You should stop hating women

You should stop hating women

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Hate is a strong word which I reserve for particularly bad people.

I don't I hate women I hate and am scared of people in general

People act appalled when I tell them I hate all black people. When I tell them I actually hate all people, not just black people, many of them seem to think that's somehow better. Fuck humanity.

The most important thing you can do for yourself is keep your own life in order. You must be a hardworking, competent person, and not a miserable, degenerate mess. Thousands of generations have endured worse shit than what we have to deal with today. Bait and useless shitflinging on the internet do not have to be a primary factor of your life and identity. Why let strangers who don't care one shit about your wellbeing determine who you are and what you think? Nothing from a screen should ever take away from your real life.

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunities that most people born on this planet don't. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do, right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear self destructive thoughts from your mind, and keep yourself focused on realistic, longterm goals. You have the power to create who you are. In every second of your lifespan, you make a choice about who you are going to be in the next second. Real change comes slowly over time, and requires many choices. But those choices are all YOURS. What you choose do with yourself is who you are, and who you will become.

They've obviously been conditioned to see any aggression towards africans, whatsoever, as an example of the world's supreme evil, which they, themselves, fear and are ashamed of. You're telling a christian you love the Devil and are surprised when they react.

>I hate all people
You hate that you are unsuccessful in your life and have failed to achieve the goals and desires you held for yourself. This anger is so deeply rooted in you that you have forgotten it, and prefer to understand its existence in the context of the blame and resentment you hold against others. This mentality is childish and indicates a lack of insight and understanding of yourself and the human condition. Focus on you, on who you are, and on what you are doing with yourself in your life. Work sets you free.

i cannot
they lucked out to be born women and i have all the right to hate luckshitters, especially when they are spoiled rotten

Aren't you yourself a luckshitter for having an internet connection, place to sleep, heating, electricity, entertainment, etc?

Hate's a pretty strong word, I just want nothing to do with them and want nothing to do with their bullshit.

>Work sets you free.
about as it freed the jews from auschwitz?

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Give me one good reason NOT to hate women.

I would if they stopped giving me reasons to hate them.

who doesn't have it can hate me to their heart content i don't care, i always vote to keep them from my country

Tell them to stop hating us.

I'm with you there, fuck globalist cuckolding

What's winning a woman if it wasn't unpleasant?

Just broke up with the only girlfriend I've ever had. Women are terrible because they hook you in emotionally and then just tear you apart piece by piece like a wolf tearing up a defenseless fawn.

Why win a woman if winning her is unpleasant?

I don't hate women. I hate """"fembots""" that crave attention and shitpost. I hate everyone equally outside of Jow Forums.

I have never hated women. I'm quite proud of myself for never falling for the incel memes despite being an impressionable youth on Jow Forums.

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leaves a copy of Sex and Character by Otto Weininger*

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Spoken like a true goy holy shit.

even if women stop hating me

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>comes to gay board
>"stop being gay!"

I will when they prove themselves worthy

i'll stop once they give me a reason to

I don't think I've ever hated them to begin with. I don't understand them, and they've been worse to me on average than men have been, but I wouldn't say I hate them, because you need to judge individuals on a case by case basis.

I don't hate women, i'm indifferent. I'm not attracted to older women who seem to generally like me for some reason, and I want nothing to do with young thots. I don't mind being alone. A girl isn't going to magically fix my mental problems nor physical ailments. Having to put up with someone else's shit when I can barely keep my own head above water isn't going to make anything better. It's better for me to be alone and fap to my animu girls, furry porn, and talk to my fellow fuckups(you guys,) because you have actual empathy. Jow Forums is the best therapy, besides maybe fistfighting a bear and winning to save a child(hopefully a cute loli's,) life.

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