Why in fuck does it seem like 90% of people don't understand the concept of tidiness or cleanliness?

Why in fuck does it seem like 90% of people don't understand the concept of tidiness or cleanliness?
Legit almost every persons house and rooms I go into are an insane fucking mess with clothes, books, dirty dishes etc just strewn all over the floor and every other surface.
What the fuck?

Attached: messybedroom.jpg (615x821, 79K)

middle-class-life boio

It's my room, nobody ever comes in here, and I'm lazy.

Every house I go into is way too clean and feels sterile. I don't have trash sitting around, but I have a lot of stuff. The floor is clear and that's what matters to me.
It could also be that all the people I know fell for the LED and CFL jew and they have lightbulbs with fucking ice-cold color temperatures.

>tfw parents bitch when I forget to throw away apple peel

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There is controlled cluttered (pic related) which is literally peak aesthetic and most peoples houses OPs picture.
Before I moved out, my room was very much like pic related (I literally designed my room after it) and frankly you couldn't find a spec of fucking dust in my room and I knew where everything was.

Attached: comfy.jpg (1024x683, 119K)

I have this as well, my room is spotless, bed made, everything folded and put away etc aside from like, one empty bottle on my computer desk I was just drinking from and my mother comes in and bitches about how messy my room is.

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I agree but it's very easy to let that turn into OP's picture unless you're diligent about keeping it maintained.

I've been (slowly) trying to get my shit in shape, basically just so I can post in room/battlestation threads

Cleaning is too exhausting.

That room looks awsome

Aesthetic posts, battlestation posts, and room posts gave me ocd. I can't handle a messy room after seeing that shit

I cannot relax until my entire room is tidy

I'm not a naturally tidy person, and I have at times had similar levels of mess to op (generally as a teenager) but now I have more space to spread my belongings through the house so its easier. People in room threads always tell me to tidy and shit, but I dont mind a bit of mess and clutter as long as its also clean. Theres a huge difference between messy and just dirty. I let it get messy then I tidy it before it gets bad, or if I think someone may come over. but I dont stress myself over the odd couple of plates or mugs lying about. Or a pile of dirty washing in the corner. I can never understand people caring so much about someone elses home.

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r8 my lair robots

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Just one aspect of antisocial behavior on the rise.

>I can never understand people caring so much about someone elses home.
This. It's almost like the reason they are tidy is an OCD that extends top shit that has nothing to doo with them.

I guess its just autists trying to feel superior. The most recent comments I received were "your floor is filthy kill yourself" if they had stopped and looked they would have seen the door leads to the garden and that I have a dog so refuse to wipe a floor multiple times a day. And the other one - wipe your tv screen. As if it fucking matters at all.

Here's mine and I'm a clinically diagnosed mysophobe.

Forget the floor - you own one of the filthiest animals ever.

Attached: my comfy room.jpg (1548x740, 234K)

Doesnt bother me. I am quite able to vacuum and change my sheets. Dont be such a judging autist in your bland clinical cell. we're not all like you

Can I see a photo of the designated shitting street you live in?

I already posted. They shit in the garden or on walks, I pick it up. its whatever. You already admitted you arent normal so I would calm down on the judgement to be honest.

interested in seeing your living room desu

inspired by tumblr, faggot?

I won't stop you from loving your designated shitting street.

My wife did it. If it were up to me, we'd have practically no furniture so that everything's easier to sanitize and deep clean.


Attached: groundlevel.jpg (470x626, 86K)

Your house barely looks any cleaner than mine only much more fucking boring. why are you so obsessed with the idea the dog shits in the house? and you think that couldnt be cleaned up in two minutes anyway? Your attitude isnt healthy desu

what concerns me is that you have apple peels.

I know my attitude isn't healthy. I'm an admitted clinically diagnosed mysophobe. Since I am, I'm not concerned with the look - everything from the lights to the books in the shelf to the fireplace wall to the legs of the recliner are deep cleaned or sanitized weekly.

So I'm quite sure my place is scientifically cleaner than someone who has a dog that shits in his bed.

RIght. but I dont have a dog who shits in the bed. I dont even have a dog who gets on my bed. Its called training

Rooms thread? I have to admit my place is only this tidy because I do airbnb. The reality is though its pretty hard to keep clean due to being a very old and dusty building.

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to me what's more important than tidy vs untindy is heart vs soulless and aesthetic sensibilities

it doesn't matter how messy or tidy your room is if it's a completely soulless place that looks like it's lived in by non sentient robots. see this looks like something straight out of a catalogue. I feel uncomfortable just looking at it. it doesn't look inviting at all or that anyone with half a brain or heart actually resides there.

