How do we go back to pre election Jow Forums?

Or at least where can i find an alternative that is similar to it?

Basically every part of Jow Forums is now filled with people who geniunely believe in Jow Forums. I have really tried to convince myself that im just noticing them more now, and that there really isnt as much as i think there is, but the more i browse the more it becomes impossible to deny. Every corner of this site has been turned into Jow Forums + the topic of the board, rather than just the fucking topic its ment to be or even just the topic + a little bit of Jow Forums. Its basically become impossible to avoid these days, if you have 5 conversations here 3 of them will get derailed into a Jow Forums topic.

Now dont get me wrong, this site has always been edgy and thus racism also was common here, but it always just one of the many things people joked about. It wasnt literally at the forefront of everything. Racism was a part of being edgy as a whole and being edgy itself was just the BACKDROP for the actual discussions we had. These days, specifically racism has become the forefront and has some kind of weird protected meme status where you cant criticize it or make fun of it in any capacity. No idea had that status before here. I mean the culture of this site literally revolved around nothing being sacred and everything being fair game. The culture we have today is literally the opposite of that.

This idea of certain things having a protected status is a key theme in many different sites though, and specifically those who were considered rivals to this site, like reddit and tumblr. The fact that so many things align along with the fact that many people have been saying it for so long now imo confirms the hypothesis that this is a mass invasion from r/the_donald and tumblr following suit to battle them here with their fag propaganda.


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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't so much care about the racism, I do care about the shitty boomer grievance politics, bait, and complaining.

I have no clue what to do at this point. I am highly skeptical of the idea that we can affect the tide of millions of redditors and tumbrlites swarming this site in any way, but on the other hand, i dont know of any place that had the same vibe as pre election Jow Forums. It was the only place on the internet i felt home and now thats gone as well. Shits fucked bros

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I think there is a much simpler explanation for why this is happening. Jow Forums is the opposite of mainstream culture. Hence as racism has been attacked more and more in the world, in Jow Forums the opposite has happened and it's become more protected in order to counteract the persecution irl. We can't go back until the culture shifts again and the pendulum swings back to the way things were, which could take decades.

Yeah i mean the politics in general, i didnt clarify that well enough, kinda wrote this in a hurry. I just wrote the part about racism because zoomers will try to claim that because Jow Forums has always been saying nigger that it used to be the political shithole it is now. Politics were disliked as a whole here.

it's over's over

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No, racism has been taboo for years now, it didnt suddenly become taboo in 2016. This is a common excuse poltard zoomers use. Politics were never a big deal outside of Jow Forums, and its not true that Jow Forums was contrarian, thats just Jow Forums again and also /b/ to a lesser extent. It just didnt give a shit about the mainstream, not even enough to actively oppose it.

that's not true, if anything Jow Forums going mainstream and the creation of Jow Forums degraded political posts here. back in the day Jow Forums political threads were filled with massive opinionated text walls that nobody could read, there was none of the one liner (you) tributing is the difference.

I dont know what that has to do with anything i said. I didnt say anything on the quality of political posts, i said that they were disliked in general outside of Jow Forums. And i do agree with you, even Jow Forums used to be much better back then.

It is unfortunately looking to be that way. This is looking more and more to be a Usenet situation, gone forever and lost to time. Welcome to the new era i guess, hurry up and find a d*scord group

everyone should read kill all normies

well im trying to make a nice cozy imageboard if you would like to post a bit on there, very much am trying to avoid that post 2016 chan autism vibw going on there, heres the link if you're interested:

unironically i was against discord and now use it you should do the same i hope you are all able to find peace in all this friends

When stormfront first said they would take over Jow Forums I told the dickhead mods and Moot that If they didn't implement real changes this site would get turned t shit and here we are years deep into the abyss of shit. Jow Forums is beyond saving the most Asian moot could hope for is reinventing it and yes that means banning pol content, the only way forward is through them avoiding them just emboldens them. Either ban their content or wait for the inevitable slow death

Moot was weak and allowed tons of people that he hated to take over his site. Hiroshima has no reason to ban them because he does not give ANY shits whatsoever about this site. He wants as many users as possible because he is trying to turn this site into a profitable project, and im predicting with the change you see here p.Jow , that he is gonna implement accounts and turn it into a reddit style site.

