/bpd feels/

>be me, bpd girl
>kissless virgin and never had an irl bf because im so terrible
>if i get a favorite person and they imply theyre interested in someone else or make me jealous somehow i just completely lose it and have this terrible meltdown where all i can think about is self harm/suicide/etc and with todays culture with relationships, its impossible for me to find a nice boy IRL who won't do these things/have side chicks

you r9k incel boys are so perfect for me, i wish i could meet one of you irl.

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please for the love of fucking god please marry me

just post email, location, and picture of your gaped asshole

boom, robobf in like 20 minutes within driving distance from you

you can do better than the retards that populate this board robot, love yourself a little

t. another user with bpd who's actually managed to have a few meaningful relationships

but I'm not, I feel like this makes me a manipulative and horrible person. Nobody deserves to deal with that.

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in my experience when you actually find a meaningful relationship all the urge to manipulate and be a horrible person will go away

you just gotta make yourself to try to approach these sorts of things in a healthy way, and not try to force them by manipulating and doing other shady shit

people can tolerate a lot of awful behaviors if they care about someone, im sure there's someone out there that could accept you for who you are and not just do it out of sheer desperation like 70% of this board

i believe in you robot

Why are personality disorders so damn cmmon?

because boomers are absolutely terrible parents

I'm a horrible, emotionally manipulative person with no inner life who dated a girl with bpd and constantly lied to her about how much I loved her. You have a slightly annoying disorder that ultimately just needs validation and therapy. You deserve better than me and the hooting subhuman chuds on this board. C'mon user.

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i adore this girl at my school and every time i hang out with her i feel like shit afterwards because i get worried she doesnt like me back even though she acts like it

I can understand why a person would have trust issues when it comes to relationships these days.
I'm sure you're a nice girl, I hope you find somebody who will treat you right.

holy fuck why is everyone so nice to an obv af attention whore?

Why did you do that to her though? maybe you had a personal justification? maybe you just wanted to love her even though you didn't, or you just didn't want to hurt her?

holy fuck how can anyone stand being nice and understanding to another human being

fuck off you subhuman piece of shit

anyone else confused with this post

i think you gotta put some emphasis on subhuman to understand it

because bpd girls deserve hugs

stfu, you really think she cares about us? jfl

im sure she does like you though user, she wouldnt fake it just to hurt you realistically. i know its scary but its usually not like that

i hope this is the case. and i realize now that you're right, plenty of people will just do things out of sheer desperation without actually truly loving or caring about me which leads to relationships ending quick/trust issues further forming.

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In this instance, "Attention whoring" just means wanting validation and reassurance.
There's nothing wrong with that.
I can't fault somebody for wanting to feel better about themselves.

There are far worse ways that women seek attention, making a post about her mental issues on an anonymous imageboard is okay.

bc we thirsty

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That would just be rationalizing my bad behavior without confronting it. Which is basically what being a bpd girl and saying "I'm a horrible emotionally manipulative person uwu" is.

Legit everytime a foid makes a post like this 10 cucks come here and literally do everything to make her feel better lmfao

if this was a dude (which, I mean c'mon, this is) I'd do the same thing if he wasn't a fulminant whiny retard like you.

What the hell...

OP, I don't care whether you have bpd or are just a catfish, I'll talk to you anyway.

Discord is Prince781#7327

you are very rude and aggressive for someone that claims to be a compassionate and understanding human bean

you sound a bit familiar, did you ever go by 'prince' before with a slightly different username?

I'm sure you'd be such a nice guy, lmao

No. Who do I remind you of?

>and literally do everything to make her feel better

I hope it works

Ive encountered enough catfish to know this is 100% bullshit. Women do not exist on the internet.

