How to not be emotional so easily? One thing goes wrong and feel like kms

How to not be emotional so easily? One thing goes wrong and feel like kms

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journal those thoughts and emotions, starting with the incident which set you off, then describing the feelings, and what they make you want to do

then cry a bit or have some ice-cream; whichever makes you feel better

This is a meme don't fall for it

Do you have depression. Not memeing.

Cut all the onions out of your diet and get more exercise. Stop fapping 10 times a week.

Stop masturbating
It kills the confidence you have in yourself

Just ripped my house apart and made dents in the walls looking for a sock.

I wish I knew, OP.

feel as shitty or pathetic as you want but just think and act practically

heres an example

you fuck up at work and boss yells at you and swears at you what do you do??

A.) Go cry and hate boss for being mean

B.) Make sure not to fuck up again

Typical white incel rage
So boring

you're an unnecessarily cruel person

you should stop that before it kills you

Hey would rather be a cunt on here than inflict it on others outside irl

i don't see the point of being a cunt anywhere

i'm not even being cunty to you right now, though i find your behaviour repellant, because we have so many examples of the callous living miserable lives and dying miserable deaths of their own making, so i'd rather help you avoid that by suggesting you control those predilections before they destroy you; not practising them here so that they don't become engrained habits you can't escape from

B but doing that while crying. I can't seem to get a control over my feelings when something goes wrong. It's automatic. I'm angry at myself

This. But with me I think is just the glass being full and the tiniest droplet feels like the worst thing ever. Shit sucks desu.

just be yourself bro also have you tried not being depressed

Nah I'm gunna keep doing what i am doing.
You're literally disgusting for trying to change my ways of thinking with that drek thinking it would work

fair enough, that's your decision

i'm sorry for what you're going to suffer

Eat a lot of meat, start lifting, and cut out any s o y or processed crap in your diet. And avoid any and all media/art/entertainment. This includes movies, books, TV, anime, video games, music, etc. Art is all feminized bullshit meant to make you emotional. If you want to be more manly and stoic, you have to actually do real things. Start hunting, hiking, fishing, playing various sports, and going outdoors in general. Meditate too.

Like most things in life, learning to consciously control your state of mind is something that requires consistent work and practice. Living a healthy physical lifestyle will make it easier and naturally help you to regulate your mood, but it's not "necessary" per se. Look into mindfulness techniques and meditation, they provide you tools and techniques to recognize and modify thought patterns and behaviors so you can stop them from spiraling out of control. If you wish to make it a part of your conception of life, I would recommend reading into philosophy and spirituality. Stoicism, Buddhism, Existentialism have very central discussions of existing with intense suffering and is a good place to start.

Good luck user.

It's okay I have been beyond saving for at least 12 years now. It hurts every day of just learned to embrace the fire

nothing's so broken it can't fixed, user



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Just stop caring about everything.

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Meditation is one of the most important things you can do. It's absolutely vital that you do it everyday, even if it's for only 5 minutes.