Do anti-depressants work? I want off this ride

Do anti-depressants work? I want off this ride.

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they dont

t. someone that's been on them for years

They will slightly improve your mood in general, but they won't unredpill you on the shittiness on life

For me they did help increase my overall mood. But I still get mood swings and suicidal thoughts and I'm only slightly more functioning than before.

So, there's no hope at all?

What do you expect from antidepressants? If they gave you a permanent high or turned you into a chad they would obviously be banned

Not to be a smart ass, but I was expecting them to do what their name implies.

There is ayahuasca, which is legal, dirt-cheap, and a naturally occurring anti-depressant:

Here is how to easily prepare it:

Google around how well it works against depression. It does not always work, but at least in the majority of the cases. I know close friends who came out of deep depression thanks to it.

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They worked great for my mom who was actually mentally ill and not just being a sad sack useless piece of shit.

Not sure if they'd work on someone who's only "depressed" because they've already wasted what little potential for a normal life they had and are now complete failures in every sense of the word. But hey they probably wouldn't hurt so go for it.

In my experience, antidepressants give you a small window in an awful situation to unfuck your life. It's only abiut a few months, although it may depend on person. Antidepressants are coupled with therapy because it is supposed to give you a person who will keep pushing you and guiding you to fix your life. Sometimes depression is caused by specific physiological mechanisms, where antidepressants won't help, sometimes it's just a short episode whre antidepressants help you pull through, and sometimes they won't work, simply because they are hardly a permanent solution, and some problems are permanent.

Stoner-fags are the worst kind of degenerate.

They should be used as a last resort. Eventually you'll want to come off them and deal with all the side effects. When you give your brain a pill to make it happy it gets used to it. so when you take away the pill you're fucked

Depression aint real lmao

They aren't magic. Depression is brain atrophy from inflammation caused by stress. SSRI'S are shown to promote neuroplasticity so that your brain can recover but if the underlying problems don't get addressed they won't help as mich as they could. You need therapy and lifestyle changes. I believe exercise has been shown to be even more effective than antidepressants. People lead sedentary lifestyles eating garbage all day and wonder why they feel like killing themselves.

They worked wonderfully for me

You may have some side effects, I did on ssri's. Little bit of dick dysfunction, dry mouth and jaw tremor.Cycled through a bunch of them trying to treat a severe anxiety disorder. Most are pretty useful for treating depression, I would go see a physch rather than a gp about it though

They do what their name implies to an extent
If you want to get rid of depression completely you'll have to change your attitude towards the world. Therapy may or may not help with this, depends on the therapist and your levels of redpilledness

Exactly this.
Antidepressants work best for people who have an actual illness that makes their brain not work properly due to a chemical imbalance.
Most "depression" diagnosis today are due to laziness or maliciously done by doctors who misunderstand their own subject and are only interested in putting as many people on this "miraculous" pill for financial gain.

that's what everyone says but wheres the proof? If depression is just brain imbalance then why are there a 100 differect types of anti depressents?

>nobody knows exactly what causes depression
>I, a random retard from Jow Forums, have it figured out
>trust me I know !
neck yourself

My gf started them about 6 months ago. What I noticed is she became less extreme when she had a depressed episode, but also it changed her personality. She became less affectionate and at times seemed like a zombie. Her libido became fucked too. So whilst she may not be as depressed, she also didnt seem to hit those highs of being ultra happy when she was happy. So it makes you less extreme emotional wise on both ends of the spectrum I'd say. She is off them now. I wouldn't personally reccomend them unless you are suicidal and dont have anyone to help you get through your worst times.

>My gf started them about 6 months ago.
Stopped reading right there.