Jow Forums is gone and done for.

I don't blame him. Jow Forums is referenced in fucking Netflix shows these days, everyone knows about it. Everyone will try their hand at viewing and posting and trying to fit in for whatever reason. He made this site, it's his, and if he wants money from it, he can go for it.

Why do seething discord trannies like you want to create an anti-white safespace?

What are talking about, Hiro didn't make shit he just bought this place from moot.
If you're going to LARP as an oldfag at least learn the most basic history of the site

True. Jow Forumstardery has basically destroyed any semblance of unique board culture. Which is hilarious because Jow Forumstards themselves are always screeching about invasions of brown people destroying western culture or whatever. Poetry.

Attached: look how they massacred my boy.png (661x1531, 137K)

That pic is basically every board now and you're right

Simple math

But the biggest problem is that everyone thinks they're smart and the rest of are stupid, even the people I think are idiots. It merely goes back to a personal adage: with time, things degrade. It's inevitable. That's why a species can only last a million years.

it does not have protected status, because you can speak against it all you want, you just won't have people supporting you just because you have the "morally right" opinion. you're on Jow Forums, you aren't out there. here, there is no "morally right" opinion. there simply are opinions and if you can't hold your own in an argument, no one will back you up. the reason why Jow Forums won out so much with the absence of the "morally right" policing is because they are so often literally correct in their assertions. that isn't to say they can't be annoying or inserted into arguments that have nothing to do with them, but that is why they have proliferated so much.

That's not Descartes, that's Schopenhauer

Go try saying just this simple line "i think racism is wrong" anywhere on this site, and see for yourself how you'll get bombarded with asshurt and people trying to shut you up.

If that isnt a protected status then nothing is.

lol they don't tell you to shut you up. that's where you're wrong: they argue with you. you don't get to say things and not get an argument on here. go try saying racism is right on reddit and you'll get fucking banned. now that is protected status.

We used to be mostly white nerds that used to post here but that was back in like twenty-twelve. Then literal niggers came here to trigger white guys and with how much of a sellout this site is the moderation lets it happen, that's all it is. They probably even pay people to race bait here.

>probably no catalog even

You noticed how this place devolved into being the same thing as Tumblr filled with snowflakes and their untouchable ideas. Congratulations. It's time to leave and be content with fullch*n or smaller boards.

>nigger cant even read
They try to shut you up. They dont tell you to shut up

You'll get pounced on by multiple people at the same time calling you npc cuck soiboy numale. They do whatever they can to get you to stop saying negative things about their precious thing. If they could ban you they would.

>giving examples of how reddit works
How do you know? This is the thing that always cracks me up about Jow Forumstards zoomers. Whenever you mention how this site has become a Jow Forumstard cesspool they counter with how reddit and twitter are sjw. The only reason you'd even know let alone care is if you came from there.

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Fullch*n is a honeypot

I have been looking around a lot and to be honest with you i dont think there is an alternative. As much as i used to hate it, it seems like discord and similar things like IRC or Amino may be a place to migrate to, but thats not even close to Jow Forums and i dislike identities.

Maybe its time to get off the internet altogether.

>tfw I'm a 2011 newfag myself, yet I still miss the short while I was on Jow Forums before everyone else got obsessed with politics

no catalog showing cause not enough threads retard, and discord is just an easy way to contact me for bug reports or w/e other issues may show up

>discord was my only option
Fag no.

There was a good 5 years between when you came here and when it became a reddit politics shithole. I wouldnt say thats a short time. You got lucky.

Idgaf about that guy and his site but the other option is IRC and no one knows how to use that these days

>implying i sit in an IRC all day
nah im good mate, unless you wan't to email or post on /meta/
I would stick with IRC if i could get chat logs without having to sit in a particular room active to get said logs

yes its funny, same can be said about t_d immigrants to pol. agressive people with an alien culture who refuse to assimilate, they lust over white blonde women and have ultra traditionalist views

I feel like the time around 2014 or 2015 was when Jow Forums started revolving around political stuff.

tv drastically changed after the elections when pol integrated it into the "based redpilled boards" group

To be honest, I mainly use /v/, so I don't know how /tv/ is.

