Why do idiots take mathematics as the sole benchmark of intelligence?

Why do idiots take mathematics as the sole benchmark of intelligence?
There are plenty of people that are great at science and math but are shit in other categories
Are literature, economics, business, marketing, history, anthropology, linguistics worthless areas of study?
What would you say about someone would excelled in every field except Le' math and science

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>economics, business, marketing

Good luck doing that shit while being shitty at math

> history

some people say that's a good one because if you don't learn from history something happens but i dunno wat cos i nvr lern nuffin reednz 4nerds lol

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Who gives a shit, you're on Jow Forums because you are a genetic wastoid, let's not lie to ourselves here

Having the ability to fully understand mathematics is like having a third eye. It's literally a human translation of the language of the universe. If you can use that language, you're not so different from a god.

>business, marketing
You only need vocational math for these muh boi

You retard.
Someone had to develop, apply and adapt the math into the various fields.

>You only need vocational math for these muh boi

Yes, because you are lowlevel grunts.


Most of the required math you can do with a calculator

Pssst dont tell him.
Let him play the game with his vocational mathskills.
Arrogant people like this are my easy money.

cope harder, brainlet

it's not the sole benchmark but it's probably a very reliable one

t. someone who hung out with imo gold medalists when in high school

Econ I'll give you for higher maths. There is no way you need more than college algebra for fucking Marketing and business
if you aren't a major of either of those two fields your opinion doesn't matter

It's because autists are only good at math and are also the type to be elitists who only see the importance of a singular area and fixate on it madly.
It's a classic combination like chocolate and peanut butter.

Now this is the next-level bullshit I was waiting for. Look, math is not the language of the universe. Math is a language that people ascribe to patterns in nature. It doesn't emerge from the universe. That's why there's no unified theory. That's why math, science and physics are full of all sorts of spooky bullshit. Quantum entanglement, dark matter, black holes, etc., etc.

Maybe you just don't have you're third eye open lmao

>Why do idiots take mathematics as the sole benchmark of intelligence?
It is not the only kind of intellect but it is the most congenital form of intelligence. Succeeding in most subjects is usually heavily influenced on your ability to focus and memorise and hugely influenced by the socialisation and information schema you got from your parental upbringing.
In contrast, mathematical ability/quantitative reasoning ability, although it can be improved with practise, is much more heavily influenced by genetics/natural talent.

Tl;dr with the right education and motivation, most people could become masters of fields like history, literature, languages etc... Only a select percentage with the right kind of brain could ever hope to win the Fields medal (like the Nobel prize for maths).

The vast majority of mathematical discoveries were made by young men in their 20s, before fluid intelligence begins to decline.

>Math is a language that people ascribe to patterns in nature. It doesn't emerge from the universe.
Eh... yeah I know what you mean. The thing is a lot of areas of mathematics once though to have no practical application to reality turn out to be perfect for describing something we discover. For example, imaginary and complex numbers, once thought to be useless and made up, are nowregularly used in engineering problems.

It is spooky how cutting edge maths always turns out to be perfectly applicable for describing some aspect of reality.

Plato is not dead just yet.

TL;DR: Autism and math go hand in hand

Well usually when you try to measure something, you'd want something to use that actually *can* be measured. Feelings, butterflies, attractive facial features, even sheer memory or distance to your closest library and its effect on your likeliness to get useless book smarts, make for a very hard mess to measure.

Also, feeling as insulted as the OP due to perceived differences in intellect kind of sends a message on it's own. Not a very good one, in case I was being vague. Picking a shitty low-wage and low-appreciation task to focus on, and then blaming everyone else for the fact that you chose to focus on shit and low-appreciation, is feminist logic. Now all you need is a campaign to change the meaning of IQ or ban maths, so you can feel good about yourself again.

Or, do it like an intellectual and understand that it's ok. Some of us are dumb, others smart, and whichever we are it's the result of the nature and nurture that came before us. It's not an issue for pride or shame, certainly not one to lose your sleep over. It just is. Do what you can with the cards you were dealt with, accept it, and move the fuck on. Doing anything else is a waste of time and energy and only serves to dig your own hole even further.