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I hope it doesn't, fuck off

Why would you hope it doesn't work?
It feels nice to make people feel better.

how do you retards become this bitter? im honestly curious

because we have never tasted pussy juice. you get bitter if you don't taste pussy juice

We can't have a nice board because people like you come in and complain about literally fucking everything. Someone posts about something that happened to them? You'll whinge about how it's a "nice blog post" or something. Someone talks about their feelings? They're "attention whoring." I feel no impulse to be nice to you because you're an anonymous poster on an imageboard, an NPC that just comes in and takes a fat greasy shit on people's conversations.

we all have our own reasons.
as a girl with diagnosed bpd i feel disgusted at how men fetishize this debilitating disorder and fall for this bait every single time.

Would you mind dating me OP idc if you have bpd ngl @OP

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Would you date a bpd male?

why would anyone fetishize such a basic bitch "disorder"? It's just a trend lmao

you think i tried to help her out of fetishizing it? i did it as a fellow bpd user, i woulda done the same shit if it was a dude.

i dont understand the fixation this board has with blowing everything out of proportion just cause the op might be a girl, you fuckers are retarded, migrate to Jow Forums or some other cesspool and stay there.

Excellent b8, sage
very, very, very ORIGINAL, unlike OP's b8

>another bpd girl comes in to steal the original bpd girls attention with false accusations

stop being so angery fucking virgin

pretty much every woman in my family has bpd so i know the deal, i'm just used to it. i don't know if that's fetishizing it or not, just being honest.

>Tfw in middle of a bpd shitfit
>tfw praying I have enough benzos to last the new course I start on monday

Breakdowns have really bad timing :')

Fuck you.
Not everything I do is motivated by sexual desire.

>tfw got taken off benzos and all i want is to have them back

anti psychotics and anti depressants dont do shit

I lie out my ass to get the amount of benzos that I do to be fair. Have you tried lamotrogine at all?

nah, so far i've been on risperidone, quetiapine, sertraline, clonazepam and bupropion

i'm not gonna be able to get benzos again any time soon cause the doctors know im extremely suicidal and they think i would try to kill myself with them

Your doctors are stupid because benzos are often incredibly OD proof. A couple of months ago I came through an OD of 200mg of lorazepam (standard dose is 1mg) and was discharged the same day. I'm prescribed them BECAUSE of my history of overdose

I really really recommend lamotrogine, it's a mood stabiliser, originally developed for treating epilepsy but now used for bipolar and bpd. It's worked wonders for me. It doesn't deaden me like a zombie or change my personality, it just makes the extremes less frequent. Instead of a blind range you might just get irritated

i'll suggest it to my psychiatrist then, thanks for the info robot

and yeah last time i oded i was at the hospital with a girl that had oded on a shitton of clonazepam and all they gave her was activated charcoal to flush it out, didnt even have to get her stomach pumped

meanwhile i was stuck taking the antidote for the shit i took which was the most disgusting and vile shit i've ever tasted every 4 hours, i wanted to fucking die

R9k, in its own way, actually led me to be diagnosed BPD so I like to give back. So yw

tfw no bpd gf to comfort

are you me?
I also have bpd and its ruining my current relationship. I obsess over him love bomb him etc. one time we were talking and I asked him if he finds other girls attractive or hot etc because I dont think that about guys and he said he does. even though he used to imply he didnt. but he says he only wants me.
now whenever I see a girl thats prettier than me I get so upset that sometimes ill ignore him. It doesnt help that he browses Jow Forums and it really doesnt help with the recent camgirl ads.
i hate that he is my favorite person and i love him because theres just some things that i cant accept about him, about guys.

lmfao faggot I got all the Robloxian bitches back in my day

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Ay bruh what country you in

He cheating on you ho. You should cut him next time you see him.

Let me remove your virginity lassie

You in Vancouver, BC?

guys on here are worse. they all orbit or try to orbit tons of girls, have a history of camming with random girls online, and I would bet a handful of those girls were underaged becauese girls lie on Jow Forums and omegle or whatever.
guys on here are so desperate and opportunistic they contactfag every female on here every chance they get. that means they are less likely to worship you because they have specific standards and live in fantasyland. if they do worship you they are worshipping other girls too because thats just their needy ass personality. welcome to the 2019.
the robot bf seems perfect but they arent. that cute shy guy that seems like a robot but has a life going for him is a better bet. he wont be lowering himself to this level.
t. jaded borderline girl

what makes you say that? originaho

if you're so worried about this then make sure his balls are always drained and he doesn't get bored of your pussy.