Okay, friend.

>looks like something straight out of a catalogue
I don't even care about the second half of what you said - this is the biggest compliment you could've given. Thank you.

if you consider that a compliment you're soulless

apple a day user

and living room 2
I completely agree with this. Its depressing to think someone like that is trying to feel superior just for their house being unwelcoming and "scientifically cleaner"
I also have a dog. they bring so much joy

Attached: lg.jpg (1087x492, 187K)


have fun dying from the flu. germs are good for you

it doesnt really look like a catalogue though. those rooms are usually mocked up to look way more welcoming

Eat the peel you mong,its not a fuckin orange like

if all you have to feel good about your place is it being "scientifically cleaner" then you do you. But realise normal people dont give a shit.

solid 8/10 mate


Ding ding ding. This is exactly right, the problem is most people have zero fucking care or sense about aesthetics and atmosphere which is why most people use cold as fuck LED lights.
Atmosphere and aesthetics are surprisingly important to mental health as well.

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i hate it so much i cut off work time just so i can get things cleaned properly
its even worse when you share bedrooms because it means MORE crap gets sent into the room

I can't wait to get back out of my parents house where I've been stuck back for the past 6 months due to unemployment. This entire house is so fucking sterile and white it's like a hospital. Mum doesn't allow anything on the walls or anything, it's ultra-clean and tidy, but it's just ugh.
Been looking at things like pic related for what I want to style my room after. Brother is a carpenter so might get some reclaimed railway wood and pay him to build me some boxes and furniture and such.

Attached: comfybyzan.jpg (402x604, 93K)

>m-muh modernist
the future was a mistake

That bed is really bumming me out. In the US, they don't even make singles anymore. Twins are the smallest you'll even see in stores. It seems like there's just no way you could really get comfy unless you sleep like a board. Not to mention the fact that there's literally 0 possibility of ever having another person sleep in it with you, which you can manage with a twin despite it being a bit cramped.

I dont know why, but that blanket really irritates me. other wise 7/10 would like to hang out at your house with you.

You want me to fuck up my eyesight even more by spending time in a dim enviroment just for the atmosphere?

I'll take my extreme bright cold light led lamps any day

This thread made me want to clean my room. What do you think Jow Forums? 1/2

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2/2 i made my bed, are you proud?

Attached: CA485C9F-A3C6-4DC2-B71A-7795945776C8.jpg (3742x3022, 1002K)

Clean and better than most people our age. Are you living in your garage or something though?

Ever since reading Otyomonogatari I've always wanted this aesthetic.

Attached: brides-story-interior.png (1200x854, 728K)

How do you robots do it? I'm a student at university with a small studio. I can't keep the fucking place clean since I'm so lazy and chaotic. When i have finals i'm literally breaking my neck over trash. Any advice?

Oh, we understand. We're just uninterested.

Just routine, dedicate 15-20 minutes a day cleaning, make sure to put trash in a bin, fold your clothes and put washing in a basket and clean your dishes straight after you use them.

I might as well be. This room is halfway under ground and right next to the garage. It used to be a boiler room

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i hope ur boiler blows up

Borderline like hoarderism

Not cleaning the dishes straight away is my vice. I just never feel like cleaning dishes after dinner

I understand it, but I don't have the space to tidy away all the clothes and books.

For reasons of cleanliness and ants, I don't eat in my room.

That's a military jacket...

is that aq?

It's legit just quicker to do them right there and then than leave them.
Get pic related, it makes cleaning up dishes quick as shit, like

Attached: 1801-dishmatic_wash_up_brush.543d009d92fbd.jpg (500x500, 15K)

Those are some fucking ugly curtains but that wood floor is beautiful.

Why would I care if it's messy? I don't have girls over so it means nothing to me.

>Makeup mirror
stop having expectations of women to be people.

If you actually ride the bicycle that dirty thing should be out in the garage where it belongs, not tracking shit all over your floors and rugs. If you don't actually ride the bicycle you should get rid of it like the Japanese Meme Lady told you to. Either way it should not be inside in your room.

thats obviously not his home, And its clearly decorative. retard

I have a job that requires me to go into multiple peoples' homes on a daily basis. The horror stories just started racking up until they hit the ceiling, just like Sharqueesha's take-out box pile.

