How can you be NEET?

I understand, at least partially, all your things. Incels, weebos, trap lovers, fetishists. Doesn't matter.
But how can someone be NEET?
Maybe it's USA thing. Maybe it's becouse my parents are old and sick and I have to help them. Maybe becouse we never had that much money.
Shit, I still live with them most of the time. But I pay for my dormitory, help parents with bills.
I mean... Work part-time in McD or something.
Why are you parasite?

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Can't speak for everyone else, but think about this: your country gets flooded with fucking Muslims, your politicians aren't accountable and the only way out seems to be to burn the whole thing down. Might as well accelerate it by draining as much money from the state as possible. And as for paying taxes to fund the politicians who betrayed you and the parasites they let into your country? I'm not fucking retarded.

Yeah, but you can still work somewhere illegally.
I wonder about just draining money from parents.
That's fucked up for me.

I wouldn't want/do that either. But in many places in Europe you can have a comfy life simply by getting your neetbux from the state.

I'm less like a parasite more like a pet. I'm incompetent and my parents pity me too much to allow me to die for now.

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They probably just feel ashamed for failing to make you into a stable person.

Cause i'm a schizo who can't hold down a job.

I also don't know how anyone can accept this situation.
I'm living with my parents right now, quite my job 3 months ago to study programming and being here the whole fucking day is already taking a toll on my sanity.

well i just stopped leaving my room after i graduated high school and my parents just tolerate me and give me $50 a week to live off of, i keep telling them that ill join the military but honestly the process takes for ever so ive been a NEET for nearly 2 years now

I had a mental breakdown soon after i graduated highschool and don't leave my room anymore and as long as i have my computer and internet i don't need anything else. Also from my perpesctive ameriburgers are the weird ones,literally everyone lives with their parents until they die here and i can't imagine what type of person would kick their sons out on the street.

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I actually know this dude, and he's not NEET. He's a little strapped for cash from what I can tell, but he's got his own business.

He just shaved like that and posed as a joke.

>t. seething wagecuck

Why risk doing anything when you've got all you need at your fingertips and you can be comfortable? Every encounter with other people is potential death, injury, new unwanted obligation or jail time. None of those things are desirable.

>Maybe it's USA thing
France, Italy, Spain etc. have much higher rates of NEETs than the US because it isn't as much of a taboo to live with your parents/family as an adult.

NEET =/= living with parents
It's normal to live with your folks.
You grow older together, they die, you start your own family. Same house, different generations.

I am talking about using money of the only people that ever loved you.
Just go outside, earn few bucks, pay electricity for them. From what you spare buy something for yourself.

>It's normal to live with your folks.
Not in burgerland.

My mother is the prime NEET enabler.

She literally refuses to take any of my money. Works a job she hates and probably I'll end up moving so she doesn't have to work.

My parents just pay the bills,i never ask money from them but sometimes they give me some on holidays,which i never use because there's nothing i want to buy or do with it.

Served in the military and they gave me the option to fuck off and get $3,100 tax free a month. I took it.

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Maybe, but they don't face severe consequences kicking me out so I don't understand why they won't. I'm just a burden and would be better off killed or dead.

It's less common in the USA than in europe because it's much harder to get neetbux here

Why don't you do ONE favour for your sweet parents and off yourself to free them of the burden, user?

I have nothing to work for. I have no friends, I have no girlfriend, I have nobody who cares about my existence. All my material needs are met through Neetbux. What is the point of working? I have all the money I need.
How I read your post in my head

How the fuck. Honorable discharge? Idk how it works in the U.S, but that's some serious game changer. I hope at least you're being wise with your time and money (use them correctly to improve your state of being)

Holy fuck you're living the dream user. I don't think it would be worth it to be a NEET if I had to live on like 500 a month or something, but for 3100 tax free a month? I'd never have another worry in my life.

I didn't graduate high school.

Just selfishness, robot NEETs are not that different from nigger/white trash NEETs, both just want to live a maximum comfort life at someone's expense, both have been doing it for so long they are allergic to work.
>muh diagnosis
Usually some meme shit that you will literally grow out of.

thats right
i dont owe anybody anything and i dont care who i fuck over to get what i need
nobody else does

Most NEETs admit this though. The one's that don't though are annoying, especially the one's who shitpost on Jow Forums about wanting to get rid of gibs to niggers since they themselves get gibs.

I was lucky enough to be on the NEET life for a summer and it was quite honestly the greatest three months of my life. I had graduated college and my apartment lease wasn't up until end of August and I had 4k in the bank. My days went like this mostly.

>wake up around 8 or 9 AM
>cook a healthy breakfast. Veggie omlette and lots of coffee
>browse Jow Forums and play some vidya on my laptop til about noon
>walk a mile to the gym
>gym for about 2 hours
>buy lunch nearby
>stop by the liquor store on my way back home
>cook a nice dinner
>drink and play vidya with my friends until about midnight

it was glorious, I could have let it go on for decades, but alas my time was up and my money was gone.

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Then don't be surprised a lot of people want your benefits cut off and would support your parents throwing you out.
>nobody else does
Not really, most people are still willing to take responsibility for themselves that's why they at least get a job and move out if possible.

