>tfw no super long hair gf
Tfw no super long hair gf
>tfw no short hair qt gf
why even live?
long hair waifu is best hair waifu
IKTF bro
Although me wife has never had her hair cut. If only i could have a gf tho
i wish i had any gf at all
Me too bro. Me too. But I'm just not allowed
Girls who prefer short-hair solely because it's easier to manage are better.
Hi, my hair are hips length
are you a girl though?
You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.
Yes, I am a girl and I've been muted for 2 seconds because my comment was not original
Long hair is how you can tell someone is a worthless animal, like a bum.
I had a gf with extremely long hair, it did look nice and cute but she spent a lot of time grooming it and it could take hours for her to get ready to go out, also all her hair was in my face when we spooned and it wasn't very pleasent
That'a a guy. OP is a literal faggot, as usual.
I will demand that my future wife grows her hair very long. Women need long hair!
Oh yeah? Can you post a picture? You can hide your face.
Kill yourself retard!
my long hair gf didnt post a picture of her long hair. sad!
I used to have an ex with super long hair desu
fucking loved it
I love it! You just need to wear skirts and dresses now because pants are for dudes.
Who could resist you after all this? Nobody.
Lmao I think I know who this is
Fuck off Yoko, that hair needs to be much thinner.
You don't really take care of your hair, do you?
Is this long enough?
Oh god why do you know me
I do, they're just wavy, I don't brush them
>Jow Forums file
Fuck off cunt, if any thirsty orbiter falls for this I'm going to lose all hope
>what is 4chanX filename spoofer
newfriend, please.
>filename spoofer
Okay you win, I'll let people orbit you
>Easier to manage
Lies. Girls who deliberately put in the effort to look good and impress us are the ones you should want.
this is not short hair. this is medium lenght at least.
>those hips
>Girls who deliberately put in the effort to look good and impress us are the ones you should want.
I prefer girls who have enough trouble and want to make their lives just a little bit easier by having short hair.
These two images again, really?
>tfw no short hair having qt to be my gf
good hips, would impregnate while slightly pulling her hair and whispering how she's going to be my wife
Stop drooling over a slightly above average egirl you horny betas
I have a gf of 3,5 years that I hate user, I can comment on some nice hips whenever I want
Break up with her instead of commenting every other girl's body you weak little shit
please be in whichever location I am situated in on the earth
>super long
Nigger shut up thick long hair is the best
Send more pics of her. Do you ever tie her up using her hair?
would you like a 6' Jow Forums bf?
outside gates like that are not short, and she is as tall as it. that makes her hair pretty long even if it isnt in comparison to her body
>4chanX filename spoofer
Why do people use filename spoofers?
They don't, he's bullshitting
Long white girl hair to go with long black dick
Long hair to climb up to window and fuck