You already changed the meaning of IQ. Smug autists like you thinking you have it all figured out is what OP has a problem with. Math is not the end-all of the world. Stop being a sperg and go play with your legos.

Math is just an extension of logical thinking. Intelligent people are logical thinkers, if you can't think logically, you aren't intelligent and you are likely not very good at math.

>There are plenty of people that are great at science and math but are shit in other categories
I sincerely doubt that anyone that's good at maths (and isn't a complete autismo) is unable to excel in any other field (except maybe hep-th where you need godlike intuition for physics, on top of excelling in maths).
>What would you say about someone would excelled in every field except Le' math and science
No such thing. People who excel in many fields tend to be good at abstraction, which is the most valuable skill for maths.

>Most of the required math you can do with a calculator
right, much like how a person with no legs needs a wheel chair to get around. You need a crutch. A person that can do that math in his head is far better paced than you are.

Marketing major here:

Find geographically different market but similar in consumer behaviour/population and marketshare of the product in question.
Implement 2 different marketing strategies
Use anova to determine which one is more efficient.
Only use highschool math: you go!

>What would you say about someone would excelled in every field except Le' math and science
That they are not real.

*College algebra, i correct myself

Discovering new things and furthering the field is always done only by the greatest minds of that field. But math can be learned by anyone who wants to (someone who is really dumb wouldn't be able to learn it but they wouldn't want to in the first place), it's just difficult to because you can't just pick it up from anywhere, there are a shit ton of concepts to memorize, and you have to deal with a ton of information at once in any given mathematical problem. But understanding math is something that anyone could do if they cared. And if you are at the point where you care about learning and you're not just doing it because you're at school then you must be intelligent because an unintelligent being would not care about education.

The problem with this line of thinking is that it takes validation procedure for granted, which is (not coincidentally) the thing that fucks up modern science the most. For just the most straightforward example, the normal distribution (aka bell curve) is a stylization of flipping coins over and over--If you flipped a million coins, how likely is it you'll get fifty more heads than tails? That's what the bell curve is.
If you go on to do some sort of statistical analysis that is itself contingent on the data being normally distributed (or IID, same argument applies), then what you're saying is that the process that generated the data is the same thing as flipping coins. Yet this sort of approach to validation is extremely common, so much so that scientists loop back around and start wondering why there are Gaussians everywhere.
Point being, "these old mathematical scribblings are finding new life in esoteric physics" doesn't mean anything if the techniques by which you'd separate plausible from spurious theories is itself degenerate.

Mathematics is a subsect of philosophy that survived the onslaught of the rationalism of the Enlightenment. So too is science, but pure math is an entirely logic based field. Or, it should be. It would follow that those good at math would be good at anything derived from math (physics, economics, etc). Now, Literature and the arts are not a directly related to philosophy. Some may share philosophical traits (music specifically) but generally do not correlate to logical ability.
So, being highly logical and such means much of the empirical world will come easy to you.

point is math isn't something you need to master you'd be better off spending your time learning other shit

The problem with you and OP is that like some anti-vaccination and alternative medicine hee-haw, you think IQ is a matter of how strongly you feel. You think it's opinion, or some magical piece of BS people fling around with no basis on reality.

But it is reality. It's the best known, measurable and repeatable method for gauging one's cognitive abilities. And as a test, modern IQ tests such as the latest iteration of Stanford-Binet have quite simply a fucking massive correlation with one's economic prospects in the society. In simple terms, the bigger your IQ, the better your position in society, the more power, money and influence you're likely to accrue over your life. The reverse is also true, of course. And the thing about reality is that it doesn't care about your feelings. You can feel hurt over this fact, fail to understand it, or feel you "disagree" with it all you like. That doesn't change reality, it just makes you look like a fool to be honest.

>Math is not the end-all of the world.
Of course not. But out of the alternatives proposed by the OP, it is painfully obvious that maths is the subject with the greatest correlation with intellect. If it helps you feel any better: No, being bad at maths doesn't mean you're stupid. And yes, being exceptionally good at history, geography, or linquistics probably means that you're smart too. None of us is denying that. All we're saying is that statistically, maths is the best, most accurate, and most universal method for measuring your IQ. You do understand what statistically means, don't you?

And you guys should stop it with those emotional temper tantrums. They're *really* not helping your case here.

