Fembots, what's the worst thing a man has ever said to you irl?

Fembots, what's the worst thing a man has ever said to you irl?

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They said: "Fembots are not real"

i wish i could make a girl look at me that way

You're too tall, you'll never be cute and never find a man.
5'10 (Female)

what? 5'10 is like optimal height. was he a manlet?

He was like 6'2 or something. I just laughed it off but it fucked me up.

first post unironically best post

Eh, nothing too bad. My brother once called me a, quote, complete fucking loser with no hint of teasing in his voice.

i wish i could make a girl look at me.

>I want you to actually fuck your "Boy Friend" and move on.

I only asked you out cause I want to fuck your sister after he fucked my sister

When I was 5 or 6 alone with my mum on NYE (it was raining and dad went to get the car and pick us up) a group of drunk teenagers came by and started shouting at me how much they wanted to rape my mum before running off. I didn't know what was going on but my mum was crying

Should've asked out a short man.

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>Things that never happened #14357

Pls be my equal height gf

Not true. Some guys actually don't care about height (as you can see from other anons)

I was coming on to this dude at a party, he was like 6/10 but I was drunk and horny and just wanted him for some reason, and he pushed me away and said gross.

Well, it's kinda true.
Or you could listen to the thirsty incels tell you that you are uwu perfect.
Deep down you know it to be true.

t. hamplanet with a potato-nose thinks she is above a 6/10 male.
Take a shower, tubby.

That I look like a Hartley Hooligan
wasn't irl but was absolutely btfo with that single setnece

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>roastie ego gets absolutely toasted

Post a picture of that person I want to laugh.

Not sure what you're asking, this?

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plenty of guys would date her. problem is she's like every other roastie and needs the guy to he 7+ inches taller then her

that'll teach you not to befriend anyone taller than yourself

>"I'm going to destroy you piece of nothing."
If my father counts.

pls be my amazon gf

I feel kinda the same and its certainly a bittersweet kind of feeling. Like I want a girl to cry at something I've said to her because that implies that she actually cares about what I have to say in the first place. Like something I said or did could actually mean something to those around me even if its bad. You think this is why school shooters happen?

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My dad said lots of things to me like I'll end up homeless/i look like a drug addict. He's said i'm fat, and then said im too skinny once i had lost weight. Besides that men dont really talk to me

If you post discord I'll talk to you Im (boy), I can drop mine if ya want tho

This stuff happens frequently. I live in the city and go for a lot of walks at night and several times groups of drunk guys have yelled at me calling me a whore and telling me theyd rape me. Its scary

This shit makes me laugh.

none of the the why are you so retarded/ugly/etc to my face really means that much just because i dont interact with men that much, so its not like its a reflection of my character or anything
but when my father came home for the first time in a month and he went outside to call his friend to complain about how much he hates me? that killed me.
"why is she so fucking annoying? god i wish she would just shut up already."
his friend said it was because i missed him but he just kept going on about how much he loathed me.
i hope he knows i didn't ask to be born.

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My daddy told me my cunny wasn't tight enough for him anymore


"I could never be drunk enough to be that desperate"
-after I asked him if he wanted to dance

Holy fuck, that's terrible.
I'm sorry that that happened to you, user.

Kinda true, the taller a women is, the more gangly she becomes
though 5'10 is still manlet so I don't know what the fuck he's thinking, they start looking like men at around 6'2