>Legit almost every persons house and rooms I go into are an insane fucking mess with clothes, books, dirty dishes etc just strewn all over the floor and every other surface.
are you extremely poor and/or a nonwhite?

whoever's home it is ought to decorate with something other than bicycles.

living room is great, computer room makes me want to bash your head in

>I guess its just autists trying to feel superior
but they are superior to you if you are a filthy person
it's disgusting and for good reason
>w-why do you care?!
because you posted

if you can clean up dog shit in two minutes, you're not cleaning it, you're just getting rid of the largest mass of it

theres quite a difference between a home being filthy and a normal level of lived in. we don't all lead cold obsessive lives which revolve around our homes being clinical levels of clean. That isnt normal or healthy.

>and a normal level of lived in
this is what filthy people tell themselves desu
I bet you wear shoes in the house and don't shower after taking a shit or use a bidet as well

In the even of a shit in the house, such as when a puppy.

>pick up shit with tissues - 3 seconds
>deposit in toilet - varies depending on where the shit is but for my home no more than 30 seconds because its one level
>spray floor with disinfectant - 1 second
>or wipe with disinfectant wipe - again takes seconds

but again its been a long time since I had to do this.

curious. are you a virgin?
are you even white? in my experience only shitskins care about washing their asses

>>spray floor with disinfectant - 1 second
except poor people often have carpet, good luck getting the shit and bacteria out of those fibers to an acceptable degree

>are you even white? in my experience only shitskins care about washing their asses
lol what the fuck

Im not poor and I dont have carpet. speak for yourself mate. I have 200 year old oak flooring
nice assumptions
and what I said there is generally true. Pajeets are obsessed with anal hygeine, the normal average person taking healthy shits doesnt need to fucking wash themselves every time

you have it exactly backward and I suspect that you're not actually racist and are just shitposting or something

anyway nice place dude, making good money airbnbing it?

Because no one who gives a shit about that kind of thing ever visits since we don't really have communities anymore.

Well go hang it up or wear it or something. It's the only obvious piece of clutter so it sticks out.

No, its a cultural/religion thing I believe. Not even racist. And I don't make a huge amount in winter, usually just get the odd room booked while I stay there at 20 britbux a night, only have 3 beds.. But in peak season I let the lot out for 70 a night and sleep in my car. Its definitely worth it.

You should see my parents house, dad is a borderline hoarder.

Ah, you're English--don't wash your ass, don't brush your teeth. It all makes sense now.

Last girl I fucked her room looked exactly like this. I couldn't even find my own pants.

I said we should hang at my place next.

No I'm not english. More nice assumptions. If you're taking such awful shits you feel the need to wash every time then you are the problem here. For normal people showering every day is enough

shouldn't come suprising to an socialworker

>get shit on your hand
>smear it around with paper towel?
>nah, wash it with soap and water

>get shit on your ass
>smear it around with toilet paper?
>sure, sounds great!

>apple peel

Attached: 1548735013973.jpg (739x415, 19K)

I take such healthy solid shits that a wad of toilet paper removes any and all residue. Your argument is retarded Try more fibre

>I take such healthy solid shits that a wad of toilet paper removes any and all residue. Your argument is retarded Try more fibre
more fiber has the opposite effect and no, wiping does not get rid of SHIT residue, you fuckin goof. You get shit on your hand and wipe that? You are a disgusting person! Please improve your hygiene!
>potato niggers

You'll be surprised how many normies have serious neckbeard nests.

again it fucking does.On the other hand if I was shitting pure liquid froma neckbeard diet, then sure I would probably feel the need to use water. And of course papers not getting microscopic particles of shit and bacteria, but I deal with that at the end of the day. The big difference between hands and ass is that im not eating with my ass

You are utterly disgusting if you think getting feces on your hand would be addressed with simple paper. This is an irreconcilable difference between us.

where did I say that? again I must repeat. Im not walking around touching things with my ass. Im not putting my ass anywhere near my mouth, If im disgusting you're just an autist and probably still a virgin either way desu. Thats the real difference here

>virgin virgin virgin virgin virgin virgin virgin virgin virgin virgin virgin virgin virgin virgin virgin virgin

am I wrong tho

>am I wrong tho
is there a point in denying it on Jow Forums?

weirdly it's very often women as well. Most girls rooms are fucking like a trainwreck and a tornado happened in them.
Most guys usually weirdly just have like, a basket of clothes and a bed in their room and nothing else.

the world keeps getting worse and everyone but oblivious normies is too stressed to bother keeping 100% of their shit together