Robot Creative General

Robot Creative General
What are you creating?
What sort of projects would you want to do in the future?
Discuss your projects and ideas, plug shamelessly, possibly receive feedback.

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It's friday night, where are all the art robots?

I mostly edit videos.
Here's a collab I got involved in thanks to these threads:

A couple days ago I did a video reviewing every entry in a creative thread: I'm gonna do this more often I think
help me get to 200 subs?

Just spicing up generic D&D modules with undead and gods for my wife and coworkers.

Got any pictures of your set lying around?

Nah. very new. Graph paper and a few sets of dice. Forcing myself to jump into it because I was just putting stuff off forever waiting for the next tool or etc. to push me over the edge into DMing. Sunless Citadel currently with wife only because I can fuck up with her and she won't think I'm shit for it. She managed to roll a 20 in character creation and as a human, that's 21. So I'm spicing in some god influence and something about the vampire that the tree's supposedly growing out of as she put it into constitution so is kind of a glowing beacon of LIFE to anyone that cares about that stuff compared to anyone else. Should be interesting.

broke two fingers lads
gotta let em heal, can't play my guitar, keyboard, or bass for a while
on the upside, i taught myself how to play PC games with two broken fingers

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Get well soon, Robot esq.

I think I'm losing it bros. Made it in like 30 mins out of boredom.

time to start saving for that modular synth huh

cant give any constructive opinions on editing but i think it's made really nicely and fits the music.

Much appreciated, thanks a bunch.
My knowledge of polish is limited to kurwa jebana and gowno still, I would have brought up the keyboard/synth way earlier on.

Can relate to this.
Look after your hands boys.
I hope it wasnt the French that broke them.
Time to look into virtual instruments if you can play games eyyyy?

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thanks, i'll do that if i ever decide to use that song somewhere

This reminds me of the time when i made joke songs for my friends who all got killed in a bus accident.
it might have been something like this on the radio.

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I've written a book. I'm currently revising it before sending it to a publisher.

What's it about? And would you ever share the name here?

Already subbed. Saw that you got a lot of feedback on this particular vid to work on last time, cant go wrong if you stick to it, turning learning into a craft. Keep it up.

Ahaha, you can work harder on the music- if it helps, its ok to take the piss to get outside of your own self critical mindset. Please make more like this- but worse.

I did not understand much of this i must be honest. I didnt find them music appealing due to the fact it has awful psychoacoustic properties which made me turn the volume down. Pushing a compressor that hard should be illegal :^)

I always post my feedback separate so nobody feels obliged to respond.

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I don't know if it'll ever be released in English anyways. Making it out of my country would require it to get really famous, which is hardly gonna happen.

It's a book about 5 characters that are somehow acquainted to each other (mostly in bad ways) finding the meaning of their own lives after going through mundane hell. To that end, I've dealt with a variety of themes, such as death, relationships, depression and our place in the universe.

The 5th character ties all stories together to make his own and turn a somewhat episodic story into a big solid one.

Have you had it proofread by anyone yet?

>Retro Electropop from 1984 (FROM 1984!)

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No, it's too expensive and it's unnecessary because the publisher will have to proofread it again anyways. I'm just revising it the best way I can and deliver it like that.

I did it for free and caught a few errors and the fella was really taken aback by that, and this was a really arrogant author. Do not be afraid to try some stories written for contests with publishers- short stories are small wins which can lead to bigger things. Ive seen it happen. No pressure though, you do what you need to do, but there are mentors out there who arent in it for money but the prestige of helping a new writer bloom past their own sell-by-date. Old people in care homes have to do something :)

Don't try and make much sense out if it, it's purely a form of entertainment as far as I'm concerned.

I can come to appreciate this now. I was looking for meaning but if there isnt a specific agenda, then it works as a great collage of punq-esq futurecore, the kind of thing i would expect to see put on floating billboards above an are of an overpopulated technologically advanced future where people are hijacking the boards to display their creations instead of the corporate overlords of the time airing their ads. Hacked.

I'm pretty sure my final version will still have plenty of errors.

Well, everything is much harder in my country. Contests happen once a decade because the literary market is so small, and I've never seen anyone that offers free help with that. All I've found were paid services.

You absolutely nailed it. There's a chance that you might enjoy some vaporwave releases if that's not already the case.

Lads i have to go to bed, ive been up all night peeling potatoes for tomorrow. Meanwhile, i managed to finish and release the hour-long robot-friendly trip i had begun last year, it was made on nothing but an iPad Pro + pencil as I have nothing else to make it now that my hands are shot through and through, permanently after years of abusive slavery under the system which went on to build the underpinnings of the vast majority of your cellphone networks.

i put it on youtube in its entirety, no profit, nothing for money, just to get through to maybe one or two of you struggling right now.

This is a proof of concept made in tribute to all those that ended up the way we did, i feel quite sad right now because i now know its the end of this journey for me. It might suck! But at least I did what I set out to do and delivered.

Stay creative, robots.

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If anyone likes this, I can post some others I've made

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What is this exactly? An album?

A bump a bump, my kingdom for a bump.