Started them about three weeks ago
At this point it could well be placebo, but I defintely feel an improvement in my mood
I still despair, my life is still a mess, I'm still and addict
but I do genuinely (at least in this moment in time) feel as though there is a light at the end of the tunnel I can claw towards

What you're on to user? I'm using wellbutrin and it only very slightly improved the mood (5 weeks in)

Proof of what? You can ask your doctor who wants to give you antidepressants or look up what they're supposed to do in simple terms.
Basically no one knows and there's different types because they all worked on someone or did nothing at all so by process of trial and error came up with all the different kinds.
Because the brain is the least understood organ in our body no one knows what's going on.
If you have actual depression defined by a chemical imbalance of what makes you feel happy and motivated or the opposite of that, chemical solutions can work.
If it's your lifestyle or events that make you feel that way, don't expect a magic pill that solves your problems.
It's not like you're hooked up onto a brain scanner and they know your diagnosis and give you a cure like if you broke your arm. It's basically guesswork based on feelings and what you tell them.
If you broke your arm and kept hammering it and abusing it no amount of medicine or therapy will make the pain go away and your arm won't heal. The brain is a million times more complicated than an arm and we don't understand it.

They can definitely help, but that's all really. If you go into it looking for a complete cure then you will be disappointed. I don't think there is such a thing. If you're someone that is prone to depression and other mental health problems it's something you have to learn to live with and manage. Kind of like being diabetic or something.

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SSRIs will blunt your ability to feel emotion, empathy, or anything else. You'll go on autopilot being "okay" well enough to fulfill your role.
In some this effect will cause a dream like loss of touch with self and humanity. It is no coincidence that a majority of mass murderers were on these drugs. It is covering the shit in the room and ignoring it sort of thing.

i started antidepressants about half a year ago and ive had periods where they improved my mood a lot and periods where i still felt like shit, two weeks ago i started taking 2.5mg of abilify together with my regular pills and its like my life turned around, not only is my mood better now but its actually made me more active and i literally do chores all day and exercise otherwise i get bored, im much better at socializing too now

Let me redpill this thread on antidepressants. The fact of the matter is, no one knows what causes mental illness. What that means is that medications for it act on nothing but theories and outcome statistics. Now, if the outcome statistics were 100% cured, then the theory could be tacitly declared as proven. But they aren't. In fact, when you look at long term studies (five, ten, and twenty year studies), taking medications is actually a predictor of a worse outcome than taking nothing. So because medications harm as much as they help, and because no one knows what causes mental illness, these medications aren't actually medications in some big, authoritative sense, but simply drugs, like any other legal or illegal drug. They don't "fix" or "cure" anything, they just make you feel different, and the hope is that this new feeling is better than the old one. That's it. This is an open secret and easily researched online. So the answer is yes and no. For a choice few, it saves their lives and the best idea is to take it forever, despite long term consequences of the drug. For most, it is a mixed bag, hurting at some points, helping at others, and ultimately just another ride. I would recommend moving forward with helping yourself with this "they're all drugs" idea in mind. If taking lexapro helps, go for it, but if drinking coffee and standing on your head for 30 minutes helps, do that too. We are so in the dark as to why mental illness occurs, and how to even properly define it, that your health is truly in your hands. Talk to doctors et al to become informed, but the decision is yours alone. We just don't know enough right now.

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proof of this chemical Imbalance In people with "actual" depression. cyphiliss has one type of medicine to cure it. If "actual" depression is real why isn't there one cure? depression isn't set in stone there's more then one kind and they can all benefit

True, psychiatry is a soft science and always will be. A cover-all of umbrella symptoms with strange drugs should be a last resort.
Unfortunately it's the nature of the industry for lazy doctors to give these to anyone that exhibits even the slightest symptom of dysfunction. The result being a grossly medicated population. Completely docile and removed from their faculties of human cognisance

Amphetamines, benzos, drugs, booze, cocaine, psychs, what else there is. Opiods? Crack? Never had those, but I could write a couple of essays on the first bunch based on almost exclusively personal experience. Which is bollocks, but still.

They help. Drugs do their work. Only at first tho. Then you're addicted! But you either beat the addiction or go to rehab. So now you're not addicted. What next?

