Let's say someone's trying to kill themselves as quickly and painlessly as possible

Let's say someone's trying to kill themselves as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Let's say that someone has a gun.

How do they go about it?

Attached: VoSYGpGYifN4_ru7ctBwrV0Puz1sUtHvFzYFSzKIOvo[1].png (446x367, 46K)

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drink a few beers and some whiskey to get the courage to do it then pull the trigger.
It's no big deal after all, it is death and we all have to face it on day or another.

Damn, this person doesn't really drink but I guess it's a special occasion. Where should he aim the gun?

use a rope instead.
it's easier, less messy, and more likely to succeed. and less likely to leave you paralyzed or disfigured.
make sure you can tie it properly so it doesn't brake. and set yourself up for a "long drop" as described in the wikipedia article.

If you're scared to do it, drink to the point you aren't anymore

It sounds painful and slow though

this sounds like entrapment. prove you're not some (((government agency))) trying to throw us in jail for encouraging suicide

directly to skull in the center, not in mouth

aim directly into your temple, its the thinnest part of the skull

Right between the eyes for flair

Come take me out first, OP. Please.

According to this, a gunshot to the head is more lethal than hanging.
I don't know much about anatomy OP but presumably depending on how much bang you got for your buck I don't think where you aim matters too much.
I shotgun will pop your shit like a balloon.
I do hope you seek help before you actually go through with suicide, though.
It's your choice though, and I respect it no matter what.

long drop is a humane hanging technique that quickly snaps the neck of the sentenced person, rather than slowly asphyxiating them. but too long of a drop will behead the hanged person.

eat shit and die fucking faggot you WILL NO kill yourself. YOU aint about shit. You wion't do shit. You WILL post here until you die.

Is that even a thing in America?

>I do hope you seek help before you actually go through with suicide, though.
He has a therapist, but he's too scared to tell her the fucked up shit that goes through his head. He's too scared to tell anyone. He doesn't want to be put in a mental hospital for the third time. Besides don't feel too bad. He won't do it any time soon. He'll probably do it around 5 years later. He's just preparing for that day early.

Thanks. I hope you understand he must die instantly.

A part of me hopes you're right. Last time he tried he used pills a decade ago and failed.

From another who wishes for death, I hope you find peace in the end.

YOU FAILED BECAUSE YOUR A BITCH. YOU AINT ABOUT SHIT KEK i, im sorry. I guess i just couldn't stand the thought of someone escaping while i stay...

For all who plan to an hero, accept Jesus Christ in your heart before you do so. I'd rather not anyone go to hell.

Please tell your therapist what's troubling you, OP, no matter how horrible it is. No one should suffer alone for fear of being too honest. If you're worried about what might happen to you afterward, tell him that; he might be able to reassure you about what your options are.

I'm off to bed. Please talk to your therapist and get whatever help you need. You're loved, whether by friends, family, or just random strangers on the internet, and you deserve to be in a far better place than you're in right now. Godspeed, OP.

Op buy some cough syrup and drink the whole bottle, then slam like 5-6 shots... you will drift off into a state called depressed breathing and you will pass without even realising what's happening.

I have 2 bottles of pic related for when i can finally man up and end it.

Attached: rik.jpg (704x528, 38K)

Buy formic acid and sulphuric acid and mix them together when youre in a small contained space like a car or a closet (seal the gaps in the door).

It'll create carbon monoxide and you'll pass out in half a minute, die in a couple. Your body wont even realize it's not breathing in oxygen so you won't feel anything and it wont make your corpse leave a mess behind.

Yeah firearm suicide is the top. At least in america. My understanding is that barrel to the temple or under the chin is the best form

>Barrel to the temple
>Barrel under the chin

Neither of those are good form. Shooting yourself like this has a good chance to just disfigure you or fuck up your brain, and you'll likely still be alive and in an even worse, more miserable condition than before

Barrel pressed right above the voice box and pointing up at about 60 degree is ideal.