>fag thread as usual where talentless music hacks daisy chain each other over making modem sounds

Nobody asked but I'll post another

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And how about one more for good measure?

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Ok, ya got me, here's one more.

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Gondola spotted.

Drifting into the abyss, all nighter's a bitch.

Yep but its one piece of almost continuous music too.

cringey edgelord spotted.

Depressed because everything I do sounds like shif. I want to die

love these. do you do any traditional work?

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Question for y'all: Am I jumping the gun by rewriting the second half of my 4-page screenplay based solely on a friend's recommendation?

I've had the first draft written for a while, and finally I got someone I trust to read it. He said I should scrap the subplot I have in the last two pages and keep it confined to one area. I've come up with an idea to supplant it, but I worry that it's doing too much too fast with it.

I gotta get it shot, edited, and released by the end of the month.

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why r u introducing a subplot halfway thru

less than 1 month? cut to the bone. severely. more than you think you can. youll thank yourself cone post production time

Unless he's providing effective support by taking an active part in the filming of the modified version, don't bother.

Might be better if y'all saw the script first. Like I said, 4 pages, I've posted it here a couple times before.

It's not much, I wrote it so that I could get it shot in maybe two nights tops. Editing is easy, I can break down a script quick.

What I'm changing here is the inclusion of the Italians. I'm getting rid of them all together. It only complicates the script, plus it's shit that we've all seen done before. Instead, the Bum takes a much more prominent role, as he knows of Joe's crime, and is annoyed because Joe's killing in his area. I don't have an explanation for why a killer would be protective of his turf, but I thought keeping some gang-like flavor still would be fun.

I'll post my updated version once I'm finished.

It's a quick rewrite but I think it fits better. I'm still debating whether or not I should actually kill Joe.

Hey I am Mapguy and I am writing out stuff for the novel series based in the world. Posting map again for reference.

>list out my protagonists
>bird boy slaver who drafts all of his slaves after his drug orchards are repossessed
>druggie slave owner who globetrots to find a new supply
>arrogant bird boy who wasted his inheritance and is getting sent to the jungle to die
>human slave who was sold into slavery because he was so incredibly unlikable
>human undertaker who steals from dead bodies
>slappy whale boy drone supervisor who was bullied so hard he became infertile
>they're all irredeemable pieces of shit
Maybe I should make at least one who is likable.

The story is mainly about a global political upheaval and economic shenanigans caused by the Osini subcontinent (the southern one on the right) having a drug supplied to them by the Vulkur subcontinent (the top middle one) banned by their main religion. This caused a chain reaction of debt crisis, wars, and government upheavals. A conflict that mirrors the opium war, but with the western powers having a much worse time. A military uprising similar to the rise of napoleon. Economic shenanigans similar to the south sea bubble. And more. The book deals with the ripple effect of the banning of the drug and it being the first step into causing the first world war on the planet.

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The original is much more interesting. It gives you more room to play with the setting. One change I'd make though would be to have the bum encounter happen on another day. It's a bit strange to have it happen right after the killing. And remove the part about a figure slinking away after the murder. And replace Joe's lines about the meds with ENZO pulling out the bottle of pills from his clothes and a close up of the description maybe he'd say 'If you'd taken your meds you wouldn't be in a world of shit right now'.

I understand the part with a shadowy figure in the background is to create some suspense but again it's illogical and very hard to film thinking in the context of a one take shot. What I'd do is have a shot from behind Joe, sort of peeking through other objects, to trick the viewer into thinking their the POV of the person sneaking up on him (see In The Mood for Love for examples), have the camera move towards his back and jerk up suddenly when he gets the phone call if you insist on doing it in one take. Yeah but these are quite subjective criticisms which don't really make a difference in a short film so feel free to use or discard my ideas as you see fit. The script as a whole is pretty ok for a short film.

I can understand these. Honestly, as unhappy as I was with the Italians I did like the setup for further play. I have an older script on the backburner that has a similar conceit. Really like your idea about Enzo pulling out the pills.

And it's funny you mention the figure slinking away, that was actually a gag I stole from the very first short I ever directed back in High School. It's fucking awful but the figure's pretty much the only fun thing it has going for it. I get what you're saying about it being illogical, I just figure there's some more fun ways I could go about framing it. I'm probably gonna drop the one-take gimmick all together.

I'm gonna run both by my actors and see which ones they prefer.

I love rock and I'd love to see a real revival of it. Here's my page, it's kinda shit-posty atm but Im all out of song length to post any more. It's a collection of a couple years worth of recording and playing around with young bros. Peace ya'll.
Forgot to add the link, lol fml.

You accidentally the whole page.

Is that Nova Zembla in the top left?

Headache is settling in.

Bonne chance pour la suite.

Been making low effort videos about anime on VHS. Gonna try a little harder. See if I can get some of those youtube followers I hear about.

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I really like your vids and reviews dude. Too bad I live in the shitwest so I can never find vhs anime anywhere

Well if the thread's still up in like two hours I'll do a canvas paint-a-long

ghost cow

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bump for the whin

Would love some criticism and feedback. What did you like, what did you hate?

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Sounds like somethig id hear on mrsuicidesheep