Why does this goofy ass uncle tom cringebag keep getting recommended to me...

Why does this goofy ass uncle tom cringebag keep getting recommended to me? His whole shtick is being a sellout nigga and appeasing his white audience. Such a pathetic guy

Attached: some-black-guy-image.jpg (300x300, 18K)

>Why does this goofy ass uncle tom cringebag keep getting recommended to me?
Were you watching any similar videos to his?

no bkhyfb

Don't be getting uppity now, boy.

Attached: 97AEF57B-BB85-477F-A9E6-0DF46F828ED3.png (256x144, 57K)

who dat? What bad stuff does he say?

oh look another stupid bitch nigga calling someone doing better in life an uncle tom sellout. so pathetic how racist blacks are towards anyone and everyone that isnt a failed rapper b-ball player ghustla.

get rekt bitch ass nigga and quit being a jelly ass bitch cuz his ass got fame and you got dick to suck for rent

OP is a cuck, confirmed.

The biggest issue with black culture is their obsession with keeping each other down. Anyone who actually betters themselves by acting "white" (aka civilised) is called an uncle Tom or some other bullshit

The day the black community realizes their greatest enemy is other blacks will be the day their race can join the rest of the world at the adults table.

How can a black person be racist against another black person?

You are a cuck and encouraging cuck culture if you think that being a coon is okay

One my best redpills was finding out that black people were right about all the blcks who I liked being coons. Whenever I wanted to trash talk Blacks I always thought of them and stopped myself because they arent all bad. Now Ive came to realize they are in fact coons, that irl I only like coons and that your average black person isnt worth spending time with.

>The biggest issue with black culture is their obsession with keeping each other down.

Black people selling out is the one of the MAIN reason why they're down in the first place. Theres been many black activists in the past that offered many alternatives to this racist capitalist society, and they were either killed or imprisoned for it.

The same way a Northern Irish can hate a Southern Irish or the same way the English hate the French. I am black and some of most the foul shit I have seen done to black people has been at the hands of other black people across the political spectrum from Hoteps to black conservatives.

The youtube algorithm recommends alot of reactionary bullshit.

Does he actually do this or is this the ramblings of a "woke" retard putting down another black person that's not a complete stereotype

He is black, you are a nigger.

God have you even graduated high school yet? Capitalism is the best system to ever exist. I'm of the school of though that it needs appropriate government oversight, but it's superior in every way to a centrally planned economy.

It's not "racist capitalist" society keeping you down. Did your parents stay together or were you raised by a single mother? Did your parent(s) have a steady income necessary to raise a child?

Fucked "based black men"

Post the video OP let me decide whether he's a sellout or not.

Was Malcolm X one of the activists you have in mind? Because he was an outspoken advocate of black capitalism.

it's p funny, the same mentality that's killing r9k has been plaguing the black community for decades: blaming society for one's own inadequacies, and lashing out at anyone in the community who attempts to overcome it.

The dude defended Richard Spencer and the alt right. Of course he is s coon.

oh wow that is pathetic

Richard Spencer and the alt-right are right about everything they say (except for Jews).