Add me on discord sweetie, lets talk i will be your cute shy bf.


yea i dont orbit any of the dumb bitches that post on here. i probably do have a needy personality though, mostly because i've been starved of female contact for my entire life, so i don't know what you want me to do about that other than be some fake stoic try hard.

you're really a step above all the other mongol orbiters in this place aren't you user

im a wizard neet loser, so nope

I've found that SPD and BPD fit together super well in a relationship.

Dated a gril diagnosed Borderline for a few years. Since my (lack of) reaction didn't encourage her episodic behavior, she'd return to baseline rather than get in a feedback loop and go off.

Also on the occasions she said/did stupid shit, I didn't take it personally, so the relationship would continue. Also also, all the freak sex-violence she was into from unresolved trauma from previous risktaking-behavior-gone-awry wasn't a problem.

Hey I just wanted to mention that I dislike how you by talking about orbiting reminded me of a femanon who I hope is doing well even though they gave me a pity softened rejection, which has chained into me being mentally wide awake, which would normally be fine if I didn't have to go to another state in 4 hours.

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I can empathize with people that have BPD, because I understand what it's like to not really have a lot of control over the severity of your emotions.
It's the psychology behind the decision making which puts me off.
Even when you have someone whole heartedly caring for you, saying they love you every day you still care more about the opinions of people that hate you and love those that would do you harm more than the person who loves you.
I can't abide by that, I could never love somebody who was just a firecracker waiting to go off in my hand.
I don't think that you don't deserve relationships, but you should at least get serious therapy before you start dating people just so you at least make a concerted effort not to destroy their lives.

>bpd girl
>kissless virgin

Nice LARP, but it is a well known fact that all bpd girls are some of the biggest sluts.

It's practically impossible to get diagnosed with BPD without having been in a relationship, half of the diagnostic criteria involves being in a relationship and BPDs are extremely unlikely to seek treatment without being made to by their partner.

When a BPD says they're a virgin, it's part of a persona they're using to attract a specific kind of man. BPDs prey on white knights/saviors and a sad lonely virgin girl is extremely attractive to that kind of man.

I know because I have BPD(or had, I no longer meet the criteria) and know plenty of women with the disorder from therapy. If you are ever talking to a girl and she tells you she has BPD, you should immediately cut contact.

man i sure wish i could meet girls like you in real life (the idealized version of what i think you are). also i can relate to the obsessive behavior but i'd never lash out on someone i love

idealizing truly the shittiest personality disorder out there

i thank god constantly i have avpd and not psychotic empty bpd

if you know you are ill get help you fucking idiot

That's because no sane man will stick their dick in crazy tho

>you r9k incel boys are so perfect for me, i wish i could meet one of you irl.

Said no girl ever

what did you do too 02??

if she is she's probably ugly as fuck thats why no one wants her irl. Calims to have bpd, i bet your ass she self-diagnosed herself because apparently having mental illness is so quirky and cute nowadays. Of course you'd find one of those posting on r9k. bpd people are just selfish fucks who dump their insecurity and bitterness on others. Pathetic. Before you all come whiteknighting. I'm also a cute girl uwu why dont you all give me some attention instead of this thot who doesnt even admit being a thot. at least i know im aware . post your discord i'll add you user let me see some robot dicks. e pic .....

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Nice bait, now fuck right off nigger

Are you at least medicated? I don't usually advocate for pills (got fucked up by medication as a kid), but BPD absolutely does require them.

There isn't medication for BPD. It isn't like depression where you have a chemical imbalance in your brain, it's a personality disorder which just means that something is deeply and fundamentally wrong with them. No amount of medication can cure it, but DBT can help them manage the symptoms if they're willing to stick with it.

That's what I mean, I know personality disorders can't be cured.