>any green text that's slightly funny is posted on reddit
>this place is filled with reddit fags looking for karma
>they learn about the NEET life
>they want to be a part of it
>they don't even know the first step

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I wish I could be a NEET and just collect welfare monies forever

I don't believe this personally because i support myself, but people will say that they didn't ask to be born, it's their parents' fault they exist, and they'll make what they get from their parents last to keep them comfy until it runs out, at which point they plan to neck themselves.

If you really want this, you can basically go for passive income

Lmao, so many good sheeple, good.
There must be some servants so that others can be masters and live from those servants.

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Yeah, basically my whole college time is like this so far. And yeah, it's fun.
But I'm still educating meantime. That's one of Es.
Yeah, social packages are in my country popular as hell, but we call people using them literally "patology".
You can call yourself master for how long you wish, but deep down you will always know you're just parasite.

nigga look like Fungus from monster inc

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because I don't care about money. if I ran out of resources I would just let it happen. I don't care whether I live or die, nor if I have money, shelter and resources and so I have the right to be a NEET.

Because it's not parasitical.

We're all born into this fucked up system and forced through the prison that is school which completely fucks us up for life.

We're just taking back a small amount of what's owed, from the system.

If you want to make it about you then be our guest, it just makes us laugh that you think we're taking money out of your pocket.

We're all in this together and if you're on the wrong side of the war then i dunno, fuck off?

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Ive been a neet before, its very depressing when you have no friends.

>But how can someone be NEET?
it's objectively preferable. working made me miserable

>Work part-time in McD or something.
to be fair, i can work very part time doing freelancing. i make only like $200 a month ,but that's all i need if i don't have to pay for a place to live

>Why are you parasite?
i don't see a problem with it at all. the government taxes your income and forces you to pay for other parasites and also the bombing of 3rd world contries.

what about all the foreign aid sent to 3rd world shitholes?

maybe stop all that and i'll want to go wageslave and pay taxes.

simply put: not working makes me happy. i do what makes me happy. if being NEET makes a person miserable, i would tell them to absolutely get a job

I don't want to work. Working takes up too much of my personal time, and time is more valuable than anything money could buy. How do I get society to accept it? Well, I'm autistic and it isn't really untrue to say I'm incapable of working in a job or doing school. I failed anything like that whenever I tried. It's not worth it toe to struggle for so little gain. I refuse to lower my standards for living, even if it is selfish. Time, to me, matters more than any social status or wealth. We are finite bwings, and every second spent not doing what we want is a second wasted forever.

Tried working part-time for the past 7 months until a few weeks ago. It was great for me at first, only had about 15-20 hours a week, made friends, etc. Once they found out I've got literally nothing else going on, they pushed up my hours to as near full-time as legally possible. Not worth $9/hr, vindictive/conniving boss, and increasing pain from all the heavy lifting, so I resigned. A few hours per week is all I really need, but it seems like every part-time job out there is thinly veiled full-time work.

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>Work part-time in McD
I'm overqualified due to my education
plus I've been out of work for 2+ years now and all my previous jobs I held for less than a year. I can't even get anyone to think about looking at my resume

Ever consider the possibility that working will get you a gf and friends?

Most people don't like welfare kings.

>Ever consider the possibility that working will get you a gf and friends?
i worked for 5 years straight and it made me so miserable, i never got a gf then

after quitting my job and being NEET for the first time in my life (age 25) i met up with a girl on tinder. i finally had time to do something like that, for once, and we fucked. i lost my virginity at 25 because i quit my job...

so, yes, getting a job would help SOME people get a gf, but people who become miserable because of work will not be able to

I never asked to be born and I'm not enjoying the experience. I've had a job before. It takes existence from being an annoyance to being unbearable. I'll kill myself before I ever go back to that bullshit.

Unironically you might want to seek some help with your mental state then get a job.

You're not ever gonna get a gf or friends being an unemployed basement dweller.

I applied to local grocery stores, Walmart, Target, McDonalds, call centers, the only record store left, and some warehouses. No one called back except a grocery store and that was the one place where I had nepotism on my side with an old friend from high school saying I was a good guy. I shaved, got a haircut, smelled nice and wore a buttoned shirt and smiled with eye contact and after a few glances he said maybe and he'll call me back when the position opens. Nope. No one will hire me. I'm a disgusting demon Quasimodo and I belong in my fucking bell tower.

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NEET hangout server.

>Unironically you might want to seek some help with your mental state then get a job.

what is the problem with my mental state? i do work

>You're not ever gonna get a gf or friends being an unemployed basement dweller.
1. i have friends
2. i am not unemployed

yes, i am more miserable now than when i was NEET

BTW, 85% of people hate their jobs:

>seek some help
is just a total cop-out, normie

because working life bores me, i got fucking bored in school and i got kicked out because of that.

i have tasted the thrill of video games, i can't see myself in a job anymore.

I lel every time I see normalfags say this shit. How does NOT wageslaving for a boss for most hours of the day fuck you up? Makes no sense

>Being this uneducated

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they have no sense of self-purpose. they have no inner drive. their life has no meaning

being told what to do by someone more competent than them gives them a feeling of satisfaction.

>yeah, i'm contributing to soceity
they think

it's really the mentality of a child, or worse: an animal

take a dog, for instance. you can throw a bone and the dog will run and go fetch it and bring it back. this gives the dog purpose

I don't think "no meaning" has any meaning.

I just don't fit in with humanity. Dealing with people all day and always misreading their emotions or simply not getting what they're saying or what they're getting at is really stressful. I just wanted to escape. NEET since 2006. There is no way out anymore.