't both sexes, fetishist.

Midoriya should be in the center, but as far as the shippers are concerned the edgeboy is the hero.

>Why aren't you bi?
Because Im not a mentally ill faggot

>Uraraka & Midoriya
>not having a friendly "fuck you; FAWK YOU" relationship
shit tier

>be bi
>date opposite gender
>"you're not really lgbt, user"
>"you're just confused user"
>date same gender
>"people only use the bi label when theyre too afraid to come out"
>"i support your homosexual relationship! Hashtag pride"
>yeah ok fuck off
>i like bobs and vagene
>i like pens and buttholes
>especially men buttholes
>am grill

Women just dont feel right.
Thinking about having sex with them makes me cry.
I need strong men to love me.

I want to donate blood, man.

I mastrubate on drawings of little girls being impregnated by oversized insects. Do you think I care about defining my sexuality at all?

Since when was your gender relevant? Desu

>lives the life on easy mode
>never experienced almost any danger or persecution for being a lesbo
>still whines if some imaginary oppression and asks for attention
fuck off to crystal cafe

Lesbians face lots of persecution, particularly from trannies.

Why do fags not grasp the simple concept that not all guys find other men sexually attractive? Did you read about the kinsley meme scale on Vice recently or something? If you people weren't so pushy with your faggotry people wouldn't have as much of a problem with you.

Someone already said it in this thread, but it's universally accepted amongst mainstream people that gays only like dick. Why can't you accept that straight men only like pussy?

If your argument is that there are more bisexual men than what is readily apparent, then ok, that at least is logically consistent. But that isn't the argument you're making.