Jow Forums, you have forgotten me

Jow Forums, you have forgotten me...

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He tried to save you but you didn't you will reap what u sow...

Does he still work at Google? What does he do now that Google+ went under?

hes kind of good looking in an ugly way

Not forgotten; just failed to recognise.

I had to use Tineye to find it's Moot

he is the one who has forgotten us.

I wonder if moot gets recognized often when he goes out

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wait who is that i never saw him on here

He always hated us. He saw Jow Forums as a failed creation. He tried to remove us only to find out that the cancer had spread too far.

You forgot about us first.

moot kinda burnt himself out wrangling us cats -- he read every email and he constantly strove to not just maintain this site as a bastion of free internet, but to improve it as a platform for the creative flow of information; even when so many parts of it spoke of philosophies diametrically opposed to his own NYC liberal progressiveness

i don't think he set out to 'save us' though, but rather seemed to take a position that a marketplace of ideas at liberty to share whatever it wants, would eventually bring the best models to bear through healthy debate

this might seem naive to us now, based as it is in faulty anthropology and a belief that humans are basically well-intentioned and decent -- but there's no denying it was principled, and the guy worked his butt off trying to make his vision a reality, and i would posit that this outlook is something we still benefit from today, and it's a legacy that will be remembered for many years to come

ah but it was glorious to be here in the beginnings

with all that being said; guy's still a HUEG faggot in my eyes


Is that Mark Zuckerberg?

He's that guy who likes to dress as a girl or something.

he doesn't even get recognized here

He abandoned us!!!

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He merely copied and pasted two channel and did the megalomania dance

but ok

Moot killed the site by embracing the early SJWs with the project chanology shit. Then he open Jow Forums thinking it was gonna be a SJW paradise. This was way back before SJWism morphed into what it is today. We know how Jow Forums turned out...

>His last name really is Poole
LMAO. I always thought Christopher Poole was a fucking meme cause CP and Pool is closed due to aids.

Lurk moar you obnoxious moron.

No u. Fucking tripfag. Get filtered you attention whore.

>tfw no mootykins bf

2016fags are out in full blaze today huh. Off yourself.

Why are there so many moot posters lately? Is he coming back? Is he planning to shill something here?


come baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack

all is forgiven (its not)

Post a picture with more talent in it

Attached: jackie 4chan, moot, ZUN and some other guy.jpg (600x450, 77K)

U mad bro?
Y u mad for

I wonder how many neckbeards this guy created.

Honestly they would have been neckbeards without Jow Forums

>believes in censorship
What would V say anony?

he abandoned us, more like
fuck this kike cunt

i miss when mooty would post here :(

Holy fuck kill yourself you underage faggot

moot is actually one of my favorite people of all time.