Congrats, Jow Forums you've been entrusted to construct a hotel!
Congrats, Jow Forums you've been entrusted to construct a hotel!
im on mobile but give me the luxury exterior with the shittiest rooms and lobby.
>extravagant lobby
>fancy suites
>extravagant exterior
>high end kitchen
>large pool
easy money
>no swimming pool or gym
What the fuck am i supposed to do at your hotel
i think you may have missed the
>>large pool
Oh nevermind I am retarded
>Basic Lobby
>Modern Suites
>Comfy Exterior
>Large Pool
>High-end Kitchen
>High-end Conference Room
>Public Laundry
>Large Gym
Hotels are like onions.
nvm i take back my answer i want the fucking mystery box
>comfy lobby
>fancy suites
>fancy exterior
>high end kitchen (plus restaurant, would be the main focus of the hotel)
>large gym
>high end conference room
would appeal to both locals and rich/upper middle class travelers
mystery box. donate last 3 points to charity
Kinda sucks there is only 2 entertainment options. Just a pool and gym.
> no hot tub
> no arcade
> no spa
> no bar
> free Wi-Fi?
> classes?
You're absolutely right. How's this?
>extra exterior
>extra lobby
>fancy suite
let the dolla flow baby
>Pick extravagant exterior and lobby
>Go cheap on everything else
This is how you do bring in customers, anons.
just show me the box already
comfy lobby - 2 pts
modern suites - 4 pts
fancy ext - 6 pts
hot tub - 2 pts
high end kitchen - 6 pts
massage - 2 pts
bar - 4 pts
basic pool - 2 pts
laundry - 2pts
That's one hella upgrade, my boi (5 stars)
I would go with...
> Comfy Lobby (2)
> Modern rooms to go with modern lobby (4)
> Modern ext. to go with rooms and lobby (4)
> High-end kitchen, don't want to pass up the onsite dining game (6)
> High-end business room, to attract specific clientele (4)
> Casino (4)
> Indoor Pool (3)
> Hot Tub (2)
Fairly sure I have one point left. If someone wants it, they can have it. But lowkey idk if I can give out points like that.
Fancy everything - 18
Casino - 4
Hotel Bar - 4
High-end conference - 4
Fuck the hotel, I just want shekels
in that case, omit the gym, add the bar and upgrade to a modern lobby
Box. Whats in the box.
modern lobby
fancy suites
modern exterior
indoor pool
basic gym
high end kitchen
high end conference room
Box + Arcade
Lay it on me
Extravagant Exterior
Basic Lobby
Basic Rooms
Rest of the points split on Gym and Kitchen
Call it a fitness retreat or some shit.
Reminds me of a thing I heard of where rich trust fund babies go to some Buddhist temple or some shit and get to stay there between 5-10 days in "meditationsuites" without talking to anyone or interacting with anyone for nearly a week. They just bring you food and shove it through a slot in the door and that's it. And this shit costs thousands.
What the fuck kind of vacation is that? Paying to be in fucking prison for a week.
Second tier everything
prison is better than being on the streets
>basic exterior
>'massage" parlour
>mystery box
fuck hotels yo
Alright, alright. I hear you.
I present the box.
yo man i dont trust like that
Okay now I'm curious what he could possibly add that's bad enough for me to want the basic bitch hotel.
So... can I consider that a yes, then?
Modern lobby +4 (4)
Extravagant Suites +8 (12)
Extravagant Ext. +7 (19)
Indoor pool +3 (22)
High end Kitchen +6 (28)
Public Laundry +2 (30)
Fuck your mystery box, nigga.
Open the new box
I've decided
Basic lobby
basic suites
basic exterior
Mystery box
Modern lobby (26 points)
Modern suites (22 points)
Modern ext (18 points)
High end kitchen (12 points)
Hotel bar (8 points)
Hot tub (6 points)
Large pool (2 points)
Conference room (0 points remaining)
Basically my thoughts here is that people like something to look nice, but if you go too fancy and extravagant it becomes intimidating. Better to save that money on providing lots of entertainment options or a good restaurant in the hotel. This way your hotel can appeal to down to earth rich people and middle class people rather than only appealing to pretentious rich people.
Very well, then. Let the new box open, but be careful...
Yes, I don't care if he bugged the place.
Now that I have 40 points...
We'll take the
extravagant lobby - 7
extravagant suites - 8
extravagant exterior - 7
Indoor pool - 3
basic gym - 3
High-end kitchen - 6
Public laundry - 2
Hotel bar - 4
Fancy Lobby 6
Extravagant Suite 8
Fancy Exterior 6
High-end Kitchen 6
Hot tub 2
Massage Parlor 2
this russian fuck... this russian FUCK
It seems suspicious, but hey, I would have not gotten anywhere without taking risks.
Lay it on me, Mickel
Btw OP,
You are not a faggot.
A wise choice? Maybe.
The fact that you can pretty much buy everything makes the mystery box more alluring, because now what can he offer?
I'll take it.
With 60 points, you can literally afford the highest end version of everything and all the extra entertainment options except for the arcade.
60 points should be plenty lol. By the way OP, what did the Russian guy do to the hotel?
>fancy outside, lobby and suite
>high end kitchen and conference room
>public clothes wash room
get all the business execs
One may think it foolish to open the box. But here we go...
This isnta good idea
This is NOT a good idea
I accept your offer you kind Russian man
Things are going unexpectedly well...
I appreciate the enthusiasm because I need to get to bed. But be warned. You did this.
>Extravagent exterior
>Extravagent lobby
>Basic rooms
>Basic kitchen
>Basic pool
>Basic gym
>Basic conference room
Essentially, I want to operate a fucking Motel 6 that externally presents/poses itself as the Wynn.
>I dont think you have a choice
I am a monument to all your sins. Behold what you have wrought.
Locations -
> Bad area / ghetto
> Less populated but acceptable town
> Big, Busy City
> Tourist Town
> Right Next to / inside a theme park
I guess it could work for everyone who got 40-60 points.
>comfy lobby
>fancy suites
>modern exterior
>indoor pool
>gym worth 4 points because it's a fucking hotel I don't want a shitty gym but don't want to spend too much
>high end kitchen
>conference room worth 3 points because I don't want a piece of shit conference room but doesn't need to be extravagant
>public laundry
BOOM, the perfect hotel and new home for me.
We've arrived at the conclusion. The finale.
box box box box box
>another box
Is it a reset universe button?
I bid you all, bonne nuit. Until next time.
I feel like I did something wrong posting here
bumpo trumpo
great post op