What made you addicted to drugs in the first place? No idea life just sucked somehow. It wasnt tfw no gf. It wasnt bullying. Those were symptoms. What is the problem? No idea. I don't know. Psychologist bitch who sucked dick for five years doesnt know. Psychoatrist pro that is intelligent as fuck and knows exactly what's going inside your brain?

He doesnt fucking have the slightest idea. So sure take a bunch of drugs, chill the fuck out, be a functional human for once. If you're lucky you were just a depressed normalfag and he saves your life.

But if you're the average "robot" which seems an outdated concept nowadays, this will happen: you go, tell psych man all your bullshit, pay a solid sum of money, buy a pack of drugs who cost another decent sum of money, feel like heaven for three hours, and then after a while it's just like weed. Cocaine. Alcohol. It does jack shit. You need a higher dose. You need it more often. You dont feel shit. How the fuck do I feel? Hit myself with an iron pipe in the head? Pump more drugs into my bloodstream? Go cold turkey to hallucinate about aliens?

You're back to square one, except a drug addict. Hope those months of hysterical antidepressant use were worth it.

Nearly all physchotropic medication is not addictive in the slightest. Discontinuation effects are caused by shifting chemical balances in the brain. No actual withdrawal effects, while withdrawing from alcohol can kill you

I tried Risperdal because I have schizo, social anxiety and depression. I'm now even worse than before.
Don't take fucking medication.

It's the leading theory out there right now. Try using google instead of wasting your parents internet on Jow Forums.

took that shit once. would rather live with the symptoms than be another day on it. terrible drug
even the atypicals have weird side effects. took one that completely stopped my metabolism and i began to gain weight rapidly. fuck that stuff

Whats so bad about schizophrenia anyways? Does it actually hinder your ability to function in real life?

That is wrong in many ways. Everything is addictive to some degree, even physical abuse, but mostly things that feel right.
Antidepressants are an object that makes you go from "please end my agony already" to "wow i had fun today". It might not be physically addictive like tobacco, but it is psychologically addictive, like weed, to the point you're going to have intense cravings if your dose is too high and you go cold turkey.

Yeah sure it wont make you puke blood like alcohol but it's not a solution to a problem. It only is a short term help.

they do

t. someone that's been on them for years

You have to try to know if they work for you

Very much this, they are not the solution

Try CBD oil. Even if it doesn't work, you might as well try it first.

Not worth it. I've tried 4 different ones. They don't change what you know. If your problem is an existential one, or if it's an unacceptable fact of your life, don't even bother. They take a long time to get in and out of your system and you will have shitty side effects the whole time. Get hard and live with your problems. It's actually easier that way.

>Do anti-depressants work? I want off this ride.
yes, they do

therapy is an even bigger meme than antidepressants

t. who didnt put any effort

Been taking it for 3 weeks now. I'm a brainlet who isn't self aware enough to notice the mental difference but i do feel some effects physically. I used to have this "sinking chest" and anxious feelings but now that feeling is blocked. also feel more drowsy

Not him but I put massive effort and it kinda worked short term. Everybody loved me and things were generally working out.
However, I fucked up all of my projects. You see, I'm a sharp dude. See things from a different perspective. So when it comes to problem solving, I usually come up with unconventional solutions that pretty much always work. Besides getting a girlfriend and making friends, I never fail.
So therapy, which I took very seriously, made me a functional, agreeable person, but I started doing things the conventional way instead of my own "lie, cheat and finesse" kind of way and everything went to shit. A whole wasted year and shattered dreams. At least I made friends, not like I give a fuck.

