Tfw people think you're dumb just because you make failing grades in school, have poor reading comprehension...

>tfw people think you're dumb just because you make failing grades in school, have poor reading comprehension, and often find it hard to follow conversations

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Ever been tested for ADD user?

thats cause ur dumb

Nope. I sound like I might have it?

That's kinda cute. Dummies are cute.

Idk, i don't know you. However it's a common theme that people have a hard time with semantic memory if they have ADD.

>tfw people think you're lacking in intelligence because you lack all markers of any intelligence

I have plenty of markers of intelligence! I think up plenty of smart ideas and have deep thoughts, I just have trouble understanding the ideas/thoughts of others is all.

I wanna read philosophy to you and watch your brain short-circuit.

>why do people think im dumb for being dumb duurrrrrrrrr

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