Go to school to learn a thing

>go to school to learn a thing
>work 9-5
>come home and eat dinner
>go to gym
>go to bed
is this really all there is to life. what can be done about this problem. isn't life supposed to be profound and meaningful. what kind of things can i do to live and exciting life. i have thought about journalism but what i would really like is a creative adventurous life, i think most people do, they don't just want to trade their time for money but really love what they do and us it as a expression of themselves

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you're expecting too much, like everyone else your dreams will collapse to reality until you realise you aren't special and neither is life.. but that doesnt stop it, you just keep going..

>life is boring and mediocre and there is nothing you can do about
you know we can kill ourselves right

please post help or anything in this thread. i am completely alone with this problem and don't know what to do

please i am insanely depressed. i don't want the rest of my life to be monotonous agony and i don't know what to do. i thought journalism might be good.

>no replys other than yeah it sucks fuck you

ok this is my last post to my own thread i am sorry about this. i am just miserable and bored all the time and i don't want my whole life to be like this

all i can say is either suck life's dick, go outside and yodel on the mountains or kys. good luck though with any choice you choose. also journalists are shit, and i dont want to think you are shit

i thought it would be a carrer where i could experience the totally of the exciting things life had to offer

You are what you eat, this also applies to music.
The more complex the music, the more complex the thought that comes from it. You have to grow to find your calling, yet most people do not. Most people end up with a job and thats it.
if it means doing a better job of something than a competitor then throw everything you have at it and just go and do it. It will require growth, so be prepared to take failures as valuable lessons in what not to repeat.

thanks i just can't imagine my self happy doing anything for my whole life. i will either kill myself or be a miserable bastard my whole life

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>is this really all there is to life
>isn't life supposed to be profound and meaningful
Like said, very few people have profound or meaningful lives. Just look at how most humans have lived throughout history:

>be illiterate peasant
>wake up before dawn to start farm work
>feel like shit because my son died of some disease yesterday
>at least I have 3 more
>local baron shows up to collect taxes
>can't pay him because last season's harvest failed
>plunge my family several generations further into debt
>get home at dusk after long day of mind-numbing labor in the fields
>tasteless stew for dinner again
>4th time this week
>go to sleep on wooden bed cushioned by a thin layer of straw
>wake up, repeat for another 10-20 years before I die at the ripe old age of 35 or get killed in a war

Just because we now live longer and more comfortable lives doesn't mean the monotony of life changes. Most people who have profound or meaningful lives are either born into them or are smart/hard-working enough to work their way upwards. And even then, being smart or hard-working doesn't always guarantee success. Nikola Tesla, Vincent van Gogh, and Edgar Allen Poe were all talented in their own ways, yet lived largely depressing lives and died with no one giving a shit about them until a generation later when they were regarded as geniuses.

>isn't life supposed to be profound and meaningful.
no. think of the life of the majority of human beings throughout human history.

subsistence farmers. illiterate. didnt own a pair of shoes or sandals and.got killed by foreign soldiers led by a psychopath aristocrat general who wanted to be a conqueror cause he was bored.

that's 80%+ of people throughout all eras and spots of land

Alaskan crab fishing

>go to school to learn a thing
>work 9-5
>come home and eat dinner
>go to gym
>go to bed

Ah, the urban soulless life. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and the middle class is zoned out working machines.

how would it be any different in rural america
i have tried green horning, you need to know somebody to actually get access to the boats

>how would it be any different in rural america
I don't live in america. America took capitalism and consumerism way too far.

You dont have to deal with subhuman niggers and you can have loads of land to do.as you please.

how would the land not make you have to work

Whats wrong with growing crops and taking care of animals you insufferable nigger?

Because the land is YOURS.
If you want to fill it with chickens or make it a scrapyard then do it.
It is fucking yours and luckily neighbora are too far away to give a shit.