Point is, therapy does do a pretty good job at making you a functional, decent, agreeable person. But it also does a great job at removing the sharpness and the edge. So for those whose most redeeming qualities are their cleverness and wit, therapy is the worst possible idea. I'd recommend it to those slightly weird people who just struggle to function, or to those who do generally well but struggle to deal with strong negative thought that drive them to dangerous behavior.

take mushies for depression. they are tier 1 medicine for depression. i take them every 2-3 months and they work wonders for me, and i have done blood tests, i have extremely low testosterones. low testosterone blood levels are associated with depression, and i have ZERO depression because i take mushrooms

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this 100%. therapy is a fucking JOKE. it does fuck all. if u want ur shit cured take mushrooms or other natural psychedelics like ayahusca or something. go to and read studies on that shit

talking to some dumb blond cunt who just recently graduated college and has years of experience in getting gang banged and choking on chad's dick is not going to help you. the best therapy you can get is from r9k itself, because its other depressed virgins whom you can relate to, thats why we are all drawn to r9k, for its relateability and its brutal honesty and anonymity

therapy is a fucking JOKE, lel anyone who tells you to go to therapy is a unironic braindead sentientless normie

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Psychedelics drugs work well for depression desu.

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>if u want ur shit cured take mushrooms or other natural psychedelics like ayahusca or something.
what a joke

please give me scientific evidence against any of the claims i made or shut up ignorant retarded ass up. i provided scientific medical studies to the positive effects on magic mushrooms and curing depression

if you're unwilling or unable to refute me with scientific data showing magic mushrooms to be dangerous or ineffective for depression SHUT THE FUCK UP you fucking retard

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Dont see any evidence that it cures depression.

the picture and the video i linked shows its amazing for stubborn treatment resistant depression

you blind petty retard, watch the video, its a phd holding speaker and the study was done in a hospital

I thought I'd pop in to give a slightly different point of view, as this thread is becoming a bit of an echo chamber.
Therapy doesn't fix you, meds don't fix you. You have to fix you. And if you are really willing to put in the effort to do that, then meds/therapy can be a great help. It won't be easy, but it is clinically proven to help.
CBT is great, talking therapies are great. Not a miracle fix though. And if the feels are too much to handle then meds do legitimately numb you. That can be what you need to get through therapy.
I've done a few courses of therapy now and tried different meds and for a while I was in the
>they don't work this is bs
camp, it was only recently that I figured out that you are the one who has to do the work. Therapy and meds are just tools that can help with that.

>getting in jail for trying to cure it
no thanks, i'll take legal route

I self medicated with drugs for years and though it helped in the short term it was not a cure. It was just a band-aid. And the down side was that I ended up developing depersonalisation/derealisation as a result. It's quite dangerous for some people I think and shouldn't be something you readily recommend to help mentally ill people

>take shrooms
>see some pretty colors
>hope I dont die while I'm tripping the whole thing
>drink some beer in the morning to try and forget the abdolutely boring last night
That's my experience with shrooms.

Because you posted an image of Chico on Jow Forums of all places, I will have to assume that you're a lonely male that didn't get much attention, especially female attention, growing up, because you are a genetic wastoid unfit to court women through pure physical attraction. This probably led you to become isolated in your room and lag behind your peers in social skills and experiences, which probably has snowballed into larger issues now.
The most significant step you can take is to seriously considering looksmaxxing through the means of gym (Test-E), fashion, skincare, haircare and lastly, if needed, even surgical procedures. The second most significant step you could take is to become cultivated in the arts and become an interesting person. Pick up reading, watch a lot of culturally significant movies, write, draw, do sports, gunshooting, fishing, whatever that tickles your fancy and never stop gathering knowledge.

Good luck OP, it will require a lot of willpower on your part but if you believe in yourself you can do it. You haven't given up unless you decide to.

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>becoming tool #3753

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How much social validation do you receive on a weekly basis? How much did you get during your formative years?

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Enough to end up here.

So you're just coping. Good lord. You could use some honesty with yourself.

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>The most significant step you can take is to seriously considering looksmaxxing through the means of gym (Test-E), fashion, skincare, haircare and lastly, if needed, even surgical procedures.
>and become an interesting person
>Pick up reading, watch a lot of culturally significant movies, write, draw, do sports, gunshooting, fishing, whatever that tickles your fancy and never stop gathering knowledge.

sounds like some tier 1 normie shitspewing if you ask me, dawg

thats gonna be a big YIKES from me

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I'm honest with myself in way that it doesnt matter what i do know - i wont relive my youth.

