Post screenshots of you getting curved

Post screenshots of you getting curved

Attached: kms.jpg (1125x594, 72K)

She's gonna take chads dick in every hole. How does that feel OP?

Is curved new normiespeak for rejected?

Not OP, but I feel terrible.

Yep, why do you think I made the thread. fuck my life dude.

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Asian women are a walking meme lad.

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Lmao. Fuckin Indians.

Dude no bullshit, youre handsome. 4 months of lifting/diet and youre a chad no question

Also dude dont button your collar all the way up youre not a priest

Holy shit hahahahaha

Asian girls are generally extremely polite and meek but they can be brutally honest at times which is actually very refreshing given that we live in such a sensitive, fake world now.

It apparently means "having plans other than stroking OP's ego" and it's only going to continue to happen if he keeps acting like a little bitch.

OP you are getting catfished lmao

I made that thread. That would literally be my fantasy. kms

Does she know you are posting her pics on this shithole?

No wonder she's not interested in someone like you kek

This is why you don't get pussy. You might as well just cut your dick off at this point since you want to live like the thing you desire.

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get off muh asian women shitskin

Fucking hell cunt. Lift, get a decent hair cut, fix your fashion. You will be fine if you stop being such a low energy loser.

Why do you type like a nigger? Why the fuck does everyone type like a nigger?

New movie idea:

>Virgin man complains about some girl leading him on
>Robot friends go through great lengths to get him laid
>Near the end they find out it was just a catfish all along
>They all learn a very valuable and futile lesson
>Directed by Jonah Hill

The end.

Why are you a boomer? When is your prostate exam?

Can I play the Catfish? I have over a decade of experience

We already got someone from Reddit to do it. Sorry chief.

Reddit huh.. I no longer want any involvement in this production

What's the appeal of catfishing for you, where do you hunt and do you get any $ as a result?

The Jonah Hill didn't tip you off, bro?

I dont have a picture but one time a girl laughed at me when I told her that I got her something for Valentine's day. Thankfully it was over text, because she was "sick." I realized soon after that she probably skipped school that day so she could avoid me

>that profile pic
>pic related
HmMmMmMmmM. .. . idk!!!!!

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