Having a centralized discord is pointless. It's not even owned by you. Your privacy is theirs and they can delet your shit if they feel like it.

It's beyond retarded to link it to a small community also because it defeats the purpose of having the image board in the first place. You insult iRC, you may as well say chan sites are obsolete while your ignorant ass is at it.

An email would suffice and technically be deep web. He's a retard and so are you for not simply realizing that an email for error reports would be appropriate and easy and safer.

It's only used due to popularity.

see above to see clarification of as to why you are remedial and a sheep

it all started with mlp

>Every corner of this site has been turned into Jow Forums + the topic of the board, rather than just the fucking topic its ment to be or even just the topic + a little bit of /pol
No it hasn't. There's always radicals. More radicals is a result of more people coming here
>Now dont get me wrong, this site has always been edgy and thus racism also was common here, but it always just one of the many things people joked about.
Opinion discarded

noted user, was planning on writing up a FAQ page anyway, so will add the email to it and replace the discord link with the FAQ page once it is ready to be used.

this is a really interesting topic that I wish more people would like to talk about.

Personally I feel like the unfortunate truth of the matter is that we're never going to get that kind of pre-election community back. Normies have infested every nook and cranny of the internet, every last bastion of discussion and community. we're never going to get that back because the internet, especially memes and places where memes are found like Jow Forums, are no longer secret or exclusive.

Jow Forums right now is obviously a shell of its former self. In the future I imagine things will continue to head the way they're heading now, with the internet being filled with more and more normies. The older generations right now for the most part stay away from these communities, but in a few decades when 50-60year olds will have grown up using the internet, every generation will be on the internet and there will only be a handful of places where non-normies can meet, just like in real life.

seems unlikely we'll be able to kill half this site's users unfortunately. The only escape is suicide I'm afraid.

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just delete pol and the vermin will disperse elsewhere.

This unironically would solve it. I'll tell you right away that when this happens, all these "Jow Forums oldfags" who "love the site so much and are regular uses outside of pol" would start DDoS'ing and raiding the site trying to burn it the ground because their only reason for being here would be gone.

It wont ever happen though for the reasons stated here

by elsewhere i assume you mean other boards, primarily Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /news/ and I guess /b/.
When reiko was up and about I thought it was a unionized group effort to scare off Jow Forumstards. I think it helped a little but it's important to never forget the robots to fell for the ruse and killed themselves along the way.

maybe 420chan might be something you like, if you like drugs

No one killed themselves. That whole thing was a hoax made up by reiko and his pals. Nothing actually happened. It was all made up, all the screencaps were reikos friends roleplaying. He is an attentionwhore and did it solely for attention.

you telling me i almost killed myself over nothing?

Man, reiko's group must have been good with adobe after effects to fake shuaiby's suicide.

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>you telling me i almost killed myself over nothing?
What do you mean?

that had nothing to do with reiko. you don't realize most shit you hear about people from here is completely made up.

>What do you mean?
we are already clean

He had nothing to do with reiko lol. He was depressed because of his home situation and he didnt want to live the wageslave life. He killed himself way before all that reiko crap started. Reiko and his niggers just claimed his death to further gain notoriety and attention.

Oh so its that way. Fuck off reiko, you got your one month internet fame, nobody cares about you anymore.

can I get a citation for this? He killed himself in March of 2018 which iirc was right around when reiko was active.

Reiko was active in like may. Months after Shuaiby died. There are screencaps of Shuaiby talking to his friends on discord about how he is sad and depressed. The reason he gave for killing himself is that he didnt want to be a wageslave but its obvious that he had a very depressing home situation, he was an immigrant raised by a single mom, god knows the shit he had to go through.

there is absolutely zero (0) proof that there were ties between him and reiko or related people. everyone here is just gullible.

The only way we can go back is if Donald loses his 2nd term and Jow Forums doesn't sperg out at the election results. Think about it.