How old are you? It's more not too late than not for men IMO, if you're Dude, just lay and rot LMAO

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I'm kinda interested in trying them, although that would require me to admit all of my mental problems to my parents so maybe I'll just wait a year or so until I'm completely independent.
Some people say they work miracles on their lives and other people say they're useless and just give them nasty side effects, I guess it's worth a try though. My brother had an SSRI prescription for anxiety when he was in fucking third grade and he absolutely hated it.

>Dude, just lay and rot LMAO
>implying its worth it to chase sex past the age of 22
>implying years of growing up isolated, neglected and depressed is going to be offset by jumping through societies standards on how you should look like
>implying rotting and coping with videogames and religion isnt the optimal way to play life as an adult virgin
>implying you even need looks to get laid

ahhhhh, how ignorant and naive are you. heres david gandy. david's been a virgin until 21, only been with like 4 girls and was never promiscous. hes very isolated and reclusive and basically semi-autistic on the inside, he just happens to look better than anyone alive

if ur a robot on the inside, it doesnt matter what you look like on the ouside, you soulless sentientless shameless normie retard

and if you want to get laid, just to pay a prostitute and stop wasting your time lifting and putting on makeup and all of this horseshit. dont take your your insecurities with being a loser on me, rotting and dying a virgin is the ideal way to live ur life according to the bible

revelation 14:4

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>and if you want to get laid, just to pay a prostitute and stop wasting your time lifting and putting on makeup and all of this horseshit
It's not just about getting laid. It's about improving your life all-around. Good looking people are not only more loved, but they are also taken more seriously in their jobs. They also get a fuckton of passes in rough situations. You probably know what I'm talking about: The halo effect. If you don't, look it up.

Having a loving wife and children, a stable job and an active social circle beats laying down in your stinking man cave any day of the week.

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Absolutely, I used to be a stoner and they are complete shit. The worst kind of addict. However, you sir are a moron becuse that's not even remotely close to what the man suggested. Clearly, you have the mind of a stoner.

I agree that people who announce they are depressed to all their friends only do it for attention, but if you hate Jow Forums so much why do you come here? People who actually like coming here don't even enjoy it.

>ood looking people are not only more loved, but they are also taken more seriously in their jobs
so are more sociable people and people who are inclined to think in a certain style. heres an average income of various personality types. the same is true for getting laid, more extroverted personalities get laid much more and often times report a higher rate of life happiness than the less extroverted more depressed loners

but what the fuck difference does that made. you cant change your bone structure unlike you take some surgeries that shave your jaw off or a lefort maxilla surgery, which is EXTREMELY expensive and risky

and you cant change your personality unless you're high on MDMA all the time or take some special drug that makes it impossible to eat certain cheeses because itll kill you and reduces anxiety, but even then

if ur depressed take mushrooms and cope with vidya and anime like a normal robot

>Having a loving wife and children, a stable job and an active social circle beats laying down in your stinking man cave any day of the week.
holy FUCK ur so stupid. kys you dumbass normie. none of that shit is going to be a thing anyways soon because ai and automation are going to dramatically change the world to such an extent life will become almost unrecognizable

you honestly sound like you're 19 or something

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>be depressfag
>take psych meds
>still want to die

.........and now dick doesn't work.

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You're just not willing to work hard enough to break out of the box that society has imposed on you. You could've chosen a winner's mindset, but that's much harder than adopting a loser's mindset and remain complacent. What are you going to do? Be suicidal until you die of old age?

>holy FUCK ur so stupid. kys you dumbass normie. none of that shit is going to be a thing anyways soon because ai and automation are going to dramatically change the world to such an extent life will become almost unrecognizable
More cope. This isn't going to happen the way you like it and you're going to regret it severely when you hit 50 and live alone in a one bedroom apartment.

You can still make it, you just need to work on your mentality that's obstructing you from the good things in life.

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