The moon is not a Loli.

>But it is reality. It's the best known, measurable and repeatable method for gauging one's cognitive abilities.
It can determine if someone can read. It can also determine a high schooler from a elementary schooler. But it really doesn't gauge any 'inteligence" beyond that. One of the guys with the high IQ in america worked at a petstore and was on welfare. You'd think he'd be a scientist cause he's so smart but he really isn't because IQ tests are a basic formula. IQ isn't set in stone either you can score 100, take a week practising then score a 130 once you understand the basic formula

You still need to understand it, even if you use a calculator.

>You do understand what statistically means, don't you?
I see that you do not.

I'm afraid you and I speak the same words, but we don't really share the same language. Let's just stop wasting each other's time and move on then. Wish you all the best though.

>an NPC would rather trust a machine than his own brain

>All we're saying is that statistically, maths is the best, most accurate, and most universal method for measuring your IQ
No shit because IQ tests are required to have math questions. So if you're good at math that might mean you have a high IQ, but the point is are you intelligent? Being good at math doesn't mean you're intelligent.

Because excelling in math literally means you have a high IQ. Studies on IQ in varying fields are promising.

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>One of the guys with the high IQ in america worked at a petstore and was on welfare
What is his name? I have never heard of this man.

>Having the ability to fully understand mathematics is like having a third eye. It's literally a human translation of the language of the universe. If you can use that language, you're not so different from a god.

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typical brainlet. math is the most powerful tool we have, if you're good at math you can excel in many fields like economics, statistics, engineeering, physics, and computer science. if you can't understand math you cannot understand many other things.

>Math is a language that people ascribe to patterns in nature. It doesn't emerge from the universe.
It IS the universe. It's just the human translation of it. Everything you see around you and everything you cannot see is, on all levels, even its simplest, is governed by a mathematical formula.

To say otherwise is to have no understanding of what math even is.

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don`t you think math was used by Napoleon and Ceaser. sure they problably not using algebra but some sort of mathematic understanding is needed, just like in chess.

I remember when I was this excited about science. Too bad I grew out of my hyper-rationalism, it was nice having an explanation for most things. But, as with religion you are blind to the criticisms and just shun people who tell you science isn't as great as you make it seem.

>just like in chess
Ah yes, the game of perfect information, finite state, and fixed starting conditions. Tell me more about how this is what the world is like.

Because it is, without people good at maths you wouldnt even be writing retarded shit on degenerate forums. arts, history, sociology are all subjective pseudo sciences. They generate nothing of value

It's not about excitement or greatness. It's the cold truth. It's why some people are able to create things and technology that seem like they should pipe dreams. It's because they know what creates everything else in the universe and they're able to harness it and create things in the same exact fashion.


>Math is indeed a human discovery and that the universe is essentially one gigantic mathematical object. In other words, mathematics no more describes the universe than atoms describe the objects they compose; rather math is the universe.

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You think the universe is deterministic? The cold hard truth is that reductionism and determinism got us this far but the road ahead of us is far more complex than what science can currently handle. QM and string theory barely even count as science because of how open to interpenetration its non-deterministic and unobservable its behaviour is.

And who do you think is going to continue making the breakthroughs and discoveries? More mathematicians or lil peep?

That girl's butt sure was big in dat peep video tho rite? A hyuk! Butts and energy drinks. Maff ain't shit.

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The earth and the moon got too close so everyone died

Not sure why you're bringing a random musician up. People appreciate different things, life isn't just about finding whatever your interpretation of the truth is. Scientisim is as toxic as any religion, I really do hope you're young and will realize with age that just because you have an understanding of math and physics doesn't make you superior to others.

This is my actual boyfriend! He has a third eye too if you know what I mean!

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1. I'm not young
2. I have no mathematical ability whatsoever and as such I only feel inferiority
But moreover,
3. >Scientisim is as toxic as any religion
This is an profoundly stupid thing you just said. Don't even know that "scientism" as a word even exists outside of your head but the difference bewteen science and religion is that science is 100% infallible truth. Religion is 100% supposition. Science is not a belief system. It's a study of actual physical reality.

>Don't even know that "scientism" as a word even exists outside of your head
No need to get so aggressive, look the word up. All I'm saying is science is worshiped by some people, you shouldn't hold science as the greatest thing humans have invented.

>doesn't know what scientism is
>treats science as an irrefutable institution
>considers himself to be inferior because of no mathematical ability
>somehow despite this denies dogmatism and toxicity
>also says cringe shit like "Science is not a belief system. It's a study of actual physical reality"

hi there big fan of lil peep i just wanna say he never showed girls' asses in his music videos it was just mostly him singing and shit. that is all.

>it's another insecure morron trying to convince people you don't have to be smart to be smart thread

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if you're sooo smart can you tell me the importance of those equations on that photo , where they come from, and how they were simplified?

>hold science as the greatest thing humans have invented
But it literally fucking is. Why are you brainlets so fucking bitter? Just because you cannot understand science and math as profoundly as some geniuses can does not make you worthless as a human being. Heck, I love math and even I sometimes think wtf is this because it can get so complex. But there is no need to get bitter and jealous of others and their abilities. You cannot deny this fact: without mathematical sciences, society would not be the same that is it today, because we would not have been able to evolve. It's the fucking truth, so yes it is the greatest thing. Accept it.

Never said I was smart. Did, however, say that I have no mathematical ability.

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but society fucking suck you retard
science gave us jack shit

Okay, tell me how it sucks. Bring me down to your level of stupidity, please, because all around me I just see the incredible advancements of mankind.

>science gave us jack shit
How did you just post that then?

then why dont you try to get better at math? you obviously have an interest

no such thing

It's nothing serious. It's basic calculus, with integration techniques (u-sub and integration by parts) and derivatives. Also included is Riemann sums useful for calculating volumes by splitting it into "slices" and approximating the sum to each slice via integral approximation, or the area under a curve.

This makes it very obvious to me you're trolling. And you're really bad at it. Thanks for wasting my time.

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It's a serious problem. I struggle even when trying to read an analog clock. Even in HS, math was one of those studies that I never made it out of standard level and came pretty damn close to failing it often. It sucks because math is so awesome but trying to understand it for me is like when you see a dog trying to figure out something that it has no ability to. The brain is trying to turn gears that aren't there.

I love math. Than feeling of finally grasping something is too good. Finding a new way to figure something out gives me much joy.

All those things boil down to logic, pattern recognition, memory etc. anyway.
Last IQ test I did actually did test a lot of general knowledge.

God isn't some autist looking for patterns on a graph

autistic retards who can't say anything smart or do anything that require a back bone use math as a sole benchmark because it is the only thing their good at.
They have no social intelligence or creativity most of the times, ''so >muh hrr hrr copy pasted theory that I learnt like 2nd grader means I am smart".
People who say that math are the sole benchmark of intelligence are like the retards who say that ''smart people can't have sex'', just because they dont have.
There are many things that can make a person smart (math included).

You are not right about music. Music or at least some of it can be very mathematical. 9 out of 10 good mathematicians play instruments and they do it on respectable level for non professionals.


Like the golden ratio in classical paintings our brains are subconsciously trained to respond repetition, patterns and ratios. When you see face in symmetrical building door and windows it is your left part of the brain speaking over the right and not vice versa. This is why there are no universal beauty in McMansion that have all the windows in different sizes and the roof is sloped in 5 diffrent angles.If I show you 1 picture of such house and then 100 more you will not be able to tell apart the first one from the rest 2 hours after, they are flawed and forgettable. It is the same with some modern crap music that have generic beat some bitch trying to sing while some nigger mumble in the background. On the other hand you will instantly recognize classical melody even if it is on different instrument, different pace or even in the form of ringtone from a shitty 20 years nokia. Most of the modern music produced in the last 70 years and lasted the test of times employ the same principles. Why do you thing every movie trailer in the last 5 years use some remix or cover of some actually good song from recent or not so recent past.

To me maths is beautiful because it is pure distilled logic, and art is beautiful because it is pure distilled feeling, concepts and beauty. I consider maths and art of all kinds, along with philosophy, to be the only redeeming features of humanity. Purer sciences also get a pass and I can acknowledge observation based science and engineering as achievements even if I don't care about them. I consider one who can't appreciate maths and/or art to not truly be making the most of what it is to be human. An intellectually fulfilled human must have refined logic and emotion, be able to work abstractly with both and know when either is appropriate - popsci fags who love Rick and Morty and capeshit are on the same level as overemotional roasties who can't do maths. If you can't appreciate the beauty of maths, literature, cinema, art and music you are subhuman.

>only thing you're good at is reading and history
>learn that they think half of historians are "racist" and the rest are just revisionist shill
>learn that no one really gives a damn about your passion and they just want to forget or revise the past for being too "ugly"

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Maybe for you it is, and yes, I'll admit I git a bit of dopamine when I solve a hard math problem, but once you start getting into that shit, I just don't get the appeal. It's just a display of a pattern mate, it's nothing to cry about.

>>Why do idiots take mathematics as the sole benchmark of intelligence?
Are you fucking autistic or something OP? Maybe it's because the majority of people including (you) are fucking dogshit at math.
>>What would you say about someone would excelled in every field except Le' math and science?
I would say good fucking job because mpeople dont give a shit about anything intellectual. Clearly this still applies.

>>math is not the language of the universe
Bold fucking claim from somebody who clearly doesnt appreciate logistics or precise calculations which is quintessential of mathematics.
>>That's why math, science and physics are full of all sorts of spooky bullshit. Quantum entanglement, dark matter, black holes, etc.,
You're fucking retarded to make even an ATTEMPT to discredit ANY OF THAT SUBJECT MATTER U KNOW NOTHING ABOUT

This shitpost b8 right here

Take this shitty ass post to /sci/ & see how fast this gets torn apart.

Mh... I think that's because 60% of people can be very good at history and art is so relative that there isn't a standard, while math is fucking hated by any brainlet from high school to Masters? OP, recently I've spoken with a girl who has passed all exams exept the two of Calculus 1 and 2... Are you a butthutt roastie/fag too?

I'd caution you that while mathematics is essential for economics, it's no substitute for reality checking your assumptions. Too many economists fail to do so, and produce results which are worse than useless.

Basically worthless
idk about this one
Good category
Good category
Basically worthless
Basically worthless
Basically worthless

>it's another thread where brainlets trying to claim their low IQ scores doesn't make them brainlets

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>That's what the bell curve is.
>If you go on to do some sort of statistical analysis that is itself contingent on the data being normally distributed (or IID, same argument applies), then what you're saying is that the process that generated the data is the same thing as flipping coins
My friend, the Gaussian curve is used so often because people noticed that density curve appears so often. If something has screwy data, like a mode that appears far away from the mean or median, then it may be best to check if the density curve is bimodal.
As well, density curves like the Gaussian curve are not regularly used, especially with the correlation of 2 variables.

I think economics would be good in combination with other things

OP here. After I've returned from the beaches of Normandy
I've read most posts that were worth reading. It still doesn't change my position that math/science is overrated as a benchmark for intelligence
I knew people that were horrible in other fields but only good at math. If you can't be a jack of all trades than I do not consider you intelligent
You can have your math be the pathetic number crunching failure you are. The true geniuses and greats excelled at everything
not having to rely on math alone. mathfags make me sick

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>typical brainlet. math is the most powerful tool we have, if you're good at math you can excel in many fields like economics, statistics, engineeering, physics, and computer science. if you can't understand math you cannot understand many other things.

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Yes it does, get over it

He completely BTFO you
damn IQ fags are annoying

because you are in Jow Forums, cradle of autistics who are only good at math

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There are math professors that are complete basedboys

user, you're being silly. Being good at math isn't arbitrary, it means that you're good at spatial reasoning, and spatial reasoning impacts way more than just math, it measures just how good you can model the world in your head, and make meaningful choices based off that model, the definition of intelligence.

I misspoke. I understand the importance and relevance of math/logic/philosphy in the arts, but I was more trying to say that some people can grasp those derivative subjects better than actual pure logic/math. They certainly are present

i like math but in reality, all fields of study will be worthless when society collapses within the next 50 years.

you have no understanding what math is though. mathematics is used as a model for reality, it doesn't "arise from nature" or anything. There's no equation that can describe everything about a physical phenomenon, it will just give at best a very close approximation.

You can leave the thread any time. Holy